I said NO

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Fightthedevil, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    I have always been a helpful person,even to the shitty humans who don't deserve it. I was always on the front. Anyone needs help in their Code? No Problem. You can't understand a whole frigging chapter? No problem,I'll teach you at the cost of my sleep. I could go on and on but the thing is I decided to change it.

    I was ending up in miserable situations where people extracted their purpose by being sweet and nice and human to me for sometime and then said an indirect HAhAHAHha FUCK YOU,Now Pack up and leave.

    So I made a pledge to start saying NO. (to most of the people who have never helped or even smiled at me but became the nicest fucking human being on the earth when they needed something)

    So,few days ago A guy from my Computer science class,who has never said even a simple "Hey" to me before except for the first day,called me up around 11 p.m and said "Hey *my name*,I really need help man. I can't understand shit about linked lists. It'll be great if you could help me". Now This was rude too. How tf can someone call someone straight up and ask for a favor when you have not even formed the basic friendship with them. and i said "No,I don't have the time." He was confused as fuck. He said"Man,I read the whole chapter of the book i can't seem to reverse the list nor insert anything at the middle" and I said "Ah,Read it again. You will" and cut the phone.

    And i was proud of myself. I don't want to be a people pleaser anymore,Especially to the ones who are selfish af and talk shit behind my back. This was a drastic step from my side.
  2. That definitely was a drastic step on your side, but not a good step at all. I can relate to what you are going through, i am that guy that people take advantage of and always ask something from, a lot of the time i dont want to help those people but i do, and there is a reason for that. When i help people i dont do it because they are good or bad, or because they are shitty humans, i do it because thats who i am, i believe kindness should come before anything else, those people might just be using you but by being kind and helping them, despite how nasty they are twords you, you will leave a mark on them, it might be years down the road but that act of kindness will change them for the better one day, and as a christian i have the best role model to look up to, Jesus, i know for a fact he would help those nasty people, why?, because that is what a kind, forgiving person would do. I dont expect anything from those people, i dont even expect a thank you, aslong as a i can be a beacon of hope and kindess is this dark world, thats all i need. Now to adress this comment, {How tf can someone call someone straight up and ask for a favor when you have not even formed the basic friendship with them.} Why would you need to be friends with someone to ask for help?, if you were dying on the side of the road would you not want people to help you?, or should they ignore you because they have no basic friendship with you?. Its about being kind to people, it does not matter if you know them or not, if the request is within moral reason then why wouldnt you help them?, its a selfish attitude to not want to help people, ill end this here but let me leave you with some words of wisdom. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And one more thing, i would recommend you do some self reflection, i understand you are tired of being used but you should really ask yourself who are you and what do you stand for?, am i really the nice person i claim to be or am i just putting on an act?. Forgiveness is so very importance and patience.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2019
  3. Good stuff. Never let other take advantage of your kindness. Always have a word .
  4. its always good to stand up for yourself, but on the road he is headed down, he will end up like the shitty people he hates so much. Its ironic how his name is fight the devil but the new principles he has adopted are something straight from the devil, but i dont think he is a bad person, everyone goes through fazes in their life and sometimes it takes years before it finally hits us and we realize how wrong we were.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2019
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  5. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    Dude,see i didn't say i won't help anyone,okay? I will keep on helping the needy,the people who have been there for me,the people who have picked me up when i was down,the people who i can trust with my life? Why the fuck would i be willing to help a rich brat of guy who does not care for shit,does not have the basic etiquette,never cared for my existence before and suddenly comes up and asks me for help.

    Dying on the road is an exaggerated example. Anyone would be willing to help anyone at that time. I am not on the road to becoming unkind,i will be only kind to those people i think who deserve it. Not some rich brat assholes who no matter what cannot be changed. I have tried countless time,i have observed people. Majority of them don't change. They don't,that's the cold harsh truth. For me,it's not a fairy tale world,It's world where you have to be real. Where you have to think about yourself,make yourself a priority. I am not fine by being used by some shitty humans. I'd rather use that extra energy and kindness to people who love and whom i love. I got one life and i am not willing to waste it by thinking that if i can keep on being kind to shittiest of people they'll change. If they were to change,they'd have already.

    I respect your opinion. I just don't agree with it.
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  6. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    There are people who are just not worth helping. It may sound cruel and selfish but it is true. Your attitude to help everyone is good, a few people have it nowadays, just do not let yourself be used by others, help only the people you consider are worth it.
  7. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    Exactly :)
  8. i consider everyone worth helping, because i know deep down everyone has good in them, sometimes it just takes a while for that good in them to take root.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2019
    KeeptheFire and WillFightOut like this.
  9. well i wont argue with you about it, only time will tell how things unfold with you.
  10. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    It is a great and noble way of thinking, but let's agree to disagree. In my experience people who beg for help and do not have any intention to be better by themselves or aren't even grateful are not worth helping. Last person I tried to help kept making worse mistakes with no intention to change himself, in fact he thought the world around him should change just to please him.
    WillFightOut and Fightthedevil like this.
  11. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    So far so good!
  12. wether they are or not is not the point, the thing is every kind act someone does for them will slowly collect in their heart, and one day all those good deeds people have done may open the door to the kindness in their heart, it may be when they are old and on their death bed, but aslong as there is a chance, i wont turn my back on anyone, unless of course its not within moral reasons, like a sexual favor or something of a vile nature.
    WillFightOut likes this.
  13. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    You are a good person friend, keep it that way, there is already many too many bad folks.
    WillFightOut and BravelyKegger like this.
  14. thanks
  15. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    It is possible to be both kind and also be able to say no, or draw boundaries around what we will or won't do for others. If he called at 11 p.m. and you didn't have time to help right then, it doesn't make you a mean person to say no. It also doesn't mean you won't ever help people in the future and it doesn't have to mean you get angry at others for even asking. You can't control what others do but you can control what you do.

    If you struggle with setting boundaries with others (I do too, sometimes) it may mean you didn't learn about healthy boundaries as a child. So it's probably a good idea to get some help with how to do it. Maybe by reading about it or in therapy. This is a good article about healthy boundaries. According to the article, what happened possibly falls into the category of: a "psychological and emotional boundary violation … (by) trying to make you feel guilty or responsible for them or a situation, making demands of your time and energy."

    Fightthedevil realized he was helping people too much and needed to protect himself better. Good job at taking the first step changing how you do things!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  16. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut


    dude...you have no idea....what you did is 100% right. Be like that, man! Help when you think the other person deserves it, if not, you may choose not to help!
  17. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    You shouldn't give a fuck.
    You want equal reciprocation in the exchange because you're a giver. You feel used.
    I'm the same.
    90% of the time, I help others before myself. The other 10% is me finally learning to say "fuck no, you will not take advantage of me".
    I'm going to say you made the right call by sticking to your core self & beliefs.
    Ungrateful people suck the life out of you & make you waste precious energy give give giving, while they take take take.
    What people don't understand about those of us that are natural givers in our lives, is that we put everybody but ourselves first. It is a monumental moment when we can say no to someone.

    You should be proud of yourself, imo :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, Yes I am. I have been remarkably more satisfied and happy with myself since i've started saying no.
    0111zerozero11 likes this.
  19. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I'm a ma'am :)
    That's a good feeling, isn't it?!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    really sorry ma'am,yes it is a good feeling and i wish you all the very best for nofap
    0111zerozero11 likes this.