anyone succeeded quitting coffee?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ddoonn77773, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. ddoonn77773

    ddoonn77773 Fapstronaut

    Hi, fapstronauts.:)
    Along with nofap, I'm trying to quit coffee.
    I usually drink caramel(or vanilla) latte, and my face gets redness after drinking it.
    Of course, the redness disappears about 20 minutes later.
    The problem is, drinking coffee increases the chance of relapse.
    So I'm trying to quit coffee as well, but it's not easy. "SUPER HARD"
    I drink about 500ml at least 5 times a week.
    If anyone has had success quitting coffee, please give me some tips. :(
    Spenglerian, achyuta and Be Inspired like this.
  2. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Funny, do you still get the red face from black coffee? Never heard of anyone getting anything like that. On subject, yes I have quit coffee. Not fully by choice. I told myself a long time ago(well over a year at this point) I'd only let myself have coffee after I was a month sober. Still miss the flavor.

    I quit cold turkey, so I don't know what to say as far as help unfortunately. Coffee was always something I deeply enjoyed, but never felt attached to. If only I could do that with PMO, then I could drink all the coffee I want! Heh. If I was struggling, I'd just remove access and triggers where ever possible, so get rid of any beans or grounds you have in the house, avoid places that sell coffee, especially your usuals... maybe find a replacement hot drink. I used to drink ginger tea with lemon and honey(made in a french press!), I still do that occasionally, but now mostly I drink hot chocolates or dandelion tea.

    Best of luck to you!
    Meshuga likes this.
  3. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    I did it, almost cold turkey because i still consume when i drink coke or pepsi. My tip is to not drink coffee anymore and start with coke or pepsi as substitutes and don't drink everytime.
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I'm abstaining from coffee because of Lent. We give up something we like in order to bring to remembrance the time when Jesus fasted for 40 days. It's pretty difficult, I'm not gonna lie. Perhaps you should replace it with something else; tea for example. Caffeine is addictive, so don't beat yourself up if you stumble in your journey of abstaining from coffee.
    Meshuga likes this.
  5. I did.

    Pretty much cold turkey. Been caffeine free for a year now? Albiet I'll drink a redbull now and again. When I'm abroad I'll also drink coffee. It's easy in American because the coffee is shit.

    I'm lucky though I didn't start consuming caffeine until my 20s so it was easy for me to stop as I hadn't formed a pattern of it during my formative years.

    The best way to quit caffeine in my opinion is to just stop drinking it and deal with the withdrawals as they come.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  6. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    If you want to quit coffee just go to Swiss germany, every coffee cost 4-5 bucks and you will immediatly stop drinking it.
    Spenglerian and Meshuga like this.
  7. Reallynx

    Reallynx New Fapstronaut

    Hey there! Quitting coffee can be tough, but it's doable. Try gradually reducing your intake, switching to decaf or herbal tea, staying hydrated, and finding alternative ways to boost energy like exercise or meditation. You got this!
    Joseph Campbell likes this.
  8. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    As mentioned above, gradual transition is a great solution. I've started buying good Matcha and Mate teas to supplement coffee AM's a few times a week. They both have a fair bit of caffeine still, but are much less dramatic in effect, and over time I'm looking to phase coffee out, and eventually get to the point of drinking low caf. boring green tea instead, at least for a while, to give my body some rest after the last decade of hardcore caffeine abuse.

    Good luck meng!
  9. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Coffee has a ton of caffeine, but you’re saying your symptoms are in response to a latte, and that’s different. There’s a lot of dairy & sugar in that as well.

    I suggest experimenting with tea, and also with dairy & sugar to see if you can isolate the symptoms.

    Black tea has a higher caffeine content per mg than Coke, green tea has a little more than Coke, white tea is less and herbal tea is usually no caffeine because it’s not really tea, dammit, that’s weed water. Tea comes from a tea plant I tell you what back in the day we didn’t have (angry tea noises).

    Hope your symptoms go away.
  10. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I am on day 8 of no caffeine. Last year I stopped drinking coffee for approx 6 weeks but then "relapsed" because started drinking decaf and then went back to the regular stuff.

    The first few days of no caffeine I have terrible headaches. But this time around I was able to abstain. God makes everything possible.

    Caffeine is a real nasty drug, albeit socially acceptable. The side effects are crappy (indigestion, anxiety, etc). And caffeine withdrawals are terrible (headaches and depressions)

    Good luck..better go Cold Turkey
    Spenglerian likes this.
  11. Gradually taper off..

    Buy yourself a Jack Lalanne’s juicer.. juice some oranges and grapefruits together and you will feel even better then after drinking a cup of coffee

    coffee and caffeine give me bad anxiety.. I was drinking a small amount of instant coffee in the mornings for the past year or so.. but have stopped for about 10 days now

    if you eat really, really healthy plus get a juicing machine.. it seems to give good natural energy.. plus get enough sleep
    Be Inspired likes this.
  12. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Dammmmn , coffe is so addictive but I don't drink too much only 4-5 times In a year, I know how bad it is .
  13. Since one or two years, I drink decafe coffee at home.
    And when i visit others, I sometimes drink normal coffee.
    But the decaf has decreased the amount of caffeine drastically yet.
  14. milanamiss

    milanamiss Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    +TenPercent likes this.
  15. I just hit 6 months without caffeine (no coffee, no soda)
    To start, I gave myself "permission" to indulge in sugar, chocolate and decaf.
    Now I am working on cutting back on those, decaf in particular.
    Spenglerian likes this.
  16. EveAng

    EveAng Fapstronaut

    Haven't even tried...
  17. ricardohector

    ricardohector Fapstronaut

    1. Gradual Reduction: Cut back slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

    2. Substitute: Replace coffee with herbal teas to satisfy the habit.

    3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to offset any cravings.

    4. Identify Triggers: Recognize situations that make you crave coffee and find alternatives.

    5. Stay Busy: Keep yourself occupied to distract from cravings.

    6. Get Adequate Sleep: Ensure you're well-rested to reduce reliance on coffee for energy.

    7. Seek Support: Share your goal with friends or join communities for encouragement.
    Remember, it's a process, so be patient and keep trying. You've got this!
  18. nellywilk

    nellywilk Fapstronaut

    I started to drink tea in the morning , it wasn't difficult for me. I just don't have any coffee at home anymore, that's all. I usually buy some delicious tea from a tea shop. Besides that i found information about different vitamins on canadian pharmacy partnership website and want to start taking some of those too. For the past couple of months i don't have enough energy and that has to change.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    Spenglerian likes this.
  19. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    I quit caffeine. Don’t even drink coke.

    When I quit I’d go back and buy a fresh set of quality teabags to get back into black or green tea. Next day or as soon as I realized it was a bad idea I’d throw them out. Even if I hadn’t used them yet. This is how I severely cut down on my added sugar when I was cutting weight and how I cut out coffee.

    I recommend adjusting to your desired identity not your goals. Don’t desire to quit caffeine as a goal. Desire to be a person who doesn’t drink coffee and runs on his own energy, you need to find a way to draw out that energy itself. I suggest working out 30 minutes every morning, or taking a cold shower every morning. Cold shower is obscenely powerful for getting you started with your day. You know if you can withstand that freezing hell for 60 seconds you can do anything, and everything else becomes more enjoyable in comparison as a result.