35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. XnevertoolateX

    XnevertoolateX Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, the pep-talk part, too. Sounds like you've been fortunate to have some really cool experiences.
    Mind if i ask what you do?

    I'm mid-career and happy to take a step back for stability, but I'm not even getting noticed for those jobs. I think it's probably time to take a big step back and restart my career elsewhere. The AI tsunami will make me obsolete anyway -- should probably learn to get my hands dirty.

    Sounds like you weld and maybe other hands-on or trade stuff.
    Any advice on a route to pick?
    artifact likes this.
  2. XnevertoolateX

    XnevertoolateX Fapstronaut

    Great point re: mindset.
    In my case the blockers do help a lot, because my relapses usually start from stumbling upon one small clip or suggestive picture that leads down the rabbit hole. Reddit NSFW is a great example. Lots of NSFW subs that are pretty benign ...but its that one random post
    Sam78 and artifact like this.
  3. AgileMyk

    AgileMyk Fapstronaut

    Currently I'm a comp sci student. I'm actually going to lean into the AI boom myself. Long term plan is ai/robotics. That's really only the outside though... I plan to move and use the job as a way to support myself as a self-supporting missionary (I'm thinking Japan and then maybe Bangladesh. I'm about to start a new job working for Great Wolf Lodge. Lot's of different jobs available at a place like that. Currently going through the app process of working for a company where you test AI language models (you'd work with something like chatGPT - work with/test responses and then make chenges/send reports about them to the company). I've done ride share, retail merchandising, retail in general, personal training (was a business owner doing that for a bit), house flipping, logistics/warehouse, carpentry, welding. There are some non-skill decently paying jobs (20s+ starting) out there; trash collecting, school bus driver, working at a local library, some warehouse jobs(but be sure to get a clear description of the hours and try push for something part time - a lot of logistics positions require your life and you don't know when shifts will end.) You could also always try starting a passion/interest based youtube at a very very part time pace and see what builds with time. You could get into real estate, some companies pay for your training. There are various jobs involving solar; sales, manual labor, etc. Maybe looking into a local placement agency or working for one in their admin (which you could also do in a medical setting). It wouldn't hurt to see how, wherever it is you look, is going to be integrated into AI in the future to help you pick the better options. One of more the recent concept I ran into as a researching comp-sci major was the 'dark factory' - they are developing entire factories that are dark because they don't need to turn on the lights - literally every aspect is AI; the labor, accounting, logistics, all of it. At the same time, don't be scared by AI, just be wise. Half of the hype we see is companies trying to generate investing and increase shares. All AI is not magically error proof or sustainable when scaled, etc.
    Sam78 likes this.
  4. AgileMyk

    AgileMyk Fapstronaut

    Also be honest with yourself about things you could never do. Like the customer is always right mentality... yeah they aren't... and often times they are disgustingly privileged and incredibly ignorant to employees. Places like starbucks, customer service, etc. I could never do. I'd get fired or make myself sick hiding the largest parts of my personality/moral principles.

    My sister works at bank of America. Their benefits are bonkers. At her ENTRY LEVEL position working phone lines, she had opportunities to get surge-pay, 60 dollars an hour, by volunteering to fill in virtually for other areas/states that were swamped with work.
    artifact likes this.
  5. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

  6. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Checking in - look out for each other, everyone.
    artifact likes this.
  7. Checking in for a good day ahead
    artifact likes this.
  8. Le Petit Prince

    Le Petit Prince Fapstronaut

    Checking in. I'm on the back of a couple of stressful days, and have a packed work schedule today as well. Hoping that I'm able to finalize most of the tasks today.

    All the best to all of you.
    artifact likes this.
  9. Le Petit Prince

    Le Petit Prince Fapstronaut

    I love your abundance mindset, mate! It's a nice reminder to most of us, regardless of life situation.
  10. AgileMyk

    AgileMyk Fapstronaut

    Checking in. I saw some images for a few sec as I was blocking certain sources of temptation. Interestingly, I did not go into an intense dopa-tingle like the last time. I felt more anger than anything. It's crazy how pervasive this stuff is. Nearing week 2, my anxiety has reduced quite a bit, but sleep is still not want I want it to be. The lack of energy and fluctuating motivation is frustrating.

    This is the first time since my last relapse that I am really experience intense urges. I went into my blocker and blocked the only search engine that I use (it is by far the safest compared to all the rest, but if I work really hard I can potentially find loopholes - I was closing those loop holes earlier today and it was through that process that I was exposed to images for seconds at a time). I decided to temporarily block my last and only available search engine for 4 days. For the next 4 days I will have no access to any search engine and will have to type in directly to websites that serve an actual purpose. Hopefully these intense urges will pass by then.
    artifact likes this.
  11. XnevertoolateX

    XnevertoolateX Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Blah.
    artifact likes this.
  12. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut

  13. The thing that I've been struggling with the most lately is too much fantasy. They don't last long but sometimes I entertain them for too long rather than moving on right away. My ultimate goal is to be at peace, not just sober and abstinent from PM. I think this means the the brain needs to be less and less involved with fantasy and more and more involved with real life. Getting it out of the brain seems to be the true way to recovery. When that happens, it's no longer a fight.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Sam78, born3 and artifact like this.
  14. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Día 1 por fin.
    Sam78 and artifact like this.
  15. AgileMyk

    AgileMyk Fapstronaut

    Feel free to reach out to me if you want. [email protected]. Let me know it's you, from there we can exchange numbers or whatever. Seriously, I know the struggle and the struggle is real. Happy to help how I can
    Keli and born3 like this.
  16. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @Sam78 - You have been added to the member ranking. Welcome to the group!
    Keli, Sam78 and born3 like this.
  17. Warren of fleabags

    Warren of fleabags Fapstronaut

    Checking in - happy Friday everyone
    born3 likes this.
  18. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Yes this is the way forward. It changes everything.

    Like you said we have to move on straight away, the faster the better.
  19. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Its been a good week though I have been dealing with background urges, but nothing that is going to knock me off course. I am in this 50-60 day area that I have now reset three times in and only got past once previously. I know that I can push on through this one day at a time.
    Sam78 likes this.
  20. AgileMyk

    AgileMyk Fapstronaut

    HOLY CRAP the urges are ridiculous today. I'm going on a blocking spree and blocking every possible word-combination/search phrase I can regarding downloads/site comparison/torrent/vpn/browser, etc. to ensure know potential future doorways. As I think about that, I can help but experience frustration as I realize how much time/energy/struggle I'm having to invest to overcome this. If I can expect this level of intensity regarding urges for a while I'm really going to be battening down the hatches. This is nuts! By far the strongest urges I've ever had. It's so crazy I can feel this weird sensation of my brain trying to release trickles of dopa to persuade me. EEEEE the struggle is real. Have to remind myself what it's all for.

    On a more positive note, while I stayed up way later than I wanted do (the ongoing insomnia), I did get in a solid uninterrupted 5ish hours of sleep. Sadly, that's basically my record for the past month or so -_-
    Keli, Sam78 and born3 like this.