Need some advice

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by xStraightEdgex, May 7, 2016.

  1. xStraightEdgex

    xStraightEdgex Fapstronaut

    Hello guys! So I need some help. I need ideas on ways I can invest in myself. Years of PMO made me neglect myself, thus in this recovery, I want to love myself to the point that I start making positive changes in my life. To achieve that, I want to use my newly discovered time and energy to improve -- in body, mind and spirit.

    Here's what I've been doing so far:
    a.) I'm doing regular meditation
    b.) A lot of calisthenics
    d.) Intermittent fasting
    c.)I read books once in a while and now implementing the philosophies on Dr. Robert Glover's book No More Mr. Nice Guy (which I recommend you guys read. it's a good one)

    Plans in the future:
    a.) I'm planning to get into Martial Arts soon. Hope my calisthenics routine can help me cope with that.
    b.) Haven't had a gf before maybe I should work on that later once I get my shit together
    c.) Finish my degree in college. I just realized how PMO f-ed up my life.
    d.) Be more social. A straight edge isolating himself because of PMO didn't earn me a lot of friends recently so to speak.

    That basically is the overview of what I've been doing and what I plan to do. I'm excited to hear what you guys started to implement in your lives once you quit PMO. Is there a hobby/habit/skill you want me to give a try? Let me know. I love to hear your thoughts. Peace brothers!
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
    strongman and BlackKnight like this.
  2. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Hi there & welcome to the path!

    Have you done your "3-circles" yet? If not, check that out - link in my signature for a starting point. That will help you understand your risk factors (middle circle) and all the positive things (outer circle) that we need to be building more & more into our lives.

    Avoiding things in the middle circle is a big key in this fight.

    Also, have a read of the following....

    I think your plan is great.

    Keep going.


    xStraightEdgex likes this.
  3. xStraightEdgex

    xStraightEdgex Fapstronaut

    I love the articles you recommended bro. I'll definitely put those into practice. Thanks a lot brother!
    traveller22 likes this.
  4. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Great stuff! is excellent.


  5. xStraightEdgex

    xStraightEdgex Fapstronaut

    It truly is. I am always searching on the 'Humor' and 'Uncle Bob's Recovery Tips' section on the site. Btw, congrats on your 37 day streak bro. :)
    traveller22 likes this.
  6. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    Your first two plans in the future are also my plans as well. Also what type of calisthenics do you do and how does the whole meditation thing work out, in how to begin and stuff?
  7. FightingItRough

    FightingItRough Fapstronaut

    Have you considered volunteering? Great learning experience! Giving reaps the greater happiness. Trust me, you will get much in return!
  8. xStraightEdgex

    xStraightEdgex Fapstronaut

    Hi bro. I do body weight based high intensity interval training/circuit training. 60 mins of work followed by 15 mins of rest. It's awesome because no matter how good you are in a certain exercise you would always fatigue. Variation and creativity is key. In terms of meditation, I started off with 2 minutes adding 5 seconds each day until I reach a certain number of minutes. Let's say 10 mins if that's my goal. The key in meditation is keeping your spine straight, close your eyes, breathe deeply and "do nothing." Mindfulness requires detachment from thoughts. It's cool to hear we have similar plans in the future bro. I'm planning to enroll in Muay Thai and cross train in boxing. On the grappling aspect, I'm still finding gyms/schools nearby. Hahaha. I dream to be an MMA fighter one day. Hope some of the things I jot here helped you.
  9. xStraightEdgex

    xStraightEdgex Fapstronaut

    Yes, I'm part of a socio-civic organization that reaches out to communities. You speak the truth bro. I always feel genuine happiness when giving. Thanks for reminding me. :) Stay strong brother.