I have POIS after 5 years of being clean

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Legacy of Lost Soul, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut


    My 1st post on this account but Im a long term member, just moved on a deleted old account.

    Im on no PMO for 5 years. Got rid of my P addiction. Had serious hard mode streaks of 200 and 300 days and many lower streaks of months. These streaks were only interrupted with sex with woman and few slips.

    I was able to cure my serious PIED. And that was my goal. Now I can have a normal sex, unbelievable - I was a PMO addict since for good 25 years+ ... now Im 38. Apparently when I started, there was no internet so it was not so damaging thanksfully.


    Now when I reached my goal and I can have a normal sex, I face another problem. POIS.

    If I have a ejaculation, the next day Im tired but feel good, but the day after that, I start to suffer A LOT. My willpower goes to zero. My mental state goes to depressed, anxious, I start to look like crap. And this goes for one week. Very very very bad week. Than next week is better. And after these 14 days I start to feel good again.

    When I was in my addict phase, I could have 4 Os a day and not feel anything. Now I cant have 1 O a month. Basically, I cant have ejaculation.

    The ejaculation after 30o+ days streak was destructive to me as well. I even started to have a pain in my joints all over the body, it was nasty.

    I think its like this for last 2 years.

    Is it still the reboot process? Will it get better? Why I was able to have many orgasms few years back and now I cant have any, when I got rid of the addiction and rebooted?

    Thanks for opinions.
    AuwL0ng and mdnirvana like this.
  2. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reply Dromus. I have considered this in a past and I dont think so. During this summer I have experimented with having more O with my GF. Tried once a week and it was terrible experience. One time I had 2x O a session and after that I felt suiciadal and absolutelly mentally unstable. I never felt like this in the past, no way.

    Not when I had 4x O a day 5 years ago. Not when I had occasional O with my ex 3 years back.

    I think something changed after those 200+ and 300+ days of hard mode streaks.
    mdnirvana likes this.
  3. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    The only solution for now is not to O. Well technically there are other solutions as well, because to suffer this badly after O means you have underlying health issues. You should think about cleaning up your diet, exercising, getting fresh air and sunshine, and taking some supplements.

    It’s possible that you were in better health when u were having 4 O’s a day, or it’s possible that you were numb to the negative effects of it. Maybe even a bit of both. You are definitely more sensitive to the affects now.
  4. Don'tQuitQuitting

    Don'tQuitQuitting New Fapstronaut

    If I have a ejaculation, the next day Im tired but feel good, but the day after that, I start to suffer A LOT. My willpower goes to zero. My mental state goes to depressed, anxious, I start to look like crap. And this goes for one week. Very very very bad week. Than next week is better. And after these 14 days I start to feel good again.

    What's your lifestyle like? Do you go to the gym at all? I find it helps a lot with keeping stable and being less sensitive. Also, what's your food intake like?
    Mr. R likes this.
  5. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

  6. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    POIS is post orgasmic illness syndrome. Which is the closest thing to describe what I have. I must avoid orgasm because otherwise I feel extremely bad for 1 week and 2nd week is bad as well. After that I start to feel normal.

    I would not write about it here if it was not out of ordinary. I know orgasm is draining and yada yada but this ia something else unfortunatelly and it started after the big hard mode streaks I had.

    To answer other questions, I live a healthy life. Food wise and sport wise. I hate gym. But I do cardio outside and excerxise outside as well.

    Im in MUCH better shape after 5 years of NoFap than I was prior to that - yet the orgasms are killing me now. It just doesnt make any sense :/

    Maybe thats why I made a account and went here to ask, if anyone has any experience with it. It might be a part of reboot process still and might get better in few more years, I have no idea.

    Currently Im DONE experimenting with it and decided no more ejaculation for me in no way.

    But that is a failure, because I did the reboot and everything so I can have a normal relationship and sex. Which I cant now. Btw im 38yo.

    Thanks for opinions so far.
  7. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    The number one requirement is:


    I "failed" many times, but I always regrouped and soldiered on immediatelly. And its not a failure, if you learn from it! And thats what u must do. Analyze every slip, learn from it, get better, try to not make same mistake twice.

    You will gain the required skill set as you go on - If you really want to succeed. I talk abou hard mode here.

    1st is to set a goal. Number of days you want to secure. Starting with 300 is not realistic. I started with 36. And I motivated myself insanely to get that number, in that part - failure was not a option. So I succeeded. Than I started to aim higher. 60... than the golden 90.. 100.. 200... 300...

    To get to the higher numbers, you absolutely need to conquer your thoughts and ideas. If you start fantasizing about sex at day 150, you WILL fail at day 170. If you start edging, you already lost.. just 10 days in future. Touch yourself, indulge in fantasy - its over - just in few more days.

    So u must learn to kill every sex idea at its birth. Thats important skill..

    Higher streaks are not achieved by mere stron(k) will. That will get you only so far, but not to 300. It will all reveal itself to you, same as it revealed to me. The skills are universal, and you cant evade learning them, if you go on and on and on and learn from every mistake. Than 100 will be nothing. And 300 is 3 times nothing.

    Ultimately, the idea of masturbation will get alien to you. And watching pixels? Thats absurd to me. Its a life style. You dont masturbate, end of story. You dont watch pixels, why would you? I had so many dates with woman since I went on NoFap. Getting a woman is no longer any problem to me. Its a matter of days if I decide so. But if I masturbated, than I cant get a woman easily - low selfesteem, bad looks, slow brain - so masturbation means no woman for me. Thats a bad trade. Why would I do such a exchange?

    But having a woman is another set of things to conquer. Its easier without em :) to me, they distract me from my goals, they tend to drain me.. you must be really strong to keep your focus if in relationship imho. But thats another topic.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
  8. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    That is normal.
    Similar to anything in life.
    When i used to drink caffeine i was sleeping fine. ( not the best sleep though).
    Now after about a year off caffeine, if i drink coffee i feel it intensely.
    It makes my body extremely agitated and insomniac.
    It has to do with the receptors in the brain being more calibrated"
  9. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    I agree. Does the 2 cups of coffee make u borderline suiciadal tho?

    But yes I agree with your general way of thinking. Ultimately I think it has something to do with my previous over-indulging in PMO as well.

    Like a real alcoholic gets totally wasted after 1 beer.
    locked boy nyc and Beekind like this.
  10. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Have you thought about channeling your sexual energy towards a noble goal?
    It will tranquilise the mind.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  11. locked boy nyc

    locked boy nyc Fapstronaut

    I think it's most important to listen to your body, and it definitely sounds like ejaculating is causing you a lot more pain than pleasure. It makes sense to me to cut it out entirely and I really really admire your will power for getting this far!!

    Do you think it needs to be a total failure though? I think there are lots of ways to have sex without orgasms and without your penis entirely, and I'm sure there are lots of women (or men) who would love those kinds of sex and never miss anything at all. So for me it makes sense to cut out ejaculations but not to think that means you can't be in a relationship.
  12. ecd

    ecd Fapstronaut

    i've same problem. There is one paragraph "Withdrawal hypothesis" in wiki page of POIS.
    I want to consult a doctor, not sure whether a andrologist or endocrinologist is better.
    I suspect there might be a role of histamine too. But god knows what is going on, as I'm already suffering from widespread nutritional deficiencies due to celiac disease. In fact I think I contracted celiac disease 2 years back due to loss of immunity after addictive masturbation 3 years back.

    I truly "fucked" my life (pun intended)
  13. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    I agree about listening to your body and respecting it. My body really really doesnt enjoy ejaculation atm and Im gonna respect it. Im nearing 3 weeks no orgasm and finally start to feel normal after tha last one, which was after 3 weeks no orgasm as well... thats 1 orgasm in 6 weeks and it was incredibly taxing to me.

    I can have a great sex without it. Really fullfilling... Ill keep my semen only for procreation. Will listen to my body..

    As for the question if I tried chaneling the sex energy towards more noble goals... yes indeed The retention is really miraculous on many levels. I believe it takes my consciousness to higher levels. It can do incredible things to our lives, if we hold it.. its magical.
  14. Experiencing POIS after 5 years of semen retention does not sound like a physical health problem but a spiritual one.
    I would suggest some internal reflection and soul searching. If you did this during you 5 years and chronicled (I would've said "journaled" but spellcheck shut me down) your experiences, reading through your entries will provide insight into the heart of the problem.

    Holy ****ing **** women are extremely draining, another topic indeed.
    AuwL0ng and Icouldprobablyhelp like this.
  15. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    I think I might have kind of brainwashed myself into believing ejaculation is really bad, and now my body acts according to that belief.

    There are many possibilities of why its happening.

    Maybe my body really likes the retention and this is the way its telling me.

    Maybe my psyche is so suffering that hard mode is the only thing holding me above. I kind of think this is partially the case.

    Maybe Ive destroyed myself by too much orgasms in the past..

    Maybe my dopamine receptors are fried and when I hit em with ejaculation rush they just shut down and I feel that doom afterwards. Thats also partially what I think is happening.

    Most likely its all of this combined. Yay..
    E31 likes this.
  16. JuanitoBR

    JuanitoBR New Fapstronaut

    I think you uncountiously feel guilty about O, even if it's with your girlfriend because of the mindset you'll built up during you streaks, and that makes you feel depressed and bad for weeks. I suggest for you to look for psychological therapy, the psychiatric will know how to work to revert that problem.
  17. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    have you
    have you tried kareeza? it's the process of having sex but never orgasming its a wonderful thing imo I love it I think your at that age where you should be doing it anyways but WHATEVER you do what you want ANYWAYS have you ever heard of a vegan that sustains from meet for years.. and then when they go back to eat it, it actually makes them sick!! crazy right!?.. i say that to say maybe you should try tantric kareeza! your other half would love it and you'll be a much healthier person for it through and through
  18. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    I honestly think it's
    just the semen leaving you, it's like your reverting back or down to a lesser self, and your body ofcourse doesnt like it because you've gotten rid of all the energy (semen) that held you together (literally!) so you brake down(literally) what do you think that semen or energy was doing while it was inside of you?? think about it? imagine the type of baby you would have made had you procreated with those long awaited ejaculations? anyways I'm sure you figured out that kareeza is the answer.. you'll find you get the most pleasure stopping after potential hours while still erext but your SO has had her share of orgasms you'll be the gift that keeps on giving
  19. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Hey there,
    unpopular opinion but that doesn't seem to have anything to do with still rebooting, which is just the time period(on average 30 days) your brain needs to adjust behaviours. You clearly surpassed that by far and hats of to you thats very impressive!
    Your past behaviours are unlikely to have anything to do with that.
    I don't know if it's just your body doing some heavy lifting to readjust after such a long time of semen retention or if there's, in addition to that some health issues going on, but I suggest you get that checked by a professional rather than a bunch of people on the internet who think they know all the answers, me included.

    How many O's did you have after the retention period?
    Sam5126 likes this.
  20. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    You're held together by semen? Thats gross dude :D Luckily thats not the case with most men otherwise our species would've literally fallen apart at the latest when the Internet came about ;)
    (No offence, I'm not denying the benifits of methods such as Karezza or semen retention)