The normal sex life?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Hey guys! How many times a man in his 20's should have sex in a month? I'm asking this because i want to do the 90 days no PMO but still make love with my beautiful girlfriend from time to time... I want some results of my no PMO challenge but i'm afraid of replacing PMO with PIV. Does anybody have some biology refference that explain the normal sex life? I know my question sounds kind of dumm, but with a lot of bad media this days i easily forget how to be normal. Anyway, if you know something that might help me i'm all ears (actually eyes, but whatever :)) ). Wish you all the best!
    James2016journal likes this.
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Normal sex life is when both partners are satisfied. Depending if you live with your GF or not, availability and work, well, depends on how many times you get together.

    A few times a week is fine. I seen some research pretending that once a week is the minimum to be an happy man. More than once a week is good. but not influence satisfaction much.
    for me, twice a week steady is what I need. Even then, a third time would help.

    Too much sex with your partner = habituation. Habituation leads to desire for novelty (coolidge effect). Novelty desire means you get unsatisfied with the same stuff and start calling sex with your GF "vanilla"....

    So, don't overdo it, try to avoid "shopping" for extra thrills on the internet, that will ruin your ability to enjoy sex with your GF in the long run.

    I stopped PMO'ing and MO'ing some 290 days ago, but I watched a little p-sub last night and got caught. nothing happened, not even a boner, BUT I'm frustrated again, and wish that I could enjoy something spicier. I see my glass half-empty.

    You can get only as kinky as your partner feels comfortable with, so porn's 'grass" always seems greener....
    avatarivn and StepsReborn like this.
  3. This is very wise! Thx man! I owe you a beer!