Success is a life style now am in day 695/1500.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by The Conqueror 414, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys today marks day 494, and if success is something one looks for in this forum say no more, for trully alas I can trully say I have achieved it. In as much as my target is 1500 days I will still be counting. Feel free to ask your questions because am here for those who are weak and find this journey tiring together we can help each other. ,#the Conqueror 414 day 494/1500.
  2. AmosRaffaqat

    AmosRaffaqat Fapstronaut

    Bro that's a huge achievement almost 500 days it's insane!!! May god bless you more and help you in this journey.
  3. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much brother really greatful..
    AmosRaffaqat likes this.
  4. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, this is conqueror 414. Am so pleased to write to you today about me. Since a younger age I have always longed for an overwhelming success, one that supersides once understanding to this end I do challenge myself to do the impossible.
    I clock 24years September 1, 2023 and to this point in time I have not masturbate. I made up my mind and took the decision august 9th 2022 and since then I have not looked back. This group advocate for 500days, but am going for 1500days. And today am in day 582/1500.
    Am pleased to write to you in this journal because if there is a benefit to nofab I have achieved it, anything you could think of, which I will name as follows
    People loves you for you, people just want to talk to you, people want to be close to you, people see you as a real man, attraction to the opposite sex, ladies have feelings for you, some will like to hug you, you will be matured and always act matured because you will be comfortable in your own skin. Retentive memory, there is improvement in academics and the list goes on.
    However to state this am a virgin and I will remain so till I Marry. So this is a heavy price but it's worth the effort.

    Those reading this will probably be thinking, like how did I do it I will tell you if your a Christian check my profile that picture you see is someone praying, am a man of prayer, secondly am a man that genuinely love anything that has to do with success, thirdly am a man of decipline I decipline myself, I challenge myself I don't watch porn or anything erotic no matter the enticement, I accepted the notion that we can't always have what we want, but we should always be content with what we have.
    So what's porn? I can't remember the last thing I watched porn, I don't even no how masturbation felt like again, like it's being so long and guess what am just starting. Day 582 today is my starting point when people clap for me I say this is just the beginning, show me the height of success and I will tell you even if it's only one person that will reach there count me in.

    I spend my day making my plans for 2024, and pursuing my goals each new day, but if I will tell my brothers, my followers why are you still watching porn what are you watching in your life instead. Why do you choose to enrich people you don't know, and with what don't benefit you. It's time to choose improvement and decipline over pleasure, it's time to choose hardwork over nakedness there is no right time believe me the right time is now.

    I choose to be different, I choose to be great, I choose to make impact in my world, I choose to make a difference, I refuse to be less of a person, I refuse to let my emotions, my desires control me, I choose to understand I can't always act on my feelings, I choose the path of decipline, I choose the path of hardwork over pleasure and if at the end of my life I never make it in my endeavors history will bear the record I tried.

    If your reading this pick something strong that will make you never relaps #2024 the time is now #conqueror 414, never give up if I have not given up then you have no reason to #day 582/1500.
  5. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Keep up the good work!. Did paws subside?

    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  6. MagnateMilln

    MagnateMilln Fapstronaut

    Hi conqueror 414 I wanted to congratulate you on such a great achievement, I love your success and how proud of yourself you are. Your post has given me a lot of strength to keep going. One day I will also be at a stage like you.
    God love you!
    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  7. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Waw thank you so much brother, I wish you the best..
  8. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut


    Well done. God grant you patience and increase in guidance.
    I’m trying to beat my previous score of 700 days. Without fasting every day I don’t think I could have done it. As I’m currently on ssri medication it’s not possible to fast But you are doing really well. I bet removing triggers played a big part in your success? What did you do that made it easier for you?
    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  9. Seahorsesareweird

    Seahorsesareweird Fapstronaut

    Congradulations and you are an inspiration
  10. Far Sight

    Far Sight Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your journey, it is men like you who serve as proof that such long periods of abstinence are achievable. I wish you the best of determination and focus to achieve your goal.
    KaiokenX20 likes this.
  11. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    Im happy for you bro , i have to questions, first what are the benefits you noticed during this period, second what are the keys of success that helped over come PMO
  12. legendsneverdie

    legendsneverdie Fapstronaut

    fasting is not necessary. i’m 3 years in and i didn’t need to fast it’s only your mind telling you that. sure it can help sometimes but you don’t need it to succeed

    all you need is the right mindset and the proper environment
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  13. Tonight_HUNTER01

    Tonight_HUNTER01 Fapstronaut

    I just love what you wrote man !
    Congratulations for this achievement. May God bless you with success.
    I really admire you for your willingness to work hard.
    I really want to be like you !
    If you don't mind then will you help me out through this journey?
    I am really in need of a person like you to which I can admire.
    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  14. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, it's really being a long time, am pleased to write to you again today marks Day 690/1500. Those following me please try And read this carefully you will learn alot.
    Looking at the previous replies I will say am amazed, I apologize for not being able to reply all; but surely if you have any question you will want to ask me do so I will try my best to help you out.

    Basically so how did 690 days feels like, well not masturbating or watching porn is a decision that 5 percent out of hundred can make, 690 days feels like everything I think of and dream of. but it comes with a heavy price, a price that entails sacrifices of pleasure and choosing decipline and principles at all cost.

    My brothers in my quest in this journey I have seen ladies fall in love with me, they love me but love is not my aim, sex is not my aim. In this journey when you reach certain level people will naturally be drawn to you, not because your drawn to them but because your too focus about your life.. to be continued stay tuned.. #the conqueror 414.
  15. ChrisLearnsLoves

    ChrisLearnsLoves Fapstronaut

    Congrats conqueror 414 Congratulations I hope you achieve what you are aiming for.
    The Conqueror 414 likes this.
  16. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut


    Hello everyone, today marks day 695/1500. It will interest you to know of my pain and trials on this journey, it was a hard journey so far, and up till this point am still over coming obstacles coming my way, but it's not yet over.

    my mission is not just decency, my followers, because many people follow me here, I will tell you whole heatedly, the reason I lasted was that I vowed to myself whatever makes me less of a person, I will come after it. And I will do that with everything in me. So not masturbating is just one of the steps I take that makes me not to be less of a person, I I stood on that decision and it will last till the end of time.

    The journey of 1500 am embarking on, in nofab is one that is impossible but possible when you have a big heart. to me it's easy and possible just watch me do it. Am putting things in place in my life, organizing my life, when you become a man you don't have to prove it, when you work on yourself results will come out. And thus, I must and can't give up untill all is done.
    I lasted because I accepted that you can't have all you want in life. it's not a sign of weakness it's a sign of maturity. what makes you think you need porn, what makes you think fetishes and all form of sex is part of you. what makes you to think your not whole, your not complete without your desires. I knew all those things sex, porn, women, ladies, fetishes, I don't need them for pleasure to be who I need to be in life. I talk to ladies, we have a good time, they hug me, they always love me, I miss you is a statement I always hear. but my ability to abstain from all form of immorality, is what made me to last in this journey and yes am a success by Gods grace in this journey keep reading.

    There is something you need to know in this journey,women, ladies, young beautiful, charming and sexy girls. They are always going to be dressing naked even if it's not all but a couple of them, and you will see them daily. but guess what you don't really masturbate. Do you, when you go to social media be it Facebook, Instagram, TikTok e.t.c your all going to be seeing naked people, sexy everywhere but guess what you don't just jerk off. why then do you think seeing porn you must jerk off. Does it mean that nakedness in porn is different from real life, so in the course of my journey I will tell you, when you stumble on anything erotic be it physical or porn or fetishes like feet and soo on, never give in to jerk off. thus you will grow in this journey and have good results as am having.
    I will tell you again change your mindset, to me life don't revolve around pleasure, but hardwork, decipline and dedication. pleasure is not life it's just a tiny part of life, don't let it control you. stand up, get on your feet and be a man.

    In my journey, I have seen ladies fall in love, I have seen people just like me for no reason, but most importantly it's because this journey makes me to work on my life, and focus more on areas am not improving on and thus am getting better at everything am doing daily isn't that good.

    about side effects, it's has no side effects I feel better every day infact as am talking to you now, I can't remember how masturbating feels like, it's too long. if someone tells me someday I will be on this journey and be this successful, I won't believe but it's the reality. I no they are lonely days, and lonely nights but am use to them, I have seen and went through the pain of determination if my future is worth it, I won't hold back even the last drop of pain. no woman is worth the effort but self improvement and a better life and many more, is what you should consider in this journey for you to be successful.
    lastly to last always have big plans, I have 305 days left to be day 1000/1500, and yet am still working on myself, be determined like I am, am just getting started don't give in, no matter what, always work on your life and goals, be prepared to go through the pain and always remember God in your struggle. never give up. I might not be writing much in my journal in the coming days but trust me I have bigger plans. and I will be busy with them. success is always my inheritance with Gods grace. it's nice to have you here, and reading to the end can't wait to see you all in higher levels #the Conqueror 414.
  17. Hatethislifeandeveryoneinit

    Hatethislifeandeveryoneinit New Fapstronaut


    I have been watching porn and masturbating for 3 weeks continuously even though I am supposed to study for my exams that are coming tomorrow, I got a leave for 1 week and all I did was fapping, like my username I woke up this morning and suddenly I felt this hate towards everything and everyone in my life, the life now sucks, everything about it sucks, the people, the place I live, the surrounding, the environment, the circumstances,everything sucks. I am not a Christian, but I still replied to you so that what if that might change, I want to reduce this pain, it's not physical, it's mental, this pain is mostly frustration on my disappointment towards me, the expectations that I had on myself vs what I really am. I joined this site today, because what if this could be the turning point in my life. I really need a friend, even if it is online. I am not going to check what I have written above because I hate it, I hate everything, f everything. I have exams tomorrow I haven't studied anything, this is not how I envisioned myself to be, I started this sem in my college so perfectly, but when the time came to perform seriously in the end exams I cocked everything up, I fucking cocked my life, my grades, my expectations, my Ambitions, everything, that too in the last moment.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  18. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Hello, this is the conqueror 414, just as you have stated above. Your case it's very understandable your just frustrated, and I don't think this is the right way your going about this. At this point in time.

    Secondly you have exams, but because you haven't prepared well, your feeling a kind of guilt and blaming it on porn and masturbation. I will like to tell you something you should no.

    The problem is not porn, think about bthe women walking around naked, think about the young ladies wearing seductive outfit daily. Think about the kind of seductive stuffs going on in the media daily. Is that not porn anough. Come to think of it, some married men don't like their wife's dressing like mother's all the time, they want their wife's to be a little sexy, is that not right. Will you like a girlfriend that is not sexy but atleast decent and beautiful.

    Sex is not bad God created it, so all this instances I gave you shows that sex, porn is nature. So how can you feel guilty for watching and masturbation to what we see around everyday. Nakedness in porn and nakedness in real life is no difference. So porn is not bad. I no they are fetishes attacked to porn and all different kind of genres and fantasies. But you must understand that all this are connected to sex.

    We're am i driving at, your still young and your problem is your alittle addicted to porn. You have to bring yourself to that opinion that porn is not bad but you don't need it in your life. Not that you hate it, it's people acting it, they can be your friends, even prostitute in real life what they are doing, is porn different from that. Understand you don't need it in your life, the decision, that your decision will slowly materialise and with time you will be strong to do without porn perfectly like I do.
    So dont worry anymore, just focus on your exams, forget about the past and focus on the present, also try to read much of my journals this is a phase your going through it will pass. I wish you the best.
  19. bestperson433

    bestperson433 Fapstronaut

    Wow, what a journey, what a success. Very powerful and motivating for me. Lots of thanks to you brother. You are a very genuine human being. And, you truly deserve this success.
    God bless you
    Thank you
  20. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Oh that's a wonderful comment, thanks for that can't wait too, to see you at the top..