I deleted all of it! You can too!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Simpleslow, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Simpleslow

    Simpleslow Fapstronaut

    Hey chaps..

    I went through all my external drives, data Discs, printed content and destroyed/deleted all of it. I noticed that I was trying to keep the "best" ones by filtering, but that was bullshit and my addiction was in control. So I bit the bullet and went out to the shed and burned my printed material. It was pretty therapeutic and I highly recommend doing that. I went on to delete 100s of gigabytes of movies, not joking it was easily over 200gig!!! It was hard but it was the best feeling once I clicked empty recycling bin. I then deleted all my bookmarks both on computer and phone. My life feels much more honest and clean. I was always scared of people using my phone or my computer but now I don't have the anxiety about being caught, I am honest and free.

    I have been feeling anxious about this new change. I want to hold on for good. I noticed that alcohol often led me to binges late at night so I stopped alcohol almost 5 months ago. Best thing I ever did. Stopping P will be the next best thing I do and there's only up from here. I hope that is a useful insight and please share your stories of how you deleted certain things in your life and cleaned up. Can anyone beat over 200 gb!? Lol saddest high score ever!


  2. Buzzltyr

    Buzzltyr Fapstronaut

    That is a BOLD step and probably the BEST thing you can do!! I wish I could delete my stash so easily!
  3. NeedAChange

    NeedAChange Fapstronaut

    Brilliant mate, well done. I did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago and don't miss it at all.
    It's nice to have that clean feeling: I no longer have to quickly shut the laptop or cover the screen if someone walks in as I'm not looking for/at P any more!

    Over time I think I must've had close to 200gbs of P, but never all at the same time. Stored it in on hdd, and brought USB stick after USB stick to back up the 'precious' clips. I must've got it down to about 100gb this year, and then trimmed that down to one 32gb USB full of 'favourites'. Started NoFap but still kept the USB (taped and stored away) until one night when I read a thread similar to this one and I decided it was time, and I was ready to get rid. One click delete and I had a nice empty USB to fill with more wholesome files: favourite TV/movies.
  4. Stopitjack

    Stopitjack Fapstronaut

    very cool, i deleted mine awhile back. it was quite a lot when i took the plunge and made the commitment about NoFap, i got rid of mine. its was not 200 gig but it definitely felt very liberating and unencumbered.
    Simpleslow likes this.
  5. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    I still streamed porn after I deleted mine for a few months.... but that doesn't mean that you will. It's still a big step... CONGRATS! Keep the momentum going.
    Gilbert and Simpleslow like this.
  6. riis11

    riis11 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations. I don't have your courage yet. My hard drive full of P is locked away in a place where I don't have easy access. I hope that one day I can delete it all like you did. That's a big step forward and I'm happy that you were able to do it. Again, congrats. Stay Strong.
    Simpleslow likes this.
  7. Simpleslow

    Simpleslow Fapstronaut

    Trust me buzz, it's really really hard to do, but you have to realise that this is all false gratification. Not real. We are all better off without it. Just delete all of it, trick yourself by saying I can just download more one day, but never do it.
  8. Simpleslow

    Simpleslow Fapstronaut

    Thanks Andrew , that's what I fear actually but I'm going to try and stay away from it.
  9. Simpleslow

    Simpleslow Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support and sharing your story mate! I was also scared of trimming and that's why I took the plunge, it's very easy to get attached to favourites so well done!
  10. Yolojojo

    Yolojojo Fapstronaut

    I can't get rid of mine at the moment, it's just the best videos I've found. You know what I mean, my personal collection...

    But I will delete it eventually.
  11. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    As long as you're holding on to porn, you can't let go of porn.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Check out J-Kiwin's journal for how he deleted his personal collection.
    Dizzy Lotus and Stopitjack like this.
  12. Stopitjack

    Stopitjack Fapstronaut

    You can do it!!! Go for it!!!

  13. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! I'm lucky enough to never have stored any porn files on my computer, I mostly streamed it online. There was a period when I used to download porn, but it was for a short amount of time. Unfortunately, there's enough content online. If someone plans to quit, that's a part of the first step.

    I also refuse to use blockers, because I know I will not enter a porn website and as long as I stay away from them, the relapsing should be avoided. Congrats once again!
    Kurapika, Gilbert and Stopitjack like this.
  14. enormous

    enormous Fapstronaut

    A really good topic :

    My opinion is the same as Will I Am :
    You cannot pretend to fight your porn addiction if you keep porn somewhere.

    Also, I think installing a porn blocker is crucial.

    All of these actions are psychological : your brain then knows that it will be difficult to reach porn.
    And because you know it will be difficult, you don't even try (or if you try because it's "automatic", it will be hard enough for you to "wake up" and stop your action).

    So both actions are mandatory for me :
    - delete all porn
    - install blockers everywhere (laptop, tablets, phone, etc)

    I did that on day 1 and never regretted it.
    If you're really serious about PMO stop, you won't need porn anymore anyway.
    Follow this cold hard logic and not your sentimental attachment to porn.

    My 2 cents...
    Kurapika likes this.
  15. A new me !

    A new me ! Fapstronaut

    I asked a friend to put a lock on my iPhone and my iPad although I didn't just delete my external drive I lauched it into a nearby lake so I don't even have the drive anymore !!! My friend thought I either had issues with gambling or Porn, I didn't say which. It's a shame really because I could do with telling someone face to face ! That's why this forum is soooo important to me.
  16. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Basically noone in real life knows about my struggles either, even though I have so many caring and non-judgmental friends that'd support me, I'm too ashamed to admit it to anyone (especially seeing as I'm known somewhat of an anti-porn enthusiast social media- don't want to be a hypocrite).

    Congratulations to you guys that have deleted it all - it's seriously an incredible move I salute yoi!
    A new me ! likes this.
  17. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Great job! I actually haven't ever really had a big porn collection. I mostly just watched porn online. There have been times when I downloaded pictures, but after I had an orgasm, I always felt guilty and deleted them again.
    I'm happy you made the choice to delete it all, and I hope you won't get to even 1 GB ever again ;)
  18. depo27

    depo27 Fapstronaut

    I also deleted everything, my laptop and smartphone are porn free at this moment. Deleting porn is a great step towards sexual healing, I think it'a must for every fapstronaut.
    A new me ! and Dizzy Lotus like this.