Ruining my relationship

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by riotman47, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. riotman47

    riotman47 New Fapstronaut

    I've had a strong porn addiction for years now, its affected past relationships and ruined my view on women. I have the absolute best drop dead girlfriend anyone could ask for. She is the ideal woman for any man to be with. And I've been honest with her about my addiction, but not fully. And throughout my relationship with her and especially the last few days I've told myself she's not the one, and I find myself believing I'm not attracted to her and doubting whether I've ever actually had been. Another thing I tell myself is that maybe her and I aren't compatible. We've had long talks, and I've put her through such undeserving stress and anxiety that we're going to break up and I don't know what I want out of her and life anymore. The one constant in my life, is my porn addiction.

    I just want to know that by starting my journey will I ever regain my feelings for her, can I salvage this relationship, is it just my mind tricking me into thinking I don't love her or I'm not attracted to her. Or is it my true feelings, and I'm putting porn centerfold to avoid the harder answer. I'm 22 years old, please help me.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  2. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    I had a relapse a couple of years ago and I ended the relationship soon after. I told her I wasn't attracted to her. Looking back that was cruel and it was definitely the addiction speaking. Don't end things just because she's not the p star your attracted to in the videos.
    Try to do the reboot and I think you'll find your attraction for her only grows.
    P is the problem here. You just got to fight my friend. Do whatever it takes. If I could get back all the years and relationships I've trashed because of this, I'm pretty sure I would have been married by now but here I am. struggling again.
    Keep fighting you'll figure it out.
  3. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Hard disagree. No woman wants to be the person you're attracted to just because you're not saturating yourself in stuff you'd prefer instead. How would you personally feel if the only way your girl could get attracted to you was to avoid people she thought were better? You'd probably feel like you got the short end of the stick. Just tell her the truth-- you compare her to people you like better and it makes you not enjoy her. Tell her you might enjoy her if you stop looking at people you prefer over her. Then let her make the decision. But she deserves to know where she stands so that she can make a decision based in reality about whether SHE wants to continue. To do anything else is to manipulate her reality to control her.

    You are concerned whether she is the one for you and you can enjoy being with her. Nah. You need to also let her decide, knowing the total truth, whether you are the one for her.
  4. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    I think you replied to the wrong person.
    Syphax and Sychar like this.
  5. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    No, just double checked. You're the one who said not to end things just because he's not attracted to her like he is to the porn stars. From a partner, I'm saying, no, that's a very good reason to end things, or at least be honest about it so his girlfriend has the option to end things for this reason.

    I would never want to stay in a relationship where my partner settled for me and preferred ogling other people. I think most humans wouldn't want to stay in light of that dynamic.
  6. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    I meant the attraction to p stars will go away over time.
  7. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Doesn't matter. He already cheated on her with them and decided she wasn't attractive when he was actively in addiction comparing. She deserves to know the truth about those feelings and decide for herself if she wants to try and work that out or if that's a dealbreaker for her.
  8. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Fair enough point.
  9. JimmyConway

    JimmyConway Fapstronaut

    Im struggling with the same issues my friend. I have noticed that when I go without PMO for a week and actually spend time with her, she is the most amazing girl I have ever met and so loving and kind. Porn is like cheating in a way no matter how you want to spin it. Is she obligated to stay with you? No. Are all relationships a risk? Yes. Does porn have a vastly negative impact on your relationship? Yes yes. The decision is between you and her my friend. Remember, relationships function off of honesty, unity, compromise, and working through trauma and trials. If you are honest and she is willing to stay, then consider yourself lucky and stop at no cost to quit your PMO. If you aren’t honest with her, then you’re destroying yourself and wasting her time. It may not be the answer you wanted but sometimes the truth hurts brother. My girlfriend was totally aware of my issues when we first got together because I was open with her about it. She knows my struggle and she knows I am actively fighting against it and consciously and purposefully choosing her everyday no matter what I think or feel because I know she loves me and is good for my wellbeing. Again, she isn’t obligated to stay with me, in fact, with the level of honesty and disgusting things I’ve done, I deserve to be left in the dust. But it’s always one day at the time.
    WhiskeyNeat and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  10. JimmyConway

    JimmyConway Fapstronaut

    On one hand, this is solid truth. On the other hand, we are taking about addictions here. If addicts are honest, which is the hardest things for addicts to be, they can work and improve. If someone chooses to stay with an addict, knowing that they are going to go through trials, that is on them. They are by no means obligated. To be with an addict runs the risk of turning codependent. To be with an addict runs the risk of being treated poorly and unfairly. But many people stay with addicts and help them, with healthy boundaries, to become better people. Sometimes healthy boundaries means being honest about feelings and sometimes it can present as stepping away from the situation. But as for all relationships, it is all about 2 people coming to agreements or disagreements. Too many disagreements ends the relationship. Too much agreement can lead to codependency. Compromise is key. But you’re right: by no means is anyone obligated to stay with an addict.
  11. WhiskeyNeat

    WhiskeyNeat Fapstronaut

    I have to chime in. I definitely agree more so with @HenryforwardV2. And that’s because, beauty is constantly changing and evolving. Perhaps a person is attracted to an age group, after all, the majority of 18-25 year old women are truly beautiful, but that physical beauty changes. It fades. It evolves. All of us age and change and grow over time. When we seek P or fantasy, we create the same woman in our mind, every day for a decade. Real relationships aren’t like that. People age, change, gain weight, lose weight, etc. we turn wrinkly and grey. No one stays the same. Expect in Porn. Those girls will look the same. Every day. Year after year. That simply isn’t reality.

    Abstaining from porn will bring your brain back to reality. You will see women differently. You will be able to see the beauty in the woman you are with.
  12. Krow89

    Krow89 New Fapstronaut

    Man, I'm in a 8 year long relationship, turning 9 this May, getting married next year.
    I'm almost in Day 60, of NoFap/Porn detox challenge.
    And I'm feeling terrible too, having these feelings too. Not feeling attracted to my fiance, looking at other women, having urges to fap and watch porn again. And that happens every time I do the challenge.
    I came to this conclusion.
    The withdrawal syndrome symptoms are harsh, your brain and body want to obtain those precious chemicals that get produced when you fap/watch porn. And that's all they want! Like a stoner craving more drugs.

    Stay strong brother if you truly love that woman stay strong. Try to have exciting activities, kiss or have intimate moments with her. Have meaningful and connecting experiences.

    I'm pretty confident that when our brains get detoxification process complete everything will be better.
  13. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    I hope you've disclosed this to her before you trap her in a marriage she might not want. It sucks to accidentally marry someone you don't actually know who's been lying to you the whole time. And incredibly hard to get out of, even without kids involved (still waiting on our court date to finalize a divorce, where it's my responsibility to go up and publicly read a statement about irreconcilable differences, as if I just don't like the way he picked his nose).
    HenryforwardV2 and Starling like this.
  14. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    This is spot on.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  15. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    This is so true. Really interesting idea.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  16. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    Ain't this the truth. I have fought, rallied and sulked against this, but at the end of the day, it's true. We are looking at another person in order to achieve arousal.
    HenryforwardV2 and Starling like this.
  17. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    I think you're asking whether porn could be to blame for feeling ambivalent about your girlfriend. The truth is, you won't know til you stop using porn so much. Get a good streak going and then see how you feel.

    If you just want theories, I think the question is whether the issue is a lack of attraction or a lack of deep connection. I think porn could impact attraction, but I think if you feel that something about your relationship feels incomplete or missing, the problem might be more serious. Just because someone is objectively a catch doesn't mean they're going to be the right person for you. At 22, you've the time to find someone else, so don't get too hung up on these questions. Just kick the porn and see how you feel.
  18. bokbokchicken

    bokbokchicken New Fapstronaut

    Agree with the first part here.

    The root of the problem is not the relationship - in fact, whether the relationship works out (or not) is not even the point. The problem is pornography and how that changes our view on women/sexuality. If you're focused on your goals to abstain for YOU - rather than any secondary result - things will work out the way they're supposed to.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.