New journal

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Warren of fleabags, May 2, 2023.

  1. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Before I jump to conclusions, I have a question.
    How would you say you two are getting along in the area of sexual intimacy?
  2. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    I think this is really tricky - I can't even work out my feelings on how I want my husband to look at me. There's a part of me (a vain part I suppose, but I think we all have it), that wants him to look at me that way and be consumed. But because of the pmo (and probably also because we've been together since we were 18), there is a part of me that feels like if he oogles me at all, then I'm no good and any one of them can just replace me. It's a catch 22, wanting to be wanted but also wanting to have absolutely nothing in common with the thing that replaced you.
    Warren of fleabags and Warfman like this.
  3. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Things are great in that regard - but I am trying to make sure I don’t overstep the mark and it has to be when we are both feeling that way.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  4. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your response to this. I think it stems from the way I have been conditioned by P as well as other areas of popular culture to “oggle” and it’s not great, but then I can’t help denying that my wife is outstandingly attractive and our moments of intimacy are wonderful. As you say, catch 22.
    Warfman likes this.
  5. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Oggle like how one “oggles” Brigitte Bardot or Sophia Loren? If that’s the case then your wife should enjoy it and you’re a lucky guy indeed!
  6. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    I'm glad things are going well in that direction. And it makes sense that the wife has concerns about her man not appreciating her emotional spirit. It reminds me of romance stories. Particularly the books, when reading them, I can often note that there is usually a demonstration by the man towards the woman that he loves her more than he loves sex. As a man, I'm guilty of falling into the mindset of sex being the only ultimate goal. Yet the women in my life see it differently. Sex is good and important, but it's only part of something even better. The relationship, the love. Sex that is not used to build up or strengthen the love and relationship, is not really sex to them. It's just a mindless physical act of perversion.
    As a man, I learn to condition myself to come out of my comfort zone. To exit my physical world to embrace her emotional one. When she knows that I acknowledge her emotional spirit, my wife feels safer to allow me to get lost in her physical beauty.
    used19 and Warren of fleabags like this.
  7. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 343 - a good weekend and the nice part of waking up today was knowing that we still have another week of our break before returning to work. Still have a few jobs that I need to do before next week to be prepared for it, though. Enjoying the quality time with wife and daughter - we even went to the beach the other day! Got some nice days planned for this week. Feeling good right now.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My gorgeous wife
    Nice days out

    Things I hope for today:
    Jobs done
    Continuing optimism
  8. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    This is something that I want to be able to do all the time and I still need to work on this.
  9. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 344 - not a lot to report on yesterday. A couple of small jobs done, and did some work in the garden which has needed to be done for a while. Every year I promise my wife we will get our garden finally sorted and every year I fall flat on this. I am determined to make this the year I come through on our plans. Looking forward to a nice day out today with wife and her family - and still excited about plans for her birthday which, to the best of my understanding, she still remains clueless about. Just hoping the plans all work out.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My beautiful wife
    My lovely daughter
    Garden jobs done

    Things I hope for today:
    Good journeys
    Good weather
  10. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 345 - another nice day out with family. Slight tensions on both sides due to parents in separate issues that are playing on our nerves. Have said to my wife that I support her decisions and will do whatever she needs me to do in her situation. Another nice day out planned for today and then we tackle the garden again - this is an area of our house that has never been fully completed. Determined to make something of it this year.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My beautiful wife
    Nice days out

    Things I hope for today:
    Less stress
  11. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Sorry for this, I know how it feels.. we have issues we also have to deal with with both of our parents.
    Warren of fleabags likes this.
  12. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Appreciate the sentiment - one side is trying to be helpful but ends up being quite controlling, the other side is being forced by other hands.
    Warfman likes this.
  13. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 346 - a lovely day yesterday. Spent the morning in a field full of the most beautiful flowers with my wife and daughter, such a great experience. We then came home and made good progress with the garden. Our plan is to carry on today and try to see as much of it through as possible.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My wonderful wife
    Jobs done

    Things I hope for today:
    Jobs done
    Smiles and laughter
    Warfman likes this.
  14. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 347 - loads done in the garden yesterday and annoyingly we couldn’t finish it due to us underestimating the amount of gravel we needed in our new area. Plan for today is to finish this off as quickly as possible and then the main task is done. We can then revisit the garden with smaller jobs over the next few weeks. Proud of us and our achievements - gardening is not something that I find easy to do and I know that my wife isn’t fond of it either. But we have made the best of what we can and I love how we have worked together as a team. Looking forward to these last few days of the break before returning to work on Monday - still a couple of jobs I need to do before then, so have to try and make time for them somehow.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My amazing wife
    Jobs done

    Things I hope for today:
    Jobs completed
    Time to relax
  15. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 350 - first of all, I am very humble to have hit the 350 days mark. I am wondering whether I keep the count going on these posts after I have hit one year. Need to think about that.

    Had a great weekend - spent a lovely day with my wife treating her for her birthday which is today, taking her to a museum and to see a show. Have a couple of more presents to give to her today but overall pleased that I could do something for her like that. I am also proud that my financial anxiety did not flare up at all, though I do need to be careful as I approach the last ten days before pay day. I was pleasantly surprised when working out my budget for next month how much I would actually have to play with. I wish I could have this positive experience all the time.

    Back to work today and while I didn’t manage to complete all the tasks I needed to do over the break, I have done some important ones. The rest will happen, that I know. Just need to make sure I give time to myself as well.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My gorgeous wife
    Successful day out
    Some jobs completed

    Things I hope for today:
    Jobs done
    Good first day back
    ANewFocus likes this.
  16. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your posts and we need people here that are successful to show us hope.
    Warren of fleabags likes this.
  17. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Thank you, that means a lot. I appreciate your posts as well, thank you for your support.
  18. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 351 - yesterday was a good day overall. My wife liked her presents even though they aren’t physical objects (theatre trips in summer, break for the two of us in the autumn) and we had a nice take out.

    First day back at work was challenging but overall not too bad. Am slowly getting through the list of things that need to happen in order for work to progress in the right direction. We have an away day next week that has somehow crept up on us so have been preparing for that too.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My amazing wife
    Positive results
    Good sleep

    Things I hope for today:
    Calmer focus
    Time to reflect
  19. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 352 - not a bad day yesterday - again, managed to get what I needed to done. My wife thinks she has an infection which is worrying so need to make sure I am being supportive and not in a creepy, overbearing way either which I often do.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My wonderful wife
    Jobs done
    Middle of the week

    Things I hope for today:
    Plans made
    Time to reflect
  20. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Day 353 - a rather challenging day at work. Our away day is proving to be slightly problematic in that my team leader is showing very little enthusiasm. Our manager who will be attending as well has picked up on this and although I have been assured it is not a reflection on me it still makes me anxious. Another member of the team had other issues that needed to be addressed as well - ultimately they need more support than I can give them at the moment. Still, jobs were done yesterday which is a plus. And now we are already on Thursday and looking towards the end of the week.

    Things I am grateful for:
    My gorgeous wife
    Tasks completed
    Chances to reflect

    Things I hope for today:
    Plans made
    ANewFocus and Itsuki like this.