I've made it!... 90 days!..... Next stop 120.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Robbiebob, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    I'm wishing you all the best My friend & I have no doubt you will get there as I once was in the same situation as you.... Power for sir.
    iceb4 and Roady like this.
  2. How is your life going amigo?
    I see you have reaced that 6 weeks mark.
    Excellent! Now move forward step by step, day by day.

    Always ask yourself: what is it that I really need?
    if the seduction knocks your door....
  3. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Dear friends......
    I'm having another crack at my goal of 90 days & today I've reached 31days ....
    This time last year I did make it to 90 days & after that I slumped back but not this time....
    Wishing everyone All the best.
    Mike1991, Roady, again and 1 other person like this.
  4. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Good, Let's keep going. Never turn back to the enemy.
    Mara43 and Robbiebob like this.
  5. Wilsonbaker

    Wilsonbaker Fapstronaut

    How do you feel after 90 days?
    Robbiebob likes this.
  6. Wilsonbaker

    Wilsonbaker Fapstronaut

    How do you feel after 90 days?
    Robbiebob likes this.
  7. K.hari123

    K.hari123 New Fapstronaut

    Sir plzz reply to my msg sir, I am literally waiting for ur reply, I have sent uh 2 conversations
    Robbiebob likes this.
  8. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Hi sir..... Sorry not responding sooner....Well..... Last year as you know I've completed the 90day streak & I must say it was quite a achievement & then porn really put the hooks in but this time around I feel different I feel I could go further & beyond because I have lovely wife of 17yrs (2nd marriage) & she is my inspiration & my goal.
    Best wishes in your endeavours my friend.
    Roady, Semtex and Mike1991 like this.
  9. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Hi friend & how are you...... Your question. Is it directed for me or Roady? Or both of us? Anyway I'm sorry I haven't responded to you....so..... Ask me to help you.....
    Wishing you well in your quest.
    Roady and Mike1991 like this.
  10. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Today I have reached 60 days and that's incredible in its self....
    Never felt better & also I have to say love making with my special wife has had a real turn around & now it's just wonderful.
    To my nofap friends all the best to you all
    GodsDaughter, Mara43, Syphax and 5 others like this.
  11. call me mila

    call me mila Fapstronaut

    woww... your wife must be proud of you. congratulations! my longest streak was 60 days just like you did. but i never got close.

    that time i was still with my abusive girlfriend. and yea, i did it out of fear, not out of love. but i've broken up and moved on.

    today i'm dating a beautiful soul who's willing to meet me halfway. sadly, we're in a long distance relationship.

    i'm curious, when you feel distant with your wife, how did you combat the loneliness?
    GodsDaughter, Robbiebob and Roady like this.
  12. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Mila...... My self & my dear wife don't have any distant issues as such considering I'm retired & my wife is still working (as a nurse)....
    So we don't have a problem with loneliness.
    I really hope the relationship goes well with this lovely girl your dating & flourish .
    Sorry..... Not much advice for you but I will say this.... If this girl is the one I'm in no doubt doors will open..... Wishing you all the best my friend.
  13. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Dear friends.....
    I've accomplished 90 days & it's incredible how i got here & I have to say I even supprised myself but incredibly worth it.
    Being intimate with my lovely wife is so much more meaningful & heartfelt....also .... My stamina has improved a lot as well with no porn images that pop up in my mind.... Do I get tempted to look at porn?..... Well yes but I can easily say no to it and & it doesn't have me by the throut like it used to but in saying that I do get the odd day that the temptation is very strong....
    This is an answered prayer with out a doubt & I have been praying for a breakthrough for a long long time.
    My wife and I read the our daily devotions together & I'm reading the Bible & that's incredible in its self as I am not a reader at the best of times.... The book of Mathew I have under my belt and now I'm getting into the book of acts...
    Not like my wife who started basically the same time as I did is up to the book of numbers!!!!
    Incredible!!! & On top of that she has red the bible twice.... Cover to cover.... I am ever blessed to have this lovely lady in my life & how we got together is certainly God's appointment.
    To my darling wife..... I love you so so much & god be your strength always.
    The recent Easter we had...... He has risen!!!!
  14. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Happy Easter!
    Robbiebob likes this.
  15. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    And you to my friend......
  16. Nice to read you are reaching your goal Robbie!
    With God it is possible to get over PMO completely!
    Robbiebob likes this.
  17. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend..... Blessings & God's strength to you too.
    Roady likes this.
  18. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, and well deserved!
    Robbiebob likes this.
  19. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    Thanks..... Wishing you well also in your endeavours.