No urges

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mozza2468, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. Mozza2468

    Mozza2468 Fapstronaut

    Hello fapstronauts.

    I’m on day 19 of PMO and I haven’t had really any urges as of yet. I’m not flat-lining, I still have an erection, just no real urges as of nearly 3 weeks. Anyone else experience this?
    cyberman21 likes this.
  2. If you haven't had any urges during almost 3 weeks, consider yourself lucky and that your addiction might not be as hard to get free from. A very common thing why people relapses is because the urges takes over and you aren't strong enough to stand against it.

    Since I don't know how many years you have struggled with your addiction, it's hard for me to tell why you haven't feelt any urges. During my 3 weeks so far I have had some really bad urges, but I won't let my brain control me anymore. My worst urges has been when my brain has given me flashbacks of porngraphic content I watched quite regularly before NoFap. As long as I get flashbacks I won't see myself free from my addiction, but in your situation, maybe your brain has come along way already in healing, I don't know?

    I hope you don't see your situation as something negative because urges can be a really hard thing to fight against. Some people like myself manage to fight the urges and some ain't and relapse is a fact, everyones different.
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  3. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    It happens like that sometimes. It is by the Grace of God. Don't test it and don't ruin it. I am on day 134. I can't remember the last time I had any urges. Sometimes, we get lucky like that. Just be thankful.

    And stay off of social media.
  4. Mozza2468

    Mozza2468 Fapstronaut

    Hello. I don’t look at porn videos anymore since 2020 after 20 long years. I Only ogle at pictures everyday while masturbating, Which is the only thing I want to stop. The pictures is like watching porn. Since I’ve never successfully done 90 days NoFap and I’m on day 22 and since I’ve started I’ve taking up cigarettes to take the edge off.