Deaths among pornstars - 4 deaths in last 2 months

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jay3241, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Zman99

    Zman99 Fapstronaut

    Yea one of the business giants the elite will not want to loose.
  2. LongSault

    LongSault Fapstronaut

    This may seem counter-productive, but I'm forced to agree.

    The industry has taken a severe nose-dive in terms of it's overall quality. The actresses are less attractive (covered in tattoos, awful surgery, etc) and the production quality, though more polished in terms of it's overall HD, pales in comparison in terms of creativity. That's not to defend the old stuff, but it certainly serves as motivation to quit. I was shocked to see what older stars morphed into, becoming addicted to surgery and looking grotesque with age, while others also committed suicide as a result of the pressures of the industry.

    I remember there was a documentary years ago, which featured several actresses who quit the industry due to being infected with HIV. Apparently they all did scenes with the same actor, who himself was infected, and all of them were forced out of the industry with little compensation. In more recent years, I've even heard of once famous actresses struggling with addiction and homelessness. This industry chews you up and spits you out with as much regard for you as one has for a soiled napkin.
  3. Very Well Said.
  4. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Oh, I do. Terror and misery are different than deaths, though! And in any case, it is nice to have mainstream media showing a little of the darkness of porn, to be able to show to people who are oblivious to it. I'm not sure if they want to cover it, though. [​IMG]
  5. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    Yes that's right. Mental disorders to be blaned
  6. Ihearyou

    Ihearyou New Fapstronaut

    I feel sorry for these women...
  7. supjerkoff

    supjerkoff Fapstronaut

    are we supposed to feel sorry or something?
    the life they choose
    MUSTAFA2022 likes this.
  8. Zman99

    Zman99 Fapstronaut

    A lot of sex workers are traumatised like us. They could have been abused as kids and struggled to function in a more normal way.
  9. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    This is an ignorant, and honestly stupid thing to post. You don't know a single thing about these people, and you, an addict, are judging them for trying to make money to make a life for themselves.

    And just so you know, addiction is a choice too. So why are you here if simply not choosing to do something is so easy??

    Don't be stupid.
  10. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut


    Shelley Lubben, former porn star, speaks out against the porn idustry.

    As of 2014, over 125 porn stars had died from AIDS since 1988.

    119 porn stars died prematurely between 2007 and 2013:
    - 7 died from AIDS
    - 24 died from drugs
    - 19 died from suicide
    - 17 were murdered
    - 6 were “accidental” (probably from alcohol or drugs)
    - 39 died prematurely from medical conditions
    - 7 died from unknown causes

    - Porn has killed more people from AIDS, drugs, suicide than any other industry
    - Young girls are lured in, coerced, and forced to do sex acts that never agreed to
    - Young girls are promised they will be kept safe from STD’s
    - Young girls are given alcohol and drugs to get through hardcore scenes where they are choked, hit, slapped, and called names
    - Young girls are sent to non-licensed doctors for medical care
    - If young girls try to leave, they are threatened with murder, abuse, or that the footage will be sent to their family

    According to the LA County Dept of Public Health, porn stars:
    - Are 10 times from likely to be infected with an STD than members of the population at large
    - 2013 cases of Chlamydia and 965 cases of Gonorrhea among porn stars between 2003 and 2007
    - April 2004 to March 2008 there have been 2847 STD infections diagnosed among 1884 porn stars
    - Suffer multiple infections, with some performers having 4 or more infections in a year’s time
    - Chlamydia & Gonorrhea among porn stars in 10x greater than that of LA County 20 – 24 year olds
  11. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    This is a ton of disturbing Info. Thanks for sharing
    Joe1023 likes this.
  12. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    My pleasure!
  13. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Shelley Lubbon isn't the most reliable source. Her family claimed she was lying about her upbringing and there are numerous allegations of her committing fraud (after leaving the industry). Not saying those facts aren't true, but I would use another source.
    Meshuga and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  14. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Creating the Dead Porn Stars Memorial, I never thought that her life would end in a similar tragic way. Years after turning her life around, she fell back into drugs, left her husband to be with a younger guy, and was found dead in her trailer home in 2019.

    Sad. Because she did start something good, but she didn't finish well. RIP Shelley Lubben.
  15. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    She may or may not have had a checkered past, but I absolutely believe everything she said in this video. There's WAY too much evidence supporting her and way too much against the porn industry to not believe her. Plus, if any of these stats weren't true, I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of pornography supporters and investors that would be immediately ready to refute any false stats.

    So unless you can prove she was lying, I'm going with her video as truth.
  16. the family accused of child abuse denies it? shocking!
    the very outspoken advocate for women trapped in the porn multi-billion dollar industry is slandered online with allegations? shocking!

    Id provide facts / evidence and not just repeat the defenses of the P industry and child abusers.
  17. Not much for the religious tone of the speech (I prefer Fight The New but her message is clear and helpful. Thanks for these stats, absolutely horrifying. I wish the FBI would break down the doors of all these fuckers and arrest every last one of them on sex trafficking charges. Theyve killed these women, and they try to kill us too.

    17 murdered. what industry has more murder, holyheck thats insane.
    Joe1023 likes this.
  18. Mr. Unhappy

    Mr. Unhappy Fapstronaut

    I really just despise it. When you see a young attractive woman that’s not even reaching 20 yet and doing videos for the sake of money.. It’s sad.. Most girls I have seen I just think they deserve a loving guy that would take care of them.

    But at the same time it’s what they want something they are addicted to it’s like they are completely hypnotized on camera. They act all innocent and delightful but they aren’t. Neither are the ruthless guys who do it just for the pleasure aspect.
  19. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Well if you compare her to Harmony Dust there's a big difference. Harmony used to work in the sex industry and after leaving it she started an organisation to help women leave the industry. There is no accusation of her lying about her past or committing fraud.

    I'm not saying her figures aren't true but there are more credible sources than someone who was accused of lying and committing fraud. Plus the video is rather old. This article from the NZ Herald is a far more credible and up-to-date source.

    I actually financially supported Shelley Lubbon's organisation (The Pink Cross) which I regret. I also gave money to Harmony Dust's organisation (Treasures) which I don't regret. I think integrity matters.
    Meshuga likes this.
  20. supjerkoff

    supjerkoff Fapstronaut

    simping over people who cause your addiction.

    you're an idiot for wasting anymore time on it
    MUSTAFA2022 likes this.