PMO to 1 September

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by George2019, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. George2019

    George2019 Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody. I am so glad to be a part of this community. The Monk mode the pmo option everything is so encouraging. Couple of months ago I was thinking of separate setting up something like this at a really small-scale. but did not know it already existed. I really hope my expectations are met in this site.

    In short I am starting this challenge today from now until 1 September. As a married man and father of two I just want to beat this whole topic. Anyone care to join me.
    220woof671 likes this.
  2. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button |Day Counter | Rebooting Resources|Forum Rules | Glossary

    If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  3. 220woof671

    220woof671 Fapstronaut

    Some info to help you be successful:

    Benefits of No PMO

    1. No social anxiety; 99% of time relaxed, calm, cool; easy to be sociable. If I do start to get nervous I think, "What do I have to be fearful about?" And I get calm in about 1-2 seconds.
    2. More attention from opposite gender -- without trying
    3. No brain fog; can concentrate easily. Can think clearer under pressure.
    4. Increased motivation & energy to get things done.
    5. More Stamina -- can hang in their longer at work (be tough) and complete projects; can work overtime, while others can't
    6. No fears; high levels of testosterone = strength and don't take bs. (No one has messed with me in 52 days +.)
    7. More time for good/productive things. Not wasting time going to phony porn sites; fapping to pixels; lusting, etc.
    8. The opposite gender increasingly becomes less and less of a priority.
    9. Improved Confidence -- (online comment) "porn and masturbation lowers your self-esteem and confidence"
    10. More Respectable -- (online comment) "if you resist the urge to masturbate -- a practice that is generally condemned -- you are likely to feel more respect for yourself; and others will respect you more." We all can quickly tell if a man or woman is fapping ... nervous ... weak … fearful … has shame [trying to hide something] …
    11. Improved Creativity and Resourcefulness

    *Somedays are so-so … and some are difficult due to "flat line". But your daily progress is motivating and inspiring to you & others.

    Tips to Successfully handle Urges or Temporary Temptations

    #1 Secret = Get Up and Go Outside [temptations usually only last 10-20 min] 2- Go on NoFap and make a post; or "like" some posts; or give advice 3- Listen to and Dance to your favorite music (fun and gets rid of excess energy) 4- Exercise, go to gym, go for a walk 5- Go to mall and talk with women (or men for females) 6- Go to store and buy yourself a reward/gift/treat (small daily; medium weekly; large monthly) 7- Work on your favorite hobby/passion/interest 8- Call, email or go visit a friend 9- Go walk a wonderful dog/cat/horse/llama around the block 10 - Have a "WHATEVER IT TAKES" attitude or mindset 11- Do a good deed for someone (extra points if they don't know who did it) 12- Take a break; take a nap (remind yourself that you are 100% in control and responsible for your behavior-actions) 13- All Things Are Possible 14 - Positive personal hygiene (brush teeth; shower) keeps your self-esteem high 15 - Fasting (water only) has many health benefits; a 1/2 day or more fast will help you have more self control 16 - Someone has said, "Taking it one day at a time, one urge at a time makes your goal manageable & successful." 17 - Use Distractions or Diversions [change the scenery] to help you overcome temporary temptations.
    George2019 likes this.
  4. George2019

    George2019 Fapstronaut

    Appreciate all your thoughts there. Sounds like there is a lot to look forward to with no fapping. Well done on the 52 days.
  5. an0n8200

    an0n8200 Fapstronaut

    I’m going until September 1st as well. Good luck
    George2019 likes this.
  6. George2019

    George2019 Fapstronaut

    Awesome.. And same to you.