A new beginning

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Kanara, May 18, 2015.

Any tips or pointers for me to help me quit?

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  1. Kanara

    Kanara New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys/girls,

    I'm new to this and need help, I have been reading tons of articles and videos on how bad this is and effects your health and confidence and need some advice and wondered if anyone would mind giving me some pointers for me,

    Many thanks.
  2. BadFarmer

    BadFarmer Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    I have just recently started to have success with nofap, I initially failed to get much over 10 days. Im now setting at 98 days clean and am feeling like a different person than when I started. This is all based on my personal experience, but things that helped me where:

    (I copied and pasted a lot of this from another post, hope it helps!)
    a. Dont focus on the day count too much, just focus on improving yourself and having higher standards, the day count will take care of itself. For some reason when I thought of the day count too much, it always seemed harder for me.
    b. DO NOT EDGE. Every time I let myself edge, I had more urges for the following week, and usually failed.
    c. DO NOT FANTASIZE. Fanaticizing leads to edging, which leads to failure.
    d. Accountability. I am doing this with a friend, every weekend we talk on the phone to make sure we’re each staying clean. If one of us is having a rough week, we text everyday.
    e. Cold showers, Meditation, and Journaling. I am rather inconsistent with all of these but they have each definitely helped. For me, I think journaling my thoughts was the most beneficial.

    Habits cannot be simply removed, they must be replaced. Habits are stored in your subconscious brain, and like a hard-drive, are rarely ever truly erased unless they are overwritten ("Power of Habit" is a good book about this). So think about what makes you PMO, what is the underlying issue? And how can you respond to it differently with a new habit? For me, I used PMO as stress reliever, like a drug that would relax me. My alternative was to start working out a lot in a gym, as this also helps to relieve stress. In the last 98 days or so of no PMO, I have been in the gym 5x a week. It has really helped.

    Also know its hardest for the first 30 days or so, it will get easier as long as you don't keep edging and fantasizing.

    Stay strong my friend!
    Kanara likes this.
  3. Aayush Kalra

    Aayush Kalra New Fapstronaut

    Newbie here! Gonna start the NoFap challenge !