Day 30 what has changed?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hopewithinme9, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Hopewithinme9

    Hopewithinme9 Fapstronaut

    This month went by quite fast and it was definetely worth it to abstain from Porn

    The changes i have noticed:
    -I had a lot more dreams
    -My meditation has definetely got to another intensity
    -i have more energy
    -My memory has improved i remenber things now that i couldnt possibly before nofap

    What I want to work on this next month:
    Despite i have more energy i still dont know how to channel it i have half of my days which are empty
    -i cant see an improvement of my confidence and my overall mood because i am staying most of the time in my house not socializing so i want to work on this aspect
    -this seems ridiculous but i dont want to approach girls in fear that ill be in a flatline and wont get it up if i may have a chance to have sex with them
    - i am still lacking in motivation i really want nofap to last but to make it really last i need a real plan of action and i dont seem to have one right now
    (Well i do but it implies procrastination i would wait till i go to london in 1 month in a half and really commit to have a full day schedual filled with exercice, cold showers,reading, socializing ectc)

    So this is it for this month its been a struggle for now and ill try to make this month less struggle for myself
    Because the way i see it the less i have to do during the day the higher the risk of relapse
    D . J . likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your current progress!

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    DYLKM likes this.
  3. DYLKM

    DYLKM Fapstronaut

    Hey! That's absolutely amazing that you made it to day 30. It is a large landmark and you should be proud. :) I would suggest replacing the energy that you used to use for PMO to do other things such as going to the gym, reading, or any other hobby that truly interests you. And for the fear of the flatline: I know it may seem like it doesn't work, but trust me, it does. Many men experience a lack of erections in the duration of their flatline. Don't let it bother you, it is all part of the reboot. Other than that, keep doing what you're doing! I have also found that eating healthier has definitely increased my mood and energy, so if you aren't already trying to eat a healthier diet, I would strongly recommend doing so.
    Hopewithinme9 and D . J . like this.
  4. esforzado

    esforzado Fapstronaut

    OK, I wish there may be hope within you, it is important to have a reason when quitting, a good reason, a reason that is important to you. This habit is a habit we probably would not quit unless it had some bad repercussions in our lives. Cigarette smokers would not quit if it did not affect them adversely. They lose lung capacity and eventually get cancer. There are all kinds of bad results from using porn all the time. From PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) to social interaction problems.
    "When I quit, I quit. I did not count the days, I woke up every morning and said to myself I am never going back". I think that is the mindset you must have.
    Hopewithinme9 likes this.
  5. Hopewithinme9

    Hopewithinme9 Fapstronaut

    Thats exactly my mindset i have tons of reasons why i want to quit porn
    "Its worsened my mood, it gave me erectyle dysfunction, premature ejaculation worsened my social anxiety my motivation a ton of reasons" and i will quit for good
    I just realise the more i abstain the more i naturally get horny so i need to do something about that "get laid or something"
  6. Hopewithinme9

    Hopewithinme9 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice i am already eating healthy fortunately due to my mother
    What i need is more social interaction
  7. esforzado

    esforzado Fapstronaut

    As I read recently, because quitting is painful, you have to plan on the pain, expet it, anticipate ir, know its coming, and even learn to want that pain". God bless you.
    Hopewithinme9 likes this.
  8. Hopewithinme9

    Hopewithinme9 Fapstronaut

    Really wise and true thanks for reminding me
    God bless you too