Can porn cause Sissy fetish/Crossdressing desire?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by kriss93, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    Hey all.

    In the last ~10 months I'm nearly only watch transgendered person porn.... I've started to question my sexuality....but before I was always happy to be a man and always loved women.

    But now, I think my mind "exhausted" of hot girls, and they're aren't arouses me anymore (at least not that level of arousing which was before...)...

    Nowadays I can only ejaculate to transgendered person porn....don't know why...

    And sometimes I have crossdressing thoughts and they're arouses me very quickly... For example: When I see a girl in a thong , I dont' imagine "Ohh, what an Ass...mmmm, I'd like to fuck it!" like the old times.... instead of this I imagine that thong on my ass, and how its tighten to my ass and my ass immediately starts tingling....

    Similar thing that when I watch a porn movie and see the girl's tits bouncing, the old times it arouses me, I can make it rock hard when I saw it, but now my "tits" immediately starts to tingling and associates that it is ME who getting fucked and MY tits are bouncing and it's arouses me....

    Somebody experienced similar things??? What the fuck is this? I don't want to be a woman, I know, but my brain trying to convince me that it's better to be a woman and to be sexy and charm men, and getting fucked...Sometimes I feel like my brain "think like a woman", but I know I was a man and I AM too.

    Pls, Help!
    MFCSteele likes this.
  2. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    Yes. And don't you wanna quit from it? We can do it together!!! I think we should "teach" our brain again WHY we WANT to be a real man, and WHY IS IT GOOD TO BE A MAN.
    Alex Maier likes this.
  3. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I assume that you guys consumed a lot of different types of material before getting to that particular fetish. There might be a "fetish tolerance build-up" out there. Just like the alcoholic or drug users developing a tolerance to the substance and needing to increase dosage or escalate to stronger stuff.
    P does that to us, we get bored of the chartered waters and look for novelty. The thing with fetishes is that its sometimes strange or unusual, not the norm. As the brain is looking for novelty, you happened to get triggers from that particular fet.

    In you head, think about the weirdest fetish you seen on the net, and thing that there is a clientele for it...I never consumed sis or dom stuff, but more PMO could have led me there or somewhere else weird. I was, IMHO, on the verge to become curious about Tran..
  4. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    I got into transgendered person porn about a decade into my porn habit when I had absolutely exhausted the "kick" from all previous kinds of porn I had cycled through. It is no indication of your actual sexuality, you're just trying to push the addiction as far as possible to get a dopamine rush.
  5. humbleBee

    humbleBee Fapstronaut

    yep. This is the brain doing everything it can for the best possible dopamine rush. I just now logged on and will actually use this account after having created it about 3 years ago!! I'm losing my hair, not good with talking to people, voice still not very deep, and this fetish crap for a while now! I am absolutely sick of it. I get the sort of aura that everyone thinks I got some kind of mental issue, addiction, or depression I'm dealing with...In reality I'm quite happy with life at the moment.
  6. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    Ok, thank you guys... In my case, the worst thing is I sometimes "think like a woman", and I don't want it...old times I loved to be a man....I just cannot understand how this could happen.... :( Will it be better ever? Maybe I should've go to gym and start workout, and do more "manly" things, what do you think, will they help?
  7. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    No one gonna like what I have to say, but I'm gonna say it anyways... We all should stop thinking in binary gender terms and just accept the thoughts that come naturally to us. In this case, you, Kriss93. There is nothing wrong with a man wearing a thong or any man wearing whatever the hell he wants. As a worldly culture, we've come to rely too much on the identification of gender based on stereotypes and out-dated norms. "Men build muscles and drink beer". "Men don't express their feelings". "Men don't wear dresses or thongs". Wouldn't everyone feel better if our collective culture was more accepting about what people wore no matter what their gender? Yeah, Kriss, you want to wear a thong and get fucked in the ass, big fuckin deal. Unless your penis falls off and you magically grow a vagina, you're always going to be of the male sex. It's okay to want things that are outside the norm of what our society accepts as "gender normal". FUCK gender norms! Be yourself and be fuckin proud of it!
    theGECK, Betamancer and Wildstar like this.
  8. Wildstar

    Wildstar Fapstronaut

    Wow, interesting topic. I too dabbled in fetish porn. Got into ballbusting, cuckhold and all sorts of femdom sh*t. What's weird is that I was having regular sex w my gf at the time 3-4/week. Sometimes twice in one day. But still on those off days I come home and PMO to this weird fetish porn and imagined my gf getting banged by other men. The thought in reality would disgust me but it got me off while masturbating so quickly. I could PMO in 2 min so I started edging to make it last longer. All of these fetishes got me off but the reality is I wouldn't want to actually go through w them in real life. My sex life is perhaps a little kinky but nothing compared to what I used to PMO to. I'm happy w what I have in my life and don't ever want to go back to that stuff.
  9. Betamancer

    Betamancer Fapstronaut

    I'm the same way. When pleasuring myself, at least 90% of the time I prefer imagining myself as the woman. It makes the whole thing a lot more enjoyable for me and I'm able to climax so much faster than by imagining my male self there.

    However, outside of porn viewing, I've never really felt miserable about being a man. I admit that if I was offered a magic pill that was guaranteed to transform me into a beautiful woman, I wouldn't turn it down. But the concept of hormones and sex change surgeries doesn't appeal to me at all, not even in fantasy.

    If you feel happy about being a man despite having these fantasies, I'd say you have the same thing as I do; it's called autogynephilia. Google it if you're interested.
    Congrelous likes this.
  10. ALPHABat

    ALPHABat Fapstronaut

    Uh oh, I finally found people who are like me. I am the same. I am always make fake facebook profiles with female photos to have sex chats with men. God damnit.. I hope nofap fixes this disease.
  11. LemonFresh

    LemonFresh Fapstronaut

    Well, I never had those desires until I started looking at the stuff.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    MFCSteele likes this.
  12. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    Ditto. Somewhere still out on the web is a female me, a secret hidden version of me who kept stealing more and more of my life. I'm praying I am done with that existence. Things feel better now. I really want this PMO addiction to end!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    ALPHABat and ChristoX8 like this.
  13. ChristoX8

    ChristoX8 Fapstronaut

    Don't lose hope, just a week ago, I was really into futanari/hentai/facials/anal/eye-rolling orgasms/name the all, I'd spend hours watching tease videos and edging without o :p but now, I don't even want to look at those things again. Change is possible, you just gotta give it time. :cool:
  14. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Stop watching porn. Yes it warps your mind. Happened to my bf. He dabbled in CD before we met. Still talked to guys after we met. Afterwards he always thought ugh... I like women.
    It's fucking bizarre.
    MFCSteele likes this.
  15. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely Dave. Porn is non existent. That is the frame of mind you need.
    ChristoX8 likes this.
  16. ChristoX8

    ChristoX8 Fapstronaut

    Indeed. Before my reboot, I would fap when bored, nowadays, I fill the voids with electronic music and meditation. Porn is non existent to me, it used to exist but I killed it and it's gone. Now I have much more time to do the things that I truly love and be the man I always aspired to be. :)

    I don't know if you guys know of a band called Kraftwerk but they're pioneers in electronic music (they started in 1970) and their music really help me with the reboot. When I listen to them, the last thing I want to think about is PMO. lol

  17. ChristoX8

    ChristoX8 Fapstronaut

    LOLL, awesome post. :p
    big_dave likes this.
  18. I think it's likely porn-induced. I know from experience that a steady diet of pmo escalates.
    big_dave likes this.
  19. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I think that most males, when pre-teens or teens, have at least once the "curiosity" to wear a piece a lingerie. I know I did try once. It wasn't conclusive, so I didn't try again. At the time , the trigger was to watch mature women around me, moms mostly, wearing pantyhose.

    With internet porn, it doesn't matter..the need for something new (coolidge effect) will lead you to something new, something different, some that you will eventually feel aroused by.
    Myself, I didn't get any arousal by the sissy stuff. But I got hooked on other "offerings"...

    Just like "the wheel of fortune", the wheel of porn stops at something weird, that at some point becomes mesmerizing and pleasurable.
    Risitas67 and kriss93 like this.
  20. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    This thread is a five pound bag of trigger warnings. lel