New Year's Resolutions 2018

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NooseAnchor, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. NooseAnchor

    NooseAnchor Fapstronaut

    I'm surprised no one has created this thread yet. 2017 is almost dead and buried. Only 8 more days to go. So I hope you're all full of new year's resolutions! You can make them public here!! As the creator of this thread I'll start by listing mine:

    - practice TM twice a day
    - work out
    - lose weight
    - stay sober
    - no pmo (duh.)
  2. Anchorage

    Anchorage Fapstronaut

    Here are my five.

    - No relapse in the smoking department.
    - Working out three times a week.
    - lose weight
    - Stop drinking
    - no pmo
    NooseAnchor likes this.
  3. Sardonic

    Sardonic Fapstronaut

    Mine are, in order of importance I guess:
    . Make my job full-time
    . Lose weight
    . Diet
    . Make 90 days no PMO
    . Write more
    NooseAnchor likes this.
  4. Deadpool.420

    Deadpool.420 Fapstronaut

    - study harder
    - ask out after holidays
    - regular workout
    - diet
    - learn mandarin
    - watch seasons
    NooseAnchor likes this.
  5. one created the thread yet because it is still 2017 lol

    Let's be real, new year resolutions never last more than a week, because basing life changing decisions off a superficial thing such as a change in the date is not sufficient motivation.

    But good luck.
  6. NooseAnchor

    NooseAnchor Fapstronaut

    Erm...New Years resolutions are meant to be made PRIOR to New Year's Eve, not on New Years Day when the new year has already begun. They need planning. And im sorry to hear you feel that way about them, saying they only ever last a week. I've quit smoking altogether as part of a New Years resolution way back in 2009, I always start working out more when a new year comes and I have managed to stay sober for at least half a year multiple times After New Year's Eve as well as NoFap. To me there is something VERY powerful in the onset of a new year when it comes to self assessment, introspection, improvement, breaking old habits and transformation. Even though time is a superficial construct and an illusion, our minds are still hard wired to experience and see this world like that; and that's why this kind of structure helps tremendously when you try to make a massive change. It's far easier to have a new start when a new year comes around, than changing things in the middle of the year when you've already been pushed around and let yourself go and have given up. So I would like to ask you not to be a dick and stop disheartening everyone in this thread by spreading your pessimistic views. Thank you. Just because those resolutions don't work for you don't mean they don't work for anybody else.