What is your moral standpoint on porn?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NoBrainer, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I've just read a few things on the forum that got me wondering: What are your views on the morality of using porn?

    For example, some might say that porn is disgusting or for those of you are religious, that it is sinful. What are your thoughts on this? Personally, I've never had an issue with the morality of me using porn. But the addiction that came from it and how the addiction affected me was reason enough to try to quit.

    I think it's interesting that the modern approach to addressing porn as a societal issue has changed tack from more traditional arguments. That is, that porn is being regarded as an addiction, rather than as a habit these days and that practical ways of mitigating porn addiction are favoured over the more traditional argument that porn is 'bad'.

    As an example, at traditional speaker against porn may be someone like Shelley Lubben, whereas Gary Wilson would be a good example of an educator with a more modern approach.
  2. I see porn as sinful and this helped me to start fighting it only after using it twice ( Yes I became addicted after only two sessions and don't know how).This also was the main reason I didn't PMO until I was 18.But what made me take this very seriously was when it started to affect my life especially my academic life.
    NoBrainer likes this.
  3. Lysistrata

    Lysistrata Fapstronaut

    I see porn along the same lines as alcohol or tobacco. Using it isn't morally wrong in my opinion but it should be used sparingly if at all just like alcohol or tobacco.
    iceman137 and leoac13 like this.
  4. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    What goes on between consenting adults is in no way immoral.
    Zerg Prosecutor likes this.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I agree with @Kurapika 2 that porn is immoral and sinful. This served as a protection for me as I didn't indulge in it for 30 years after I started puberty.
  6. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut


    In the (theoretical) optimal place, we are truly free to choice.
    So when we reach this state, then porn is neither good nor bad.
    Because we can choose.

    Porn is only bad to us when we are not able to choose. Then we are like moths which fly into the burning light.

    Also, I have found that the idea that something is "sinful" makes it even more attractive.

    Therefore, over years, the word "morality" has lost its meaning to me.
    Moral is a kind of common sense in a society, but different societies can have totally different morals.

    For example, look how totally different japanese and american people treat sexuality. It is completely unbelievable.
    But I don't judge! Both are different societies!
    Or, in Austria, a new law has been subsided, there is now "sexual education" in school, and kids are now looking porn in school, together with the teachers, they are discussing and reflecting it, etc.

    I think you should never close your eyes and suppress, like as if porn does not exist.
    The more you are open, the more you grow and the more you become a truly free adult.

    NoBrainer likes this.
  7. I think pornogrpahy is immoral because it is degrading. It focuses on only the physical traits of human beings and exploits those traits. The very thing which makes us individuals (personality) is removed and the worth of the person is reduced to superficial things like parts of their anatomy or how good they screw. I think those who claim porn is 'self-expression' are kidding themselves since nothing of the self is expressed or shown. All porn at its foundation is the same and all porn stars are the same. They are nothing but human bodies using each other for base gratification and even that isn't correct since it's the illusion of gratification. Most, if not all, of the people in porn are drugged up and emotionally damaged.

    In short porn is neither healthy or self expressive. It is the misuse and abuse of sex and the degradation of human beings. It is unhealthy and self-destructive and this extends not only to those who participate in it but those who view it. We all here are evidence of that fact.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2015
  8. leoac13

    leoac13 Fapstronaut

    I agree with Lysistrata here. It's exactly like smoking weed or consuming alcohol in exuberant amounts. I don't wish to tag it as immoral because it's ok to pleasure yourself but just as the addiction alcohol and drugs cause, we should treat porn akin.
  9. I disagree. I think sex should be treated like alcohol or tabacco while porn should be viewed like drunkeness or emphysema. IMO, there is no such thing as acceptable amounts of porn which is why we have to do 'hard mode' in order to reboot.
  10. leoac13

    leoac13 Fapstronaut

    I wasn't emphasizing on a reboot here. Just my view on whether it should be considered an immoral or not and obviously for recovering addicts you need to be on the hard mode for faster brain rewiring.
  11. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I used to have this same opinion. Then I realized I was an addict. I still don't necessarily think using porn is immoral, but it so damaging that it's really dumb to use.

    I think the porn industry, on the other hand, engages in some very immoral behaviors. There are a handful of former porn stars that have become activists against the industry because of all the abuse that goes on within it. Some activists go so far as to say that by watching porn, you are encouraging and supporting this abuse, which is immoral. That might be true, but it's more a stretch. However, that logic does help me avoid it.
    Kyle8884, Kurapika 2 and roifwoha like this.
  12. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I think it depends on what type of person you are. Some people find science to be the only thing that will convince them and others become convinced by religion. It just depends on what that person prefers. Now that there is much more science behind porn being "bad for you" people in our modern society (which is very atheist and very scientific) are finally coming around to the idea that religions have been preaching for years.

    I see porn as being both morally "wrong" FOR ME but also detrimental to normal healthy sexuality for the majority of people.
  13. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    But Alcohol and Tobacco are drugs. No animal takes them voluntarily. Nature has not intended that we take them.
    BTW, I'm not drinking and smoking anything since 15 years.

    But sex - i mean, true healthy sex - is intended by nature. It is intended for pro-creation. It's intended for creating emotional bonds.

    Porn, however, is unhealthy sex - disconnected sex. The same is true for all kind of affairs and quick sexual encounters. That all is sex for getting aroused and having an orgasm, but without any further implication.
  14. tomtom

    tomtom Fapstronaut

    If you pay for porn (or see ads on a free porn streaming site etc) you support the porn industry... they are not doing just to benefit us, they are in it for the money.

    The activistit might not know all the ways of getting porn without anyone getting any compensation for it (like bittorrent) and probably equate watching with someone getting paid.

    I used to like degrading stuff and not really think about the actors as humans, now that is very different. I don't think that many of the actors ( or especially actresses) really want to do all that... and it is not like flipping burgers all day and not enjoying it.

    But all this change has happened after I started nofap, I didn't start nofap because of disliking the abuse.
  15. Obviously the comparison will be lacking in certain areas, however, I think it got my point across which was, porn is the unhealthy use of sex like how drunkeness is the unhealthy use of alcohol.
    Knight Solaire and Caveat Emptor like this.
  16. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Maybe it depends on how much the user knows? I wouldn't say a 16 year watching porn with no knowledge of the abuses is acting immoral. But if an adult, or even that same 16 year old, has been presented irrefutable proof that there systematic abuse in the production of porn, and continues to watch, then yes he is acting immoral.
    Kurapika 2 likes this.
  17. 1.What are your views on the morality of using porn?

    It is immoral and sinful.

    I hate the idea that poor people are being exploited into doing this “filmed prostitution”.

    If you imagine how much more they could achieve if they would live a normal life.

    2. What are your thoughts on this?

    I started to believe in Lord during my NoFap journey.

    I believe that the Porn Actors should be forgiven and helped.

    They should not be judged. They should be respected as everyone else.

    The same applies for everyone who is watching the porn.

    3. I prefer Shelley Lubben over Gary Wilson.

    Reason: Shelley shown me how the situation of the adult actresses is in the industry.

    Gary is not a bad speaker, he can deliver the message in a more friendly way, however his sense of humor is a bit too much for me.
  18. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    I don't think it's entirely bad, nor do I see it being good either.

    I think that being a community that has suffered tremendously from the effects of porn we are skewed to believe it's the devil, when really we're the devils and porn was just a tool for us to use.

    I think in most situations it's bad, from the money and time it wastes to the way it screws people up mentally and physically, however I see it being good in certain circumstances. I can imagine it being useful when it comes to curiosity or education, I could also see it being a fast and easy way for people with no place to go to make oodles of money, outside of that though it pretty much doesn't help anyone.

    No matter how you look at it porn would have existed in one way or another, I think the best possible outcome would be to put restrictions on pornography, I think blocking it entirely online (of course there are ways to get around it, but it would prevent most) and perhaps allowing some mainly educational forms to be sold to certain folks, I know it's a little out there but I think you'll see a growing number of people who are against it start to make a name for themselves over the next few years.
    Congrelous likes this.
  19. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut


    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  20. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This video needs a very strong trigger warning @Congrelous
    Ctrl+Alt+Del and Kurapika 2 like this.