Suspicious to all men now

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by norah, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. norah

    norah Fapstronaut

    I have a thraumatizing history with a porn addict, finished the relationship many months ago, since then for feeling desirable again have had many affairs. With two of those men have exprienced ED towards me, and what a surprise, those guys were for years without sex. Ofcourse right away I blame porn and stop any contact with them.
    Now my affair period starting to get over and I am thinking about relationship again. Have had about 5 non physical dates with a man, but I am way too suspicious that I will just experience porn caused problems again. He is around 40, no big experience with women, with low self-esteem and with compulsive eating/gaining weight history, bullying trough all youth and depression. When I heard all this, first thing that poped-up to my mind- he most likely is deep in to porn and he won't enjoy sex with real person-me. He has succesfull career and he is taking care of me very much, and I always have found shy guys cute, but I can't get over this porn barier, which is stoping me to get seriously involved with a men.
    I don't know what I really would like to hear, maybe suggestions?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  2. A guy has so many issues in his life doesn't mean that he will be sex-addict, may be he could have better option to overcome his frustration rather than watching and then joining nofap for reboot, & for you I can say don't give up , if you think its time to go physical try it, if it didn't work because of PMO, you can use nervousness as a excuse or else you can give more time to this relationship in understanding this mystery creature you are dating and along with that you can work on your PMO addiction, after-all we all here to help each-other......but do what your heart says not your brain...good luck for your new relationship....:):):):):)
  3. norah

    norah Fapstronaut

    I don't have pmo addiction... Have seen maybe 50 videos in my life.
  4. Just b/c the guy has issues doesn't mean he's a porn addict though I can see why you're gun shy. The bigger question is why date a guy who has issues like self esteem, depression, overeating etc? Maybe you need a guy who's already worked out his issues.

    And if "you're having affairs to feel desirable again" you may have your own stuff to work out. You shouldn't look to men to validate your desirability. Maybe you should take a break from men for awhile, explore your own inner thoughts/motivations and deal with whatever trauma the previous relationship caused. You will most likely just get stuck in the same situation if you a don't work on the trauma from previous guy and b. date guys who have their shit together.
  5. norah

    norah Fapstronaut

    I think he doesn't have overeating and depression anymore, now he has lost weight and eats healthy. It was some years ago when he had it. Ofcourse I wouldn't been dating him when he was +40 kg in his not tall body. But low self-esteem is still there due to the fact that he doesn't have a relationship or attention from women in general. So I assume he has been O daily for the last 10 years only to porn. I doubt it hasn't left consequences.
    Well, I am on tranquilizators for some months because of my ex bf's addiction and lies, manipulation, aggression he did to hide it. So I have medical help.
    But should I speak eith psychologist about seeing signs in all men about pmo addiction?
  6. Yes you should. You're putting youself in a bad spot b/c you're fearful of being involved with someone who PMOs. You've already made the assumption this guy does. I would agin ask if he has obvious self esteem issues why are you dating him? ??
  7. norah

    norah Fapstronaut

    Although I never had problems with guys or finding a sex partners, being in relationship (when i wanted), I also have low self-esteem since I remember myself, that's why I am into plastic surgery and had done operations/procedures just because ''this could be smaller, that could be bigger'', always use make up, taking care of not geting fat etc. So I feel closer emotionally with not so confident, shy guys because our mentality is similar. Ofcourse if they are not into substance addictions, video games and I added now porn to this list.
  8. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut


    Well, although you shouldn't assume that all men you'll meet watch porn, if they are single for a long time with low self-esteem and such, well you're not too far off target.
    Also, because you already have a bad experience with it, its legitimate to be concerned.

    I had to tell my 16 yo daughter to be very cautious about her BFs possible requests, based on the assumption that most if not all teens watch porn nowadays. Teens are more aware these days.

    As I know how my wife suffered from knowing I was watching porn, I understand that it creates a low self-esteem situation.

    Be good be strong, and ask the guys you date if they are watching porn! I'm in my 40's and got issues with porn-induced ED like a lot of other folks on here.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  9. norah

    norah Fapstronaut

    To one of my friend with benefits (almost 20 years older than me) during last months i asked about his porn habit, explaining that my ex had issues with that and I don't want to experience that again. Ofcourse he said he was shocked about my ex behaviour etc and that he is watching it once a month. But although i saw that he is crazy about me, he is shaking while kissing and huging with me, when we had sex he always lost erection in first seconds and i always had to masturbate him. Sometimes even that didn't work. So after me asking and asking about reasons he after two months confessed that he watches porn daily. What I want to say with this- men almost never tell truth about their porn usage, so there is even no point to ask.
  10. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Be careful you aren't caught in a cycle of being attracted to emotionally unavailable men (because they are PMO addicted), then breaking up with them because they are emotionally unavailable. You may be doing this because you have emotional issues that need to be worked on, and this cycle is keeping you from having to fully commit emotionally to someone (since you know going in that you'll eventually break it off). Your own fear of intimacy my be related to abandonment issues from your past. Could be any number of things that a therapist could help you with.