I Am Super Human. A 6 month journey.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BrainPlasticity, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    These are good questions and well organized, however it seems that you've not carefully read about the SHL1 personality since it has already answered some of your questions.

    1 - The optimal approach is already built into the SHL1 personality-
    He always thinks positive.

    He is calm and peaceful under his own skin. He does not need anyone for his emotional stability.

    The state of being:
    He lets go of the past and takes the optimal first step by fully immersing himself in the present moment.

    Thus, SHL1 adapts to the situation and moves on. It's true that life is messy and out of control, but the mind can always be kept under control.

    2 - Self improvement is a routine, a habit, a process etc, the goals get accomplished as a side effect. The goals may be personal such as being fit or something else. Unintentional goals get accomplished as well because taking care of yourself, takes care of more than just yourself.

    Obsession, aggressiveness, selfishness, and rudeness don't align with the SHL1 personality -
    He is calm and peaceful under his own skin. He does not need anyone for his emotional stability.
    The state of being:
    His intelligence level is on par with Toua

    SHL1 is intelligent enough to keep his head cool even when his heart gets warm or hot.

    3 - Yes SHL1 is balanced and humble like Ryu. One can be a generous and humble person while also focusing on Self Improvement, Ryu's personality is a great example of this. There is always room for growth, SHL1 is aware of that and therefore does not get cocky. That's why there are other levels beyond SHL1.

    4 - Good question. Happiness is just a specific set of chemical reactions that occur in your brain, just like all other feelings/emotions. There are different types of happiness too. Happiness gained from entertainment is different from happiness gained from graduating college. But all of this is temporary due to hedonic adaptation. The optimal approach is to have daily small doses of happiness. Research shows that the best way to make use of that option is via goal pursuit. The sense of progress you get when you're trying to fulfill an important goal of yours will give you consistent & sustained happiness. That's why they say "enjoy the journey."
    The SHL1 lifestyle may seem boring to some just like the lifestyle of a buddhist monk, but the brain is plastic. It rewires itself to gain happiness from the little things in life such as the beauty of nature, instead of constantly trying to seek it from entertainment, PMO, Tv shows etc .
    So yes SHL1 is happy.
    buzzlightyear likes this.
  2. Proxydore

    Proxydore Fapstronaut

    Ok then, it's perfect if it makes you happy and good with other people !

    Good luck on your awsome journey !
    Asgardian36 and BrainPlasticity like this.
  3. mtaha2015

    mtaha2015 Guest

    I am accepting the challenge of Super human level 1.
    Transforming my self into a super human from right now.
    I am a super human at level 1.
    I accept you "BrainPlasticity" as my rival.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2015
    BrainPlasticity and Asgardian36 like this.
  4. mtaha2015

    mtaha2015 Guest

    Instead of being your rival.
    Can I accept you as my role model, leader and commander ?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Hah I don't have the credibility to validate that status. Staying as rivals would be best for now, appreciate the thought :)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. Altrex

    Altrex New Fapstronaut

    I Will be your rival. I have already written my superhuman conditions and have started today. I have not enough time to do it right now and have no idea how to do this challenge on this site as I just signed up. Just know that you have a new rival : ). I will alter the terms a bit to have also more a bigger Focus on friendships and to keep them.
    I started today with my with this and I will complete this for 90 days. The whole summer.
    BrainPlasticity and Asgardian36 like this.
  7. The Muscle

    The Muscle Fapstronaut

    Amazing post. I am the 2012 Armed Services Mixed Martial Arts champion and have always looked up to superhumans such as Bruce Lee, Tyson or even Tesla. I am all about maximizing the time I have on this realm of existence and being as productive as possible. AWESOME post again!
    Bemybest, BrainPlasticity and Dhanraj like this.
  8. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Let's see the strength of your commitment!
  9. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
    Becoming a champion is a very impressive achievement man. You should compete with me on this journey. I think you've got what it takes to win.
  10. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @BrainPlasticity : Dude this is super inspiring!!! You would definitely resonate with James Allen's work. I'm in, I'm your Rival for SHL1! How many of us are there, I really needed this my friend!

    More Fire,

    BrainPlasticity likes this.
  11. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    @Alpinist thats awesome man! It takes a lot of courage and mental fotrtitude to take this up.
    Cool, I'll check out James Allen's work.
    Our clan has 6 members so far.
    Alpinist likes this.
  12. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    Challenge accepted! Please try to keep up. I would say more but It looks like I need to go clean my car.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
    Alpinist and BrainPlasticity like this.
  13. Sacrosanct|

    Sacrosanct| Fapstronaut

    This is an great motivational thread. I already own the book mentioned by Dr.Joe Dispenza but haven't read it yet. I think i'll now. I'll like to embark on this challenge in near future but now is not the time. Goodluck on your journey.
    Alpinist and BrainPlasticity like this.
  14. KaiserKhan786

    KaiserKhan786 Fapstronaut

    awesome post
    i will gladly be your rival
    Alpinist and BrainPlasticity like this.
  15. Trey

    Trey Fapstronaut

    Very motivating read. It's straight bare bones, cold turkey. Leave everything behind, an extremely bold move for anyone of any age. Especially being a teenager.

    I'm not saying that I wouldn't take up this SHL1 challenge, but I feel I wouldn't be able to commit myself to no leisure. Becoming my better self and becoming my super human self are on two completely different levels, and I feel I wouldn't be ready to leave all my passions for youtube and games behind.

    Yes, soccer is now my life. But sometimes I like to sit down and take my mind off of it for a little while.

    Nonetheless - I will follow you on your journey, and reading the post already motivated me to better myself even more than I am right now.
    BrainPlasticity and Alpinist like this.
  16. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    That's so true and I'm amazed that you're able to realize the difference. The bigger the goal, the harder the journey. But it's only hard for the first few weeks, afterwards the journey becomes a part of your personality. The first steps are always the hardest, just like how a high percentage of rocket fuel is used up during blast off. It's so hard to be free from the pull of gravity.
    Trey likes this.
  17. Trey

    Trey Fapstronaut

    I totally gotchu man. If there is anytime I feel the time is right to take up the challenge - I will. As I said it's putting everything behind you, even the habits you like to do. In the end it will make someone more pure than 99% of any human being. But hey, it takes huge commitment.

    More than happy to follow your journey!!! Best of luck
  18. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    I read this today and it inspired me, I though to share:

    "You are the creator of your own shadows; you desire, and then you grieve; renounce, and then you shall rejoice. Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul, . . . none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this-that man is the master of thought, the moulder of character, and the maker and shaper of character, environment, and destiny."

    "THE advice of one of the Great Teachers to his disciples, " Keep wide awake," tersely expresses the necessity for tireless energy if one’s purpose is to be accomplished, and is equally good advice to the salesman as to the saint. " Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," and liberty is the reaching of one’s fixed ends. It was the same Teacher who said : "If anything is to be done, let a man do it at once ; let him attack it vigorously ! " The wisdom of this advice is seen when it is remembered that action is creative, that increase and development follow upon legitimate use. To get more energy we must use to the full that which we already possess. Only to him that puts his hand vigorously to some task do power and freedom come."

    by James Allen
    BrainPlasticity and Sacrosanct| like this.
  19. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Quite similar to the Buddha's teachings!
    Alpinist likes this.