Hi, I believe I can quit porn and masturbation

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MagnateMilln, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. MagnateMilln

    MagnateMilln Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I am new here. I know that I can quit pornography and masturbation and I know that this is necessary for me to start my dream life.
    My longest period without it was about 95 days and it was a time where I really changed my life for the better. I am in the process of reading the book 'Awaken The Giant Within' by A.Robbins. In it, the author writes that when we want to change our lives for the better, it is helpful to find people who also want to change the thing in themselves that we want to change in ourselves.

    So I wanted to ask you, what are your reasons, why are you here, why do you want to quit that, how has pornography and masturbation made your life worse?

    In my case it manifested itself in much less confidence. I also had less energy to take action, and I was putting off my life goals. I also noticed that I had worse relationships with my parents and even worse relationships with girls because of it. Not to mention that feeling of 'awkwardness'. I can't imagine myself in the future as a father and as a person who will achieve my goals further by doing this awfulness.

    I believe that anyone who makes a real decision to quit it and any person who continually looks for a way to quit it, that they will succeed. I wish you all the best in your journey to a better life.
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  2. what does masturbation do to the brain of a guy?
  3. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I believe it's better to ask, what did the PMO habit ever add to your life?

    The PMO habit cost/ caused me time, money, confidence, relationships, careers, ED, prostate issues, frequent urination, anxiety, depression. I could go on.
    MagnateMilln likes this.
  4. Welcome!

    The reason why I'm here is to rewire my brain and reset my dopamine level.

    I tried NoFap once before without joining and that went to a relapse after 10 days. I decided to join NoFap while trying my second attempt and it's been good so far. I haven't watched any porn or other erotic content during 140 days and I recently completed a full month without masturbation.

    This community is really good because as much as you try to help and support others, you get as much support back. We are all in the same boat here and we all want to reach the same goal more or less.

    After 5 years of porn and masturbation I began to realize that this addiction isn't doing me any good.

    -It drains my energy
    -It makes it hard to remain focus
    -I don't feel motivated to do things I truly enjoy in life
    -I sometimes could objectifying women
    -I feel a slight depression

    So my goal is at the moment to do 90 days without masturbation, but if I don't feel that my brain hasn't reached the stage where I want it to be, I will of course continue this journey as long as it needs.
  5. haha my second week free of PO......its making me feel focused on other issues,and also meditate before going to sleep...this helps me to relax while going to sleep.Thanks.
    GeorgeJetson likes this.
  6. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    This is the absolute truth and why I contribute to this community each and everyday. Consistently being available to help others is a critical piece to my recovery.
    Hyperlord likes this.