WEIRD Masturbation Habits

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by IGY, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. IGY

    IGY Guest

    The Western assumption that '95% of boys and men masturbate at some point in their lives and the other 5% are liars', is clearly not based on the experience of males globally. This confirms my gut instinct that masturbation is unnecessary and artificial. It is more the product of a sexualised AND stressful society. Later in this same article it is noted that monkeys have been observed masturbating in captivity but not in the wild. I will quote an excerpt of a fascinating editorial, but you can read the whole article here:

  2. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this article IGY. Very enlightening. A reminder that we in the 1st world are the real outsiders sometimes.
    KeenEye likes this.
  3. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    It does not surprise me but it's wonderful to have some data on this, thank you!
    KeenEye likes this.
  4. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Hmmm... Interesting.

    ~Squeaky Soul
  5. galaxim

    galaxim Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing, IGY. That's a very good article.
  6. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Very cool, thanks. Shows just how skewed that word "normal" is.
    KeenEye likes this.
  7. heyitshannes

    heyitshannes Fapstronaut

    Yeah, 'normal' today is nowhere near what was normal, say, 100 years ago. The more I think about it, the more odd it seems that nowadays, people think it's normal for men to watch porn and masturbate.
    Monk85 likes this.
  8. Third_Prototype

    Third_Prototype Fapstronaut

    I don't dispute that "WEIRD" population is in the global minority or that some cultures will have no notion of masturbation.

    I disagree with your statement that masturbation is artificial, though I only have my own anecdotal evidence to back it up.

    Nobody taught me to masturbate. I didn't read about it anywhere, and I don't recall my parents or sex education class talking to me about it. All I know is one day when I was 13 I woke up from a wet dream and started rubbing my crotch and suddenly I felt really good. I didn't even know what I had done was masturbation until later on.
    Thanatos likes this.
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    3rd P - you have your anecdote and I have my gut instinct. Neither are definitive.
  10. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I wonder if we didn't live in such a sexualized society if we would have started so young. Who knows how much sexual content we were inadvertently exposed to on TV and the like. Maybe this subconsciously makes masturbation more likely.
    KeenEye likes this.
  11. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    Now this is what I am talking right here, very good and yes I do find it very illuminating. Thank you Sir!
  12. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    The problem is if we were to all stand up and say no to PMO, well then capitalism in one sector would be weakened, I feel a lot of the time this fake knowledge about how masturbation and porn is some great wonderful freedom or a sign of individualism is distributed for two reasons, the first is to actually destroy individualism and the liberty of being an individual (A way to socially destroy competition and to bring it down a level or two) and the latter reason being for money, some counselor who thinks they are smart with what they learned about masturbation in college and goes and tells clients who feel uncomfortable with what they are doing that's it's ''perfectly okay and healthy'' well then they sell that person out to these ideas when that person is convinced of this, then they take more visits to the ''adult store'' so then the porn industry, sex toys, personal lube industries make money off that individual and their issue, so you take that on a massive scale and you get a million of these individuals that are lead to believe this cigarette science about PMO and that is ALOT of revenue, I am not sure how you feel IGY, but if you ask me, we need to keep sending out this information you have posted and we need to convince people not to buy into it, that'll bring it down, I know I sound a little radical but I am just being honest how I feel, but great post sir and I might point out that your post also had some very interesting links that concur with the original link
    KeenEye and Limeaid like this.
  13. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    We are all individuals, unique in our own ways, but we all share a common problem, a common goal, I came to this group not as a contest on who can PMO the less, but to unite and connect with ones who share similar problems. I'm always in your guys corner, I am with you, I will always be there to be your cheerleader. When we unite, we become strong, we can beat this, I don't have much faith in myself, but I have faith in all of you, and I believe as long as we keep fighting this good fight, we will win, we will win it with ourselves and we could even win over this society who constantly tries to enslave us to it's ideals and agenda, we know better than this, I applaud all of you and your courage in taking this step, I am proud to say that I am working with such an awesome group of individuals!
    Chucky and trickydicky like this.
  14. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    It's amazing to hear those particular cultures never heard of masturbating, my hopes is that the western world will leave them alone and not try to pollute their culture with it, I think it's best to let them be as they are.
  15. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    Here some more food for thought Monk85, look at the explosion of ED drugs and vaginal dryness drugs, the Pharma's are doing quite nicely as well on this convenient vehicle of PIED! Just a thought.
    Monk85 likes this.
  16. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    You know, you are absoulutely right Jbastoniv, I couldn't agree, I mean I believed that the ones making alot of money was the porn/sex toy industry and it was thanks to all this pro-fap propaganda that is being mass produced by counselors and college professors, but you are right, why did I not think of that? there are so many pharmacies that capitalize on this kind of stuff with their poison drugs and yes I said poison, they are poison as most pills are, very good fact to point out. I think also one view we need to reject is how masturbation is OK and Healthy and safe and how ''animals'' masturbate, when they say ''animals masturbate'' we need to respond ''And we are more intellectually superior to an animal!" the human race needs a reboot and I am with all of you if you are with me, I understand a lot of us got caught up in this, I humbly include myself in this, unfortunately I fapped like 4 times today and watched a little porn one of those times, I feel like crap about it, but I am wanting to try to take the challenge, June 1st I am going to try to abstain from porn for a total of 45 days, and if I can do that, I want to move on to staying away from PMO completely for an additional 45 days if the first 45 is a success. Also if people suggest masturbation to us, we need to get offended, we need to turn our noses up at it because they have aggressively forced all this pro-fap stuff down our throats, so they've pushed, now it's come to shove and we need to respond back, also for you married guys out there, don't let anyone tell you it's okay to masturbate while you are married, you need to tell them that your marriage is to be respected or else, I am married and though my wife is all pro masturbation and thinks it's okay and all that, I want to reboot myself and just have sex with her and do sexual things with her, simply put I don't want anymore solo habits in my sex life, we need to rise above this, we are humans, we are a unique,talented,creative species and what I am seeing is the mainstream trying to de-evolve us with this pro-fap trash, so remember friends, we can rise above this and we can encourage others to do so, for June 1st I will be making my biggest attempt to not look at porn in probably 7-10 years, wish me luck and thank you for that thought Jbaston and I think we all need to remember what you said because that is a part of it all.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  17. Happiness

    Happiness Fapstronaut

    Wow, that's crazy! Fascinating.
    Purity of Speech likes this.
  18. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    I'm glad other fapstronauts are admitting that masturbation is just as bad, if not more, as porn! I always knew it was masturbation all along that caused us to be zombies, not porn. Porn is merely something that makes you masturbate and orgasm. However, we must stay away from porn if we are to reboot, as they are heavily connected. But just remember: I've relapsed by just MO'ing to my fantasies (which are not nearly as extreme as porn) and the same bad effects were there when I MO'ed to porn.
    Monk85 and wildwood like this.
  19. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    Well here's my first day of the No porn part of my NoFap challenge, right now I don't feel any urges for anything and feeling very ambitious and dynamic and got all you guys on my mind, I believe we are all on the right path and I would like to congratulate you all on who have made their goals,and one thing I was thinking of is once we are all rebooted and healed and it's just natural that we are PMO free as strong superior beings like humans should be, I think it would be a good idea to be more pro active about this matter, I understand there's this pseudo liberation crap going on that is feeding people to believe they are right in their fapping and so forth, I mean we just got out of ''National Masturbation Month'' (what a level humanity has gone to) I believe to keep ourselves healthy, we need sound bodies, sound minds, in sound environments and I think trash like National Masturbation Month is not very sound if you ask me, I believe we have to not only heal but be models of human strength and build our communities to be such, and I believe push has come to shove because once upon a time masturbation was in it's rightful place and seen as a problem then it gets flipped around to being great,healthy and fun and other assorted lies they have fed us and people got all happy about it and were happy they didn't have to hide what they do totally and grew comfortable with and at the same time weakening ourselves and Keeneye put it best has caused us to be zombies, yes, weak fapping zombies, who could be having real meaningful sex in a meaningful relationship, but doing the same repeated rituals manufactured by the mainstream to make money off of us, and endorsed by the ''professionals'' as ''healthy activity'' and when totally zombified, they all have grunted the same banter ''personal freedom'' and ''not bad, my body'' and ''professionals say it's healthy, animals do it too!" that they have regurgitated from the ones who have duped them, it has weakened us, and the thing is, I know there are many who will listen to what we say and jump on board and some that will almost violent and maliciously defend it, but as I have said, when push comes to shove, fine, we will shove, we have the freedom to make this lifestyle choice and we have just as much a right to present our case to society and find others to connect with. Masturbation is not good, it has ruined marriages, destroyed confidence and has been the gateway to many sexual disorders and deviancies. I am with you Keeneye, we must rise above this and keep away from the masturbation and porn. Good day and God bless you all, once again, we are in this together! WE ARE STRONGER IN NUMBERS!
    KeenEye likes this.
  20. Monk85

    Monk85 Fapstronaut

    I think we need to counteract the "National Masturbation Month'' and have a Human Reboot Month and pass out literature and flyers and work together, it would be our right and it would be built on much more solid ground and reasoning than "National Masturbation Month'' The first National Masturbation Day was first observed May 7, 1995, after sex-positive retailer, Good Vibrations, declared the day in honor of Surgeon GeneralJoycelyn Elders who was fired by PresidentBill Clinton for suggesting masturbation be a part of sex education curriculum for students; she was terminated on December 9, 1994. and I support Bill for making such a good move, I know he's had his issues in the past, but he made the right move and this is supposedly some thing to assert ''one's right to masturbate'' okay, first off, no one said they did not have the right, they just don't want it in the schools and rightly so, so this is just one big joke to me and has no merit for anything. They got the right to masturbate, we have the right not to and we also have the right to excersize our rights, and find like minded people to work with who want to reboot and heal and strengthen, they can oppose our message all they like, but they can't stop the message, so I think a Human Restoration or Reboot Month would be in order and it would be on solid grounds, which is on the grounds of a person reserving the right to choose not to and to choose a healthier lifestyle and to not accept anymore cigarette science about masturbation from the mainstream media, so my point is, yes we can heal and we can find others to work with, but there will be a strong opposition but they better know their place and their limits on how much they can do, this whole Masturbation Freedom has turned into a vice and almost has a fascist element to it, i've talked about nofap and my views to others, and most get angry and become offended or want to avoid the topic, it's ridiculous.