What activities can replace PMO?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by RaptorsandChelsea, May 19, 2020.

  1. RaptorsandChelsea

    RaptorsandChelsea Fapstronaut

    I know that this is an ambiguous question, so I'll elaborate myself a bit more here.

    I basically masturbated to porn every night for 1-2 hours because of a combination of 3 things: 1) Temporary stress relief 2) The thrill 3) It helped me sleep better at night.

    I've been refraining myself from this detrimental activity a bit better these days, but my days are starting to feel empty without PMO as I've made it a habit for so long.

    What other activities (aside from exercising) can give me the same 3 positive effects that I felt from PMO?
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  2. PMOing has no positive effects. It was all just a temporary high for you. Try reading this book as it made things really easy for me. It goes over all those things you have mentioned above (stress, bordom, thrill).

    Most people here make things hard. I'll get to x days and then i'll be free from porn but I have to suffer those x's days first. This method doesn't use the willpower method.

    https://SPAM REMOVED (spam code #00...D (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION.pdf
  3. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    My husband use to scoff at reading books. He has started reading again since he quit pmo.
    It has helped him become aware of why he even started doing what he did. Pmo addiction is a symptom of a deeper issue. Find that issue and it will help you tremendously.
  4. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Replacement is too simplistic a way to look at it. One of the reasons you listed is to help you sleep, STRUCTURING your time will do that MUCH better.

    If you're like most people there are/were probably times where you stayed up too late PMO'ing, that's a lack of consistent structure and not just replacing the 1-2 hours, not all the time. People who use one thing like a pill or PMO to FALL asleep don't understand it's part of the overall circadian rhythm, technically we can say you start falling asleep the moment you wake up, it's a cyclic process.

    But as a practical example, if you read before bed there's a much lower chance you'll stay up and screw up your schedule. Just be aware of your own tendencies, like if you read on a device you may need to cut off wifi so you don't try to go online instead of sticking to the book.
  5. verbeek75

    verbeek75 Fapstronaut

    Besides exercising, maybe you like to do some sports, like teamsports, you can make friends and do other things together or join a chess, bridge club or other club where you can be regularly. How about yoga or dance lessons? Other options would be reading books (at a library), (city)photography or join drawing/painting classes. Maybe you feel better in doing volunteer work.
    You just need to find something or a few things you like, the hardest part is and actually starting doing something different.
    So something that you do with others might be better since it makes it easier in getting a more daily structure, but that is up to you.
  6. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Masturbation is giving you 'benefits' because you are addicted. You are not getting positive benefits, you are dealing with withdrawal symptoms. However, there are activities that can lesson the triggers/withdrawal symptoms.
    I thoroughly recommend putting away all screens at least half an hour before bedtime - preferably an hour or more. There is nothing there that won't be there in the morning, so just turn it off and keep it off. You'll find that this alone will massively improve your quality of sleep, but if you need more, a meditation practice will help with the stress (it takes practice though). A daily reading practice is hugely beneficial, although if you are reading before bed I recommend fiction - save the heavy non-fiction, self-help and reference books for the morning.
    As for the thrill - not sure. You'll experience far more of a thrill going on dates, meeting girls and having enjoyable sex with a partner, but I'm not sure if you're ready for that yet.
    RaptorsandChelsea likes this.
  7. akshay thakur

    akshay thakur Fapstronaut

    Remember brother pmo just gives you short term pleasure and long term pain. Once u get rebooted you will be a totally different you. More energy and you will have a clear thinking and a very strong willpower. You should do yoga, meditation. If u like to sing why not sing a song. Spend time with family. Stay away from electronics as much as possible. Remember God helps those who help themselves. So just keep yourself busy and dont think about it. God bless.
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