
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by circuitboard, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. circuitboard

    circuitboard Fapstronaut

    I am 26 and have grappled with porn since elementary school. There have been only a handful of times in my life where I spanned more than a month without it.

    December 2023 was a huge milestone for me in abstaining, but then this month I've crashed and burned.

    My buddy recommended I join this forum because it helped him with his own struggles. Nothing ever changes if nothing changes, so instead of just another attempt at white knuckling it, I'm joining here for some extra support.

    I want to kick porn entirely and desexualize my mind. I look forward to engaging with this community.
  2. weatherman987

    weatherman987 Fapstronaut

    You can do it man, holding yourself accountable truly makes you powerful.
  3. NWRebooter

    NWRebooter Fapstronaut

    Welcome. I'm new to this forum, too and looking for accountability partners. I highly recommend the PBSE (Porn, Betrayal, Sex and the Experts) Podcast - particularly if you have a spouse or significant other.
  4. circuitboard

    circuitboard Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the rec. I'll give it a search.
  5. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    You can kick porn entirely. I have been able to do it with help from others. And I was a porn addict for 25 years.