should i tell anyone about this addiction?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by sasuke91, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. sasuke91

    sasuke91 Fapstronaut

    I'm just from relapsing. I've tried everything to abstain but I always fail.At this point I'm thinking of confessing my self to someone who can understand me without any parents would be so disappointed,my sisters wouldn't understand.The only option left is friends.

    I know a good number of people but I can't really call all of them my friends.I actually have like 3 friends with whom I'm in touch and trust. Two of them are out of town so I'm left with just one close friend.the problem is he would not be able to understand, he sees me as someone who is really strong and I don't want him to know what I live in reality.I was thinking about a child Hood friend(a girl.let's call her edd).I tried dating edd 2years ago, but things went wrong.I ran after her like for a year, tried everything i could but she just rejected me.I don't hold her responsible for this I think I'm a looser who didn't deserve her. this rejection caused us many problems and affected our relation.

    Back then I was already suffering from depression and pmo.i told her about my addiction but she said is a normal thing teens do so I wasn't having to be that harsh with myself.after that I never mentioned it again with her.since then my addiction grew bigger along side my depression.soon I started having suicidal thoughts, but 4 months ago on a lonely night where I pmo'd,I felt so disgusting and unworthy towards I went to the kitchen,held a knife and pushed it close to my heart , then held it against my Wrist and thought of cutting my veins to put an end to all the pain I felt.I don't know what happened but I thought of how my mom would feel if she lost her unique son and I gave up doing that.the next morning I told edd about my depression and that I was close to ending my life but she didn't take it serious and all she said was;"well done for a suicide".

    I'm just asking myself should I tell her about the struggles I'm going through or should I finally talk to my only close friend? Or I could just continue this battle against myself alone!! Please help me...

    Ps:sorry for wrong spellings and grammar errors English ain't my first language
    hexotl and pezzer like this.
  2. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! I don't think it's a good idea to keep talking about your problems with her, she clearly doesn't understand how hard this is for us. I told my mother and it was so damned hard, she was so disappointed of me, but she eventually understood. I thought the same you did about confessing in order to stop, but when I told a friend, although she was of the same religion she thought that very same: that it was normal. For what you say, it's clear that you accepted that it was normal, that's why you binged. See, I don't know if fapping is normal or not, and sincerely I don't care, I want it out of my life because all the damage it has done, and obviously it has done you a lot of damage too. I wouldn't tell it to anybody my age, it's disappointing to see so many people that faps. I feel even lonelier in my fight! Mom doesn't fap, she is in hard mode since divorce but she was disappointed and sometimes I regret telling her. Try having an AP, if you live in the same city you could meet in person. You're not fighting this alone, be sure of that :)
    pezzer likes this.
  3. NooseAnchor

    NooseAnchor Fapstronaut

    I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, but what exactly are you hoping to change about your addiction by telling her? It won't change anything. You don't need anyone's understanding or compassion. You're in this alone pretty much. It's hard to accept, I know, and I really hope this information doesn't affect you in all the wrong ways, but sadly it's true. No one can stop this addiction for you. Even if your parents and all of your friends and everyone in your city of residence would be in on your problem and offer you the utmost understanding and support, you'd still have to end this addiction by yourself. I wish you all the best and apologize for this dark and dire revelation.
    MasterGamer likes this.
  4. sasuke91

    sasuke91 Fapstronaut

    I'm not trying to have her pity or compassion but I need an exterior help even if the fight is interior. Someone to who I could give weekly reports and talk to when I feel like when I complete each week I can reward myself by inviting her to a restaurant.she knows me well, I trust and appreciate her as a human.I think sharing this with someone can make it easier
  5. NooseAnchor

    NooseAnchor Fapstronaut

    Try and find an accountability partner on these forums and see if it helps before actually telling a "real person"
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. sasuke91

    sasuke91 Fapstronaut

    I'll do it
    NooseAnchor likes this.
  7. hexotl

    hexotl Fapstronaut

    Wow, there is quite a bit of negativity in this thread. Yes, it does change a thing if you talk about it with others. A mountain of shame that is on your shoulders collapses. Fighting this addiction on your own does not work. I've tried for like seven years. Now I joined this forum, got an accountability partner and directly went to 24 days and counting. Talking helps!

    I agree with others that you should look for an accountability partner on this board. It has the benefit, that they know what porn addiction is (you don't have to convince them), they know what you are going through, and (for me) it does not feel like I am putting a burden on them.

    I told quite a bit of in real life persons and they have been nothing but supportive and it was a huge relief for me that I told them about my problems. But, those were people I knew where understanding and people I could trust. Given how your mother reacted I would not tell her.

    I wish you best of luck! If you want to look for an accountability partner (you should!!) look here:
