A question for sissy/trans porn addicts.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by NH-OLH, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. NH-OLH

    NH-OLH Fapstronaut

    Hi ladies and gents

    So I posted my sissy trans porn addiction story not too long ago, if you want to read about it i'll link it right here: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/my-sissy-and-trans-porn-story.240717/#post-2148355

    I was doing well for a while but then hit a low point again, currently trying to pick myself back up but I just found out something about myself through journalling that I think might interest you. Especially if you have an issue with sissy and trans porn. And it's that everytime I see a hot girl in a thong or some kind of bikini it triggered jelousy and envy in me and it made me want to watch porn. But it wasn't so much the hotness of the chick that triggered me to go fap off to sissy porn. The trigger stemmed more from the emotions that I felt when I would see that hot chick. I would put a hot chick so high up on a pedistal, that it got to the point where I felt undesirable being a man. It was like, if I saw a hot chick half naked, sometimes not even a super hot chick, this automatic subsconcious feeling within me would be like "yer your man self could never pull of something like that, if you tried to be sexy like her, you'd be considered gross and unnactractive".

    When you see porn films, whatever kind of porn is being acted out, whatever kind of sex or act is going on. Anal, BJ's, sexy lingerie, POV, fetishes, whatever, the women is always the main focus. She is always that main source of pleasure. Most of the time the guy is just there on the side, often not acknowledged. This led me to have this mindset of I as a man am not attractive or desirable. Which I know deep down is BS but it's a story I told myself for a long time.

    And the truth about me is, I am a little exantric as a man in some ways, one of those ways being that I like to wear jeans and joggers that are a little extra tight and form fitting than most men would where, and wear underwear that's slightly skimpier than most. I also like to trim my body hair and I am into male fashion. I spend a little more time grooming and taking care of myself, all that good stuff. Not because I want to show off and be some poser to the world, but because it makes me feel good, since I workout and I am proud of the body I have built. And it just makes me walk with confidence as it's something that I love to do, it also makes me feel good about being ME! But I feel like if I express that as a straight dude, men will automatically respond with "gay" and women will respond with "ew". And I have seen it before, on forums, in movies, in everyday life and whenever I saw it, I would feel bad, I'd feel shame and that emotion would come back up even stronger. And because of that I never expressed my true authetic self, and that made me feel trapped, I made myself stay in this little bubble because of what I believed I can or can't do as a man, and if I go out of that bubble just a little bit, I am no longer a man. I somehow have to be gay, or weird, or not cool or unattractive. But you can only stay in that bubble for so long before you drive yourself insane. So what did I do? I ran to the porn. I'd watch CD, sissy, trans, super fem guys because I felt as if that was the only form of validation I could find.

    But now, I have learned to accept myself for who I am, and be proud of who I am. And just because I like to do a few things here and there that this society wouldn't deem "masculine" or "weird" that doesn't mean that I am any less of a man. I am a straight, masculine acting man who is a bit authentic in some aspects and that is fine. And I want to go out fearlessly, embracing my authentic self, and perhaps find a women whom will accept and embrace me for who I truly am. I want to be free, and take women off this damn pedistal because we are all humans at the end of the day.

    But what do you think of all this? Do you resonate with this? Are you attached to this sissy fetish because you feel that you as a man are not desireable? Or at least no where near as much as women? Let me know your thoughts.

    Oh and my name is Nick btw, if you'd like to chat to me, my kik is nholiveskin

    Just in case you want someone to talk to.
    ThePaladin, Luvspin68 and Roady like this.
  2. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Tight clothes are not healthy for men and tight underwear or pants are the worst offenders. The testes need to stay away from your body to cool off and they need space to cool off. When they overheat they cant function properly and you get a drop in testosterone and other hormones and a drop in sperm quality. You should seriously reconsider wearing tight clothing.

    As for the "true self" thing, that is hit and miss. Generally you have to avoid stuff that makes you feminine even if you think its your true self. Extra focusing on one's appearance is a feminine trait. You shouldnt care that much, just be presentable.
  3. NH-OLH

    NH-OLH Fapstronaut

    Of course, I am not going to wear clothes that are squeezing my nut sack. That's just dumb. I am talking about form fitting clothes made for men that just hug my physical features a bit more. It ain't about feeling fem, male fashion is just something that has made me feel good about being me. That, and working out, and other things have been an awesome replacement for my porn addiction.

    But I get what you mean when you say "you shouldn't care that much" and I honestly don't. Regardless of weather I dress well or not I always tell myself "I am enough regardless". And like I said, I don't show it off to the world. It's just something that I like to do here and there.

    And to be honest, I see so many guys dress like shit, I truely believe putting that bit more effort in helps you to stand out. And women notice that. Anyway, thank you for leaving your input man.
  4. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    totally agree. I often see people on street with their pants like:[​IMG] [​IMG] like what is wrong with the society?
    ultrafabber likes this.
  5. randomdude27

    randomdude27 Fapstronaut

    To be honest, i dont see anything wrong with wearing tighter than "normal" clothes and definitely nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. I do it because, similar to you, I feel more more comfortable and more attractive respectively. Whatever gives you confidence and suits you. But I think that if it is contributing to the sissy fetish, then it might not be a good thing depending on what your goals are.
  6. NH-OLH

    NH-OLH Fapstronaut

    Lol, you guys, I understand where you're coming from and I respect your opinions. Obviously I have to respect your opinions because I asked the question. And I don't know if you guys workout but I do, I am in love with my calisthenic and I have worked super hard to build up my body to where it is now. It takes a fuck tone of hard work in consistency with the gym, and consistency with how you eat. So that is the reason I where more form fitting clothes. Because it makes me feel amazing about being ME! Me, the masculine man I want to be, who is proud of his appearence, who can be confident in himself without feeling the need to go down this sissy rabbit hole. And randomdude27, I definately agree, as long as it doesn't contribute to the sissy fetish or the insicurity you have, it's fine.

    randomdude27 likes this.