1 week going strong

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Lysistrata, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Lysistrata

    Lysistrata Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I've been stuck on porn since I was 10 or so, and its kinda like what Gary Wilson said in his TED talk, a fish doesn't know what water is because it's enveloped in it all the time and thats been the case for me. I half-heartedly tried to quit PMO some months ago and lasted 7 days before relapsing and thanks to the subreddit and that godsend panic button I'm back 7 days into hard mode again. My inspiration for quitting came from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" where he talks about channeling your sexual energy into success. I was blessed with a really high sex drive, I want to take that energy and use it to propel me to new heights.

    Mr. Hill stated the most successful people are highly sexed people and looking at all the energy I have since I stopped jacking off...I believe him.
  2. Grey

    Grey Guest

    Congrats on the milestone. When did you first notice a change?
  3. Lysistrata

    Lysistrata Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I was boiling over, today is when I really started to feel the difference when I'm interacting with people. I have energy and drank alot less coffee. The sexual energy is there but its calm and focused and since I stay busy anyway with a full time job, college, and a couple other ventures its getting a little easier to redirect that sexual energy where I need it.
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  4. Ryszard Mazur

    Ryszard Mazur Fapstronaut

    Have to give you a word of warning though, with me, I felt high like you in the first week after I stopped PMO, than the second week I noticed first signs of withdrawal: low mood, elevated stress response, shyness, low energy levels, third week was even worse, third and fourth week: panic attacks!!, triggered by incommensurate stresses in my life, low energy, fatigue, depression and creeping doubt over myself, sexually : total flatline.

    So I guess: this is the typical withdrawal pattern as one guy said on Gary Wilson's show, which might last months ... that said ...

    I am felling much, muuuuucchhh better now!! It's been 25 days, my mood is elevated, and I start feeling positive emotions powerfully, my recovery is close, so , bear in mind: withdrawal will come and that's when it counts to see it comin' and fight the urge no matter what :) Good luck to you and myself, Lysistrata :)
    Lysistrata likes this.