The worst case scenario has happened s/o to a PA

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Loveandfaith, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    Lots of T/W I am a partner of a porn addict.

    Hi, I never thought I’d have to reach out again but here I am. Embarrassed to go to family or friends. I am married to a porn addict. We’ve been together for 14 years. We met very young I was 14 when we started dating. All of the men around me in my childhood watched porn, I would find it constantly and they talked about it openly. So I was exposed entirely too young and I grew up think that’s how sex worked. So our relationship started with very rough and unrealistic sex which never ended with me having an O. As we got older and I started to understand a healthy sexual relationship I talked with him on how we could bring my needs into the bedroom. He was on board! And it was awesome until the day. I went to google something on his phone and there it was rows and rows of graphic things he’d searched. I brought it up to him and let him know I was not okay with it and it was a deal breaker in our relationship. Fast forward to a few years later. I found it again. He couldn’t get or stay hard so I decided to pry. The amount of time he spent on the internet was IMPOSSIBLE. He was watching it in the bathroom, at work, at night while I slept, anytime he was alone and on mute around our kids. I then found the amount $ he spent on sites and I knew he had a problem. So I got him help. I walked through a 12 step by his side supporting him every way I could.. he has an accountability partner. I did my research on how to be supportive. He relapsed I knew it would happen but what I found this time made me physically sick. He had taken his fantasies and tried to make them a reality. He was trying to find ways to approach my own mother or any other in laws he could. I was devastated. I told him I couldn’t do it and left. He begged me for one last chance to fix our relationship and to get him the help he needed. I agreed I’m in love with him. We moved away from everything we knew and started new. It was amazing 2 whole years of bliss and healthy sex again. My father passed away and I had to fly back to attend his funeral he stayed home with the kids. Well he relapsed and this time my son walked in on it. I wouldn’t know but I got an alert from school that my sons were looking up some pretty explicit pornography. I’m devastated my sons were exposed under 10 years old. My actual night mare has come true. Now I’ve had to have “the talk” with two very young and innocent boys. Ruined I feel the damage is already done it’s a matter of time before they are running to google every chance they get. Can I save them!? You guys I’m begging please I love this man so much but after two years! A relapse. is he ever gonna be able to do this? My mental health is gone I’ve put my all into him and now my kids are dragged down with him. Should I give up? I can’t handle one more time I can’t I’m exhausted. I just need one persons to tell me they’ve successfully beaten this addiction please.
  2. Rents77

    Rents77 Fapstronaut

    Kids these days are very impressionable and since they're already exposed to it, you might as well show them a video of how that rewires their dopamine cells and wouldn't be able to react later on in life with a real partner - and there's plenty of those in youtube, explained in good detail. Hopefully they get the message!

    It's awful that you've had to endure this. I wouldn't feel ok giving out advice for the relationship, as I'm unsure if staying or leaving would affect the kids better - which is the important part of the equation here.
    again likes this.
  3. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    thank you yes I did. And their dad also went in and spoke with them on the effects.

    Yes I want my kids to be happy and feel safe always.! I just fear that I am damaging myself at this point. Thank you for your feed back it means a lot
  4. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    Resilience 16 likes this.
  5. Just focusing on a general point: it sounds like you need to detach yourself and your self-worth and value from your spouse's actions. Your life's value does not come from your spouse or anyone! If you build your entire day/year/life around whether or not one person succeeds or fails, in one area or another, you will go through life severely disappointed. Your kids will disappoint you, your family and friends will disappoint you, leaders will disappoint you, etc. No flawed human being will ever make you feel good about your life. That's your job (or your God's job if you believe)!

    Being married doesn't mean building your life on top of someone. It means building something by their side. They may not build well, they may even damage their own building, but you are still building by their side. Some days they'll join you with a smile, some days they'll sit in the mud with a frown. You can't force them out of their own prison to join you. You can invite, encourage, but you can't will someone to fix their life. They're broken, they'll never fully be fixed. They can be "sober" from PMO, but they will always be tempted to go back. You can't change their brain, the internet, the world to remove porn. But you CAN create a life that your spouse MIGHT want to be a part of. You will fail at that too somedays but the only thing you can do is try. Then try again. Then again. That's the foundation of the marriage vows: "for better or worse"

    That doesn't mean leave your husband, that doesn't mean let him do whatever he wants. You have to figure out the particulars and don't listen to me or any other crazy person on the internet. Read some marriage books (Five Love Languages, etc.) and implement them in your life accordingly.

    If your husband is blowing your life savings on porn, losing his job, and your mortgage is in danger, then he might need some tough love, a temporary separation, an ultimatum to get his life together. Throw away the smart phone for 30 days, 90 days. It's been done! Work something out.

    I just often read on NF spouses who are WAY too invested, involved, attached, and obsessed with their spouses recovery. You should want the best for your spouse. But it shouldn't be the unhealthy obsession that your post makes it sound like.

    My spouse has an array of mental health issues. I used to complain about it to everyone, thought my life was over, exhausted, they wouldn't accept help, blah blah blah. Then I SLOWLY realized they just needed me to love them where they are, for who they are. Let go of my attachment to how they treated me. ONLY THEN, did things gradually start to improve. It's not perfect! But I had to get out of the way and work on myself!
  6. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    Ugh I’m literally crying my eyes out.!I do I obsess over it I’m constantly looking on every device in the house. Search history after search history. I just feel like it’s never gonna happen for us. My hate for pornography stemmed from a traumatizing childhood how could that not be enough for him to try just a little harder. I’m just dumbfounded. How many times can he sit and watch me spiral into depression over his actions. And then to expose my kids I’m trying so hard to wear his shoes and I just can’t anymore. He made the promise to himself first and then me. I want to be by his side I want to support him I want too but it’s killing me. I really appreciate your words it means a lot at least a little clarity for me. He has not admitted to pmo since we moved that he only watched it and was able to shut it off after a few minutes but what can I believe.
  7. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Find yourself a csat therapist who believes in the betrayal trauma model. Bloom for women has some great free help. First and foremost you must protect yourself and children. He’s already greatly harmed your kids and you. Learn boundaries and start putting them in place. No one just quits this addiction, their brain is far too greatly damaged. This is a brain disease that requires a lot of help and determination on the addicts part. It really doesn’t matter how much you love him, how much he says he loves you, if he isn’t in a recovery program, this will continue forever. Very few get into long term recovery ( 5 years clean). Take action now to get the life you and your children deserve.
    Real Roboin and hope4healing like this.
  8. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    that’s the problem he’s done the 12 step he has an accountability partner. He’s on websites and forums he went to therapy I went to therapy I really really thought we did it!!! When my son told me he saw daddy watching naked women on the tv I died. I will check out the bloom for women thank you I know I need the support because no body I know is comfortable with having these conversations with me. But I’d like to know what you mean by boundaries?
  9. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Boundaries are what you do in order to feel safe. For instance “ if you view inappropriate sites then I will need you to sleep on the couch for a week or a separation.” Or “ if you talk disrespectfully then I will leave until you can quietly and appropriately talk to me”. It’s needs to be something you will adhere to. It doesn’t do any good if you can’t stick to your boundary. A csat can talk with you and help you understand what you need,it’s different for everyone. It could be, because he has spent money on porn that you now monitor/pay all the bills so you can protect yourself financially. If you look up boundaries there are a lot of good books.what kind of therapy was it you went through?
    Real Roboin and Loveandfaith like this.
  10. I'm devastated to hear you. Porn isn't as friendly and healthy as media portrays it. It's a beast that devours everything on its way, and consumes one's soul, without realizing how it affects oneself and specially those who love us.
    Once your husband wants to detox from this poisson, he can find any resources he may need here.
    For you, i recommend the advice of others SO. And to pray. To God and to the Virgin Mary. And to place your trust and hope in them. Because only he can heal the pain from the soul.
    Best wishes.
    darkernight and Loveandfaith like this.
  11. One important suggestion here: Respect toward others encourages respect in them; and trusting someone makes that someone want to prove himself or herself trustworthy; i.e. trust begets trust. The opposite is also true. If you are looking over his shoulder all the time, suspicious, prying, expecting him to be watching porn, he will doubtless live up to your expectations. The addiction is likely strong enough in his case that he will be doing that regardless of anything you do, but being always suspicious will do no good. In any case, you cannot control or change your husband. The best you can do is to be so sweet, loving, respectful, and good toward him that he will begin to realize how much he has to lose by continuing in his addiction. And it will be impossible for him to quit porn without having the strength and higher standard of a higher power--which you may solicit on his behalf if he feels no need himself.

    For your boys, the situation is heartbreaking. Boys are already at a considerable disadvantage in this area, with many discovering themselves before puberty. Adding your husband's gross misconduct to the list is no help at all. I am thankful that I never saw pornography in my early years; but I did run across unclothed photos of people in medical journals--which, of course, fascinated me. Even then, it was years past that before, as a teenager, I discovered myself--a moment I'll never forget. I was instantly addicted, and yet, due to my religious upbringing, I also instantly knew it was wrong. Without telling anyone (I was ashamed), I struggled against the vice alone; halfway succeeding, as I managed to avoid the downward spiral of more and more and worse and worse. I have never been a porn consumer or addict. Had my parents not taught me the moral principles which I had learned in the daily, morning and evening, family study times, I would have been as lost a ship in a storm without a compass. But....we may have strength to resist the devilish temptation, and put ourselves on vantage ground. I managed to quit entirely for about a year at one point while still a teenager--and I consider myself to have been quite weak to not have had more self-control even than this. It is truly a powerful addiction, and well-nigh impossible to break without proper motivation and principles.

    As you have said, yours is practically the worst case scenario. Polluting the minds of your boys at such a tender age is virtually the worst possible thing your husband could have done. Like others here, I cannot offer relationship advice. It is hard to whether leaving at this point would be productive of any good--with the exposure having already occurred, regardless. It may be possible to setup an internet filter for your home such that the boys will not as easily run across it; but it is impossible to block it entirely, especially if they are at all tech-savvy. I'm quite anti-porn myself, and not long back received an email that one of the links on my website--which was for a Christian school--was taking people to a porn site! Evidently, the domain name had expired and was then hijacked by the nefarious porn producers. Disgusting! Naturally, that link disappeared from my website as fast as I could update it--but even this had been delayed by several days, which could have been much longer, by the fact that the email alert I had received had landed in my spam folder, likely because it contained the word "porn." (Which goes to show that filtering has its consequences, too.) I cannot know how many children might have innocently clicked on that link before it was removed--which illustrates the difficulty facing parents today on this issue. It is virtually impossible to assume that one's children will not encounter porn if they are actively using the internet. Therefore, having that "talk" with them becomes more important. It's a bit early, perhaps, but it might be the best time, now, to start teaching your boys the sexual principles they will need to maintain a higher standard of purity throughout their lives than their father has had.

    You're in a very difficult position: I truly feel for you, and wish I could say more. Here on the forum, I'm very limited in what I can say. Message me privately, if you wish, for more specific suggestions.
    darkernight likes this.
  12. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    I will do that thank you!! I’m hoping this is enough to finally help him. He has exposed over very young children so I can’t imagine a lower low of an addiction. He went through a tribal 12 step program it sucks cause they wanted him inpatient but we have 4 kids and no one to help us while I work. He attended groups and he has an accountability partner that’s wife was a PA for 7 years. I didn’t invade ANY of it either as my therapist asked me not too intervene cause it could spook him. I went to allanon meetings which seemed to helpful to hear other people’s stories cause this addiction can seriously take things too far. I really appreciate all your responses. It’s kind of nice to talk to the other side of this addiction because he hardly lets me in. I appreciate you
  13. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much!
    Red Riot likes this.
  14. I agree with the idea of having boundaries. But I see no potential benefit at all to this particular one. It was when she left for awhile that he relapsed; and isolating herself from him within the home will only encourage more of the same as I see it. Sex, within marriage, should not be used as a bargaining chip. Period. Why should one seek to limit the affection of one's spouse? I believe any attempt to do so is counterproductive in virtually every case.
  15. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Because the boundaries are for her safety in an abusive relationship. Sex addicts do not know how to have a healthy relationship with sex. Having more sex is not what a sex addict needs. A sex addict needs to get into recovery and learn what a healthy sexual relationship is. Boundaries are for her. Period. He didn’t relapse because she wasnt there. He relapsed because he’s and addict and chose to when the opportunity arose.
    Real Roboin likes this.
  16. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    I loved reading your response to me. I appreciate you being so open. My end goal is not to lose my husband how unfair for me to have fought for years and walk away with nothing but a broken heart. As for the boys I have had to have the talk now I knew the second I was shown there internet history. My heart sank to my feet. Fighting this with my husband is one thing but when I confronted my children as calmly as possibly and they said daddy was watching it I have never seen red like that before in my life!! I know violence is never the answer but it’s like I saw the innocence lift from my children’s eyes right in front of me the second he walked in the door he was met with a laptop to his face. Not one of my proudest moments but to say it didn’t feel good would be a lie! The endless nights on group meeting after group meeting crying my self to sleep wondering if its me (I know it’s not now) but sheesh man I’ve tried so hard not to show him my distress so that I could encourage him but when this monster was released onto my kids I have never felt hate towards him like I did that day. When he asked what was that for I showed him the searches and had his own son tell him where he saw it. Instant tears for the first time I saw a little remorse, It’s fresh we have started the healing process all over. He let me in told me all his slip ups. I’m really gonna try to be strong but everyone has their limits I’m tired of playing with mine might be. I would love to pick your brain but I do not know how to message on this site! I appreciate you
  17. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    I certainly am tired of baby sitting a grown man I know how hard this must be for all you for everyone going through it brains are re wired the chase for that high is probably insane. But I believe in recovery I’ve seen it, maybe not with this addiction but with others. And I’m so proud of all of you I’m not trying to discredit any ones journey with his. But I really do like hearing it from “his” point of view
  18. Loveandfaith

    Loveandfaith Fapstronaut

    Also will work on the trust thing I really didn’t go looking for it THIS time it was presented to me by my kids you know. I had no choice this time I was confronting him and I went through everything and set up parentals
  19. According to her post, they're having awesome sex. She's not being abused.
    Loveandfaith likes this.