My life is changing before my eyes

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by diamondboi, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    I was what they call an early bloomer with the introduction of high speed porn, at a ripe age of thirteen I was already masturbating to images which quickly went transforward onto videos. Like many this carried on for many years, on top of being teased when I was younger I never had the self-esteem and confidence to ever get into a relation, and it was just an onward spiral to my self-destruction. Porn, masturbation in hand with low self esteem will put security blankets all over you, and stop you from doing the things you want, it really is a sick addiction, and pleasure.

    Fast forward i'm twenty three years old, have relapsed so many times, but I kept getting back up, knocked down and again back up for the fight. Nothing worked, and I was getting sexually frustrated. Not having sex for over three years I decided enough was enough of not approaching women, and decided to step it up a notch. Keep in mind even when I was around the odd women while drunk at a party, I was never able to do the deed. Any how I decided to pursue online dating, a lot of mixed feelings towards this seeing how the ratios of men:women is astronomical, and it's not on the favour of men. I wouldn't consider myself a model, but iv'e been told numerous amounts of time im handsome, so I decided hell with it, and threw up some pictures, and started messaging anything of interest. Got lot's of replies, but most the conversations never led anywhere. Any hint of sexual explicitly in general would steer most women away .. so with experience I started developing a better text game and secured three dates in 1 week. This alone was the biggest step iv'e taken in years, never been on a date in my life, always beating around the bush like 'i don't care' but the reality was I had no experience, I was numb on the inside, and had bad anxiety around women, and MEN. It's frustrating as hell to put up fake confidence and always seem like the life of the party, but reality is being anxious all the time when not behind the bottle or some sort of narcotic to mask the pain.

    Again online dating improved my confidence massively, the whole dating all together and just talking to everything and anything in general sky rocketed my self-esteem, and confidence. I truly started feeling like I was on the path to recovery. This whole PMO and, NoFap is making my life change before my eyes, i'm approaching three weeks, and their is some sort of aura around everyone I encounter I can 't explain this but whenever I go to the gym, a lot of attractive women are constantly looking at me, and it doesn't make me anxious what so ever. I keep getting locked eye contact, and smiles. In return I do the favour. The best part about this is i'm finally striking up conversations with all these women that have showed this interest, and to no surprise that simple 'hey' made them, including myself light up and make small-talk. I feel this electric flow of energy pulsing through me, and i'm so excited around said women.I feel like i have so much to offer, and give to the world. Before NoFap, and online dating I was ignoring everyone, and looking at all men talking to women as competition, it was pure ridden jealousy. No more!

    Dating and pursuing women is what ultimately made me break the habit of fapping. it gave me hope, a reason and something to hold onto. it's the only method that helped me break PMO

    Any how, that's a little information on my journey. Well, I have a second date going on tonight, and this said busty cutie is coming over to my place to hang out, watch a movie and have drinks. Picked up cialis 20mg dose from the doctor, going to take it... work out, then see her later tonight.

    Super powers, and anything Iv'e noticed in general at three week mark

    - When I get it a boner it feels like it's pulsating so hard, that a simple breeze of air, and tick at the head makes it go WILD. Sensitivity is a real thing.

    - Less anxious, more social and inclined to meet people.

    - Might be in my head, but I feel like I LOOK better all together.

    - Increased amount of women holding eye contact follow by a smile at me.

    - No more brain fog, and life feeling meaningless type feeling.

    - Better though process, patterns, and decision making

    - Muscles look better? maybe in my head as Iv'e been lifting for five years.
  2. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    It's not in your head, I experience these as well! And the muscle gain has been huge.
  3. Happiness

    Happiness Fapstronaut

    All this gives me such motivation to continue this journey! Thanks!
    Muki007 likes this.
  4. Did you gain more muscles because you're lifting more or just because of no PMO?
  5. Cute Hipster

    Cute Hipster Banned - Posting Porn

    You Said Rights Things i am Also Experience These Things Bro..

    My Muscles are Much better Now ... All Fapstronaut Will Exeperience These Benefits Sooner or Later...

    You Just hit 90 days and Double the benefits ... Good Luck :)
  6. Toby

    Toby Fapstronaut

    It's interesting how your three week progress has been so much different to mine. I've almost hit three weeks now and I basically feel the same as I did before. In fact, my anxiety worsened in the second week, the only benefit I've seen is a bit more interest in local girls as opposed to the ones on the internet.
  7. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    less anxiety and the desire to socialize with others has been my biggest improvement id say.
  8. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    I changed nothing, lifting the same weight and same reps. I started NoFap and within two weeks my biceps were almost twice the size. I cannot explain it but I am not complaining!
    Neil Von Schafft likes this.
  9. Reading your post was very inspiring,thanks for sharing.
  10. Eric Forman

    Eric Forman Fapstronaut

    Great stuff dude, I notice thesame things when I'm doing well with this.

    Here's to our streaks being permanent this time, and having awesome lives because of nofap and other good lifestyle habits!
  11. Cooldude4

    Cooldude4 Fapstronaut

    Great going..I am going to hit 100 days .no pmo. Some hard streaks of 10+ days.
    Experience is the same.
    All the best
  12. It affects people differently, and whilst in the first weeks some note worsening problems, I'm glad that yours have improved so drastically. I'm also experiencing greater confidence when embarking on this journey, but my pessimistic nature cannot get the placebo effect out of my head. However, less anxiety and more attention from women means I do not care what the reason is.
  13. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    The hardest battle I find is now associating pretty women with the connection of my dick. Before I would just register them as sexy but my dick, and libido wouldn't trigger. This is becoming much easier as I approach recovery.

    Does anyone else know what i'm talking about?

    The mind:penis connection. Before PMO i would see a hot chick and know she was attractive but my dick wouldn't respond. it's becoming much easier as the weeks go by. These said women are now attracting life down below.