They literally just never stop lying

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by CrushedandLeaving, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    About the dumbest, most obvious things.

    We are de-cohabitating and he literally can't hold a casual conversation without random lies dropping about things he thinks I don't know about already. I didn't even ask. Just lie vomit soup.
    RUNDMC and Thor God of Thunder like this.
  2. I did too. His dopamine system has been consumed. It alters his behaviour massively. Remember it's not him doing the lying. It's the monster in his brain. Try to disconnect from blame.
  3. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Yeah, no, I'm just ready to breathe the sigh of relief of him being gone and moving on with my life. I would rather be totally alone than with someone who can't even talk to me like a normal human.
  4. Maybe you could allow him to clarify if you catch him lying. Just say "there's no shame here but are you sure what you said is true?" You need to unwind his behaviour for him. He's incapable. If you know it's a lie, allow him to correct, then correct him politely. But really try and say "I don't blame you here I know you are struggling etc." If you shame him for lying, you are feeding more lies and feeding shame which feeds porn use. It's hard because I know you hate him for it, my ex did me. But on the other side of the fence it is shame that feeds both behaviours. Hope you understand. Not defending him, or me. Just offering otherwise hindsight.
    YourLocalClown and KevinesKay like this.
  5. And you have hit the nail on the head. Porn addicts are not normal humans. Sex addiction is the epitome of insanity. It drove me to insanity. 95% of what came out of my mouth was untrue. We are not compulsive liars by choice, it's a horrible defect of addiction. He can change, if he wants to.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  6. You have to ask whether the human you knew is worth the battle. Once he breaks the habit of lying he will get so much release and catharsis from admitting stuff he's lied about. Even more so if there is someone supportive to not judge him eternally, and understand. You have to ask yourself it you want to be that person, you would have a powerful relationship for it. Obviously he needs to want to change first.
  7. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Nah, I am still young. I will go have a powerful relationship with someone who did not lie to me for years or I will live a powerful life on my own.

    Women have to stop tolerating and giving second, third, fourth chances to men who lie, trick, and entrap them.
  8. So what brings you to this forum? If you want to leave a porn addict?
  9. That's not an arsey question, either. Genuine curiosity.
  10. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Support from other SOs who have moved on and healed and safe place to vent.
  11. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    And this is a lie. That you're going to come out of this relationship filled with betrayal trauma unscathed and unaffected. It's affected you more than you realize. Do you have a plan for healing of the trauma that you've experienced?
    Warfman and Thor God of Thunder like this.
  12. rejected

    rejected Fapstronaut

    Even without this addiction, liars are disgusting and need to be fully called out with no mercy.
  13. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

  14. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    This is how betrayal trauma affects the spouse. It causes her to be critical, merciless, unforgiving.

    I'll bet before D-Day, you were much more compassionate and empathetic towards others. That's what betrayal trauma does. It changes you; turns you into a different person that you often don't like.

    The addict is out of control. It's like he's in a diseased state. And he's trapped. Without some outside help, his chances of breaking free are minimal. But the spouse is also in a diseased state. Many mistakenly believe that they'll just get better over time. Or they think that if the husband recovers, everything will be okay. Or if they leave the husband, it will fix them. Many believe that they don't even need fixing. They don't see the problem within themselves and how the addiction has actually affected them.

    So unfortunately, these spouses continue to obsess, worry, get furious, become unforgiving, critical, bitter. Meanwhile, others don't want to be around them as their bitterness turns to misery, and the misery turns to suffering and hopelessness.

    Spouses will need outside help too. As an addict, I needed to seek, and seek, and seek, and seek for years until I found answers and the keys to uncover the lies and the traps that kept me in bondage. Spouses will need to do the same.

    So my question to you is

    What kind of outside help are you getting and is it sufficient enough to offer answers for your own healing?
  15. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    Playing video games the night before. He plays them loud... In a shared space.... Barely down a hallway to where I was. I didn't even ask, he just gave a bs rundown of what he spent the evening doing and bragged about how he didn't even play video games.
    Thor God of Thunder likes this.
  16. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    I will definitely seek out long term therapy before I even consider another relationship, but it feels like an enormous weight is off my soul to know that I won't be spending that long term time with someone who valued me so little.
    I have times where I genuinely smile, I enjoy my evenings, and I have let go of any idea that I was not good enough. I am young, I'm in incredible shape, I have always been considered on the higher end of attractive, I'm well-educated and self-employed (I do contract work in IT) and I regularly get mistaken for 5-10 years younger when I show up for jobs. I will give myself three years of therapy and self-improvement, but then I'm getting back out there very carefully.

    For the record, I have never been compassionate or empathetic to cheaters.
  17. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Seems like kind of a weird lie but also not really divorce material. Presumably there's more context to it?
  18. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    No, we are divorcing because he cheated on me our entire relationship and married me/bought a house/fused finances without ever letting me know what kind of relationship I was in. Always lied about whether he used porn, agreed that it was not something he wanted in the relationship. I told him near our first date that it was one of my only deal-breakers.

    This thread was just me screaming into a safe space to vent that the lying is just constant and doesn't even stop after the relationship was cut off and all we had to do was get his stuff out.
  19. Thor God of Thunder

    Thor God of Thunder Fapstronaut

    Since you are up front about how you feel, it’s admirable that you have the decency to leave the relationship instead of insisting on keeping it together while never intending to improve it. Far worse to keep someone around just to torture them emotionally.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
    Warfman likes this.
  20. Perfectionst

    Perfectionst Fapstronaut

    I disagree with the assumption that being an addict implies being a liar. When I was in recovery I started dating my partner and never lied to her, even when I relapsed. But it would be unfair to omit this:

    PMO to her is no big deal, so we never established that dynamic of prohibitions and promises that, in my opinion, all it does is reinforce the addiction: When something is forbidden, it makes it seem enormously more exciting than it actually is.
    I think that's one of the pitfalls of addiction. Remember (this goes for addicts) when you first started watching porn at a young age, that thrilling "wow, I totally shouldn't be doing this! If mom and dad found out...". I think later on, every time we start watching porn again a little bit of that vibe persists. And being in a couple that dynamic is completely revitalized changing the role of our parents to that of our partner.

    If we strip porn of everything that doesn't really belong to it and we use to embellish it involuntarily, we will realize that it's nothing more than a sad, boring and inherently lacking activity.

    @CrushedandLeaving, that wasn't to make you feel bad about your decision, which I understand. If he lied about other things...and even if he didn't, you have the right to establish on what basis you want to start a relationship, of course.