How do i get over thinking about porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by himanshuraj842, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. himanshuraj842

    himanshuraj842 New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,
    I started with porn in the ninth grade when I was 14 and started with masturbation at the same age...over the years I've even fapped thrice in a row, occasionally like thrice a week I masturbate late at night up to 5 times.
    1)Friends say I am growing weak
    2) I am losing my hair at a rate faster than I never did...
    3) My studies are getting affected
    4) I can't meet eyes with girls ( not even with my mom nor with my sis)
    I don't know why I started with porn

    Because I was a bright student once...
    I was a good son once...
    I was a dreamer, an ambitious kid
    I had opportunity, but good thing is I still have it{ my exams are in fact I have a chemistry exam day after tomorrow..wish me luck guys}

    I just want to save myself from this shit..
    And people here have got each other's back
    I am aiming for a total reboot
    Wish me luck once again

    You gon' pray for me,
    Save my soul for me,
    Take my pain for me,
    Cos I m not alone you see....
  2. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I don't get this at all. If this is a serious request for help or advice, maybe try again with a more genuine attitude. Are you asking for help, writing a poem, or typing out lyrics to a song?
  3. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    @Joe1023, Sometimes people like to rant, or share their pain. People do it in different ways. @himanshuraj842 Good luck to you, stay strong and keep away from porn and things will go back to what they once were.
  4. You stop thinking about P one thought at a time. Learn to "freeze" the thought of PMO when it first enters your mind. It is lying to you about something -- it always does. Find the lie. Replace it with the truth of the life you'd rather be living. Then, meditate on the truth of real life instead of the destructive lies of PMO. Do this consistently with each and every thought, as often as you can, and your thinking will begin to change. Changed behavior will follow.

    Progress will not be in a straight line, but if you do not give up, you will progress. APs can be a great help to keeping you on track, and I would recommend you acquire one or more. And eliminating P from your life 100% will also greatly aid starving the brain of content on which to draw.

    Wishing you the best and cheering you on!