Femdom addiction for 7 years, please help!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by balkanic_falcon, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut


    Okay, dear friends, listen to me carefully... I've got a girlfriend, she's cute, nice-looking young lady and she is in love with me for years. And now i decided to give her a chance, because she started to be much attractive to me, and we are so similar.

    We have such relations like we know each other for many, many years.. We were friends, but few days ago we decided to start a relationship... Moments with her were wonderful, we are not from same city so i rent an apartment in her city... I got hard since moment we start kissing, then she take off my shirt, starting to kiss me everywhere on body, and then pants.. and she started giving me blowjob, it was first time that some girls act like that, i never asked her for this... I was feel excellent! I saw that she is submissive so i put a belt around her neck, like a leash, and i pulled her hair, acting dominant - telling her what to do... Everything was just perfect, and then i see that we both need to start with penetration, i inserted few times... But, in one moment, when i wanted to start to penetrate in her, i lost my erection!!! I did not think about femdom, about maledom (although i acted dominant 80% time with her), i just tried to enjoy moments in bed with her, but this happens, and i have no idea why!

    Is this connected with my uncircumcised penis? I hope it's not with stupid femdom addiction, because i did not watched this for 217 days! And i did not had need for femdom things in bed, (although i give her oral sex too, but that's vanilla).

    I have a surplus of penile foreskin. So i can't drag this totally... So sometimes it hurts. Should i try with operation?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
    srn likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    I doubt it had anything to do with foreskin. If the behavior you had with her (using a belt as a leash, etc) was something that you used to watch during you femdom or maledom, it may have been your behavior which caused your issue.
    srn likes this.
  3. Winner.me

    Winner.me New Fapstronaut

    I have been going through this feet fetish and later towrds femdom from about 19 years. Ithe earliest I remember is when I was 7 years ild.
    I came to know about this community 10 days ago and started 7 day challenge but after 8 days I mastburated again watching feet licking on youtube. You give me a hope man.
    Now I want to get rid of it. 1st mile stone is 30 days then 60 and then 90.
    Will keep posting on this thread.
    ve be
    balkanic_falcon and D . J . like this.
  4. I can't believe you are in your day 236 day. Such a source of inspiration, really!

    I am a femdom porn addict too; and I am committed to stop it for once and for all.
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  5. Shit man, lately I've been able to stop watching femdom porn, but when I'm watching music videos or documentaries on youtube I always feel tempted to watch femdom or foot fetish videos there. It is so easy to find them anywhere, even in youtube! I know the real problem is me because I look for them whether in youtube or pornhub.

    I just decided today that I will do everything that I can to get rid of my femdom porn addiction.

    I'm glad to see there are more of us who have decided to go through this journey
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  6. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    I had the similar problem: My foreskin was too narrow/long and hurted when erect. I finally did an operation, and i regret i didnt do it at earlier age. Your foreskin pain might contribute to loss of erection (fear of pain in dick), but i think porn addiction is a big factor too. I think rewiring might take two years. 90 days is just a myth.

    Good luck
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  7. E.liberated

    E.liberated Fapstronaut

    Wow that’s quite a detail description.
  8. This is my own opinion and might not work. But I would suggest that pain in dick could cause fear from erection so I would say do the operation. However, on the other hand I think you still need to rewire your brain. It means that you need to make yourself cum when you are with a girl and basically reward your brain so your brain gets more attracted to girls. Tell your girlfriend everything. tell her you have problem and she will understand (i hope). then just relax and try to enjoy her company. make her give you a handjob and make you cum. after a while you wont feel nervous anymore and you'll be able to have sex
    Princeslave and balkanic_falcon like this.
  9. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    Dude... we are quite similar. I'm not as extreme as you in my tastes but I was massively addicted to porn.

    You will make a journey and you will get better. It's not all darkness. I can assure you of that.

    Cant remember how old you are but I am 36 and have had a foot fetish since around 8. But my porn addiction started around 1998 so maybe around 20 years.

    It's only the last 10 years that it got really bad. But I improved.

    A few things that have helped me. If you have a porn stash you must delete it all. I know it's hard, but if you are committed to a better mental health you need to let go of it. I deleted my 10 year stash on the 24th of Dec. I've slipped a few times since then and sought out new stuff on the internet, but then canceled all downloads as I don't need it any more. I deleted my stash, so there is no place for them in my life.

    Of course there is loads and loads of stuff on tube websites. You will in time improve your will power to just say no, I don't want to look. You will get moments of :mad: where the urges are strong. I assure you you can overcome them, with practice. When you manage to overcome your first :mad: urge, the next time one comes around your know however bad this gets, I've beating this before and you'll know that the storm does pass eventually.

    Now to give you a reason to hold on to your semen look here. There is lots of benefits to holding your semen in your body and not organisming regularly.

    Most on here advocate a complete reboot of probably 90 days if not abstain from PMO indefinitely. The choice is yours.

    However my take on the matter is in a post more suitable for someone with fetishes I think. I don't think the current strategy of hardmode abstinence is actually helpful in a case where the issue is fetish based.

    We are struggling with an addiction to a fetish or fetishes as much as an addiction to porn etc....

    This is my take on the subject and my current strategy.

    The foot thing.... I've been with a lot of girls over the years and most of them approached correctly and given the right timing think the foot thing is hot.

    But we MUST reprogram our selves to like vanilla again and find that as exciting as fetish otherwise we will always have problem.

    I am not saying go and binge on vanilla porn. Read the post I made on my strategy.


    If you dont know what the terms mean:

    PMO: Porn Masturbation Orgasm
    Hardmode: No Porn Masturbation or Orgasm
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  10. The Watcher

    The Watcher Fapstronaut

    Okay first change your Tracker because it says 240 days

    I am in the same journey like you in fetish the first thing when you admit there is a problem and want to change it so congratulations you've cured 50% of the problem, the other half is a little bit hard because fetish is not a porn it is much deeper than that it is a psychological thing probably back to our childhood so the healing will not be easy like the other porn addiction because the desire of watching fetish feels like it is eating you

    my advice to you stay away from any fetish videos as much as you can, if you need any support send me a pm
    srn and balkanic_falcon like this.
  11. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    Thank you all, dear friends! I celebrated new year together with my girlfriend in my house, we were alone, only us, 3 days completely alone. She's totally crazy about me, and i think i start to feel something more to her, i simply feel comfortable and nice in her company, she's so good and cute girl.. I told her i have problem with foreskin so i can't penetrate right now, but that i'll do an operation, she understands it.

    We did oral sex, 69, etc.
    ... Well, i came all over my room, on bedding, on her, in her mouth, on myself even, lol... 4,5 times daily, just because of 69. She told me that i'm "stud horse", because i was hard non-stop when i was with her... Lol.. Her words increased my masculinity for 69% hahaha xD
    And yeah she gave me an handjob where i also came, first time in my life i came when girl do a handjob to me, because it usually hurts, because of my foreskin. I have PHIMOSIS

    I finished my service in army.. It helped, i was occupied and busy 16 hours daily, i was phisically tired and i got a little bit more discipline. It's great. But still i'm not organized, because in army they organize your time. You, as a soldier, only follow instructions.

    Soon i'll start to work, i find a job, so i'll be again busy.

    But today i watched some random movie on TV where some girl tied up a guy, and she humiliated him in femdom way etc. I got hard, so much, urges attacked me like never before, can you imagine, after 250 days without porn and fapping?! Why this happened? I was so upset! Fantasies how i could be a foot slave or even 24/7 slave still excite me! WHY?! I don't want it! I know that really deep in myself i don't want it, and never wanted..

    Femdom addiction is not like other porn addiction, we who are addicted on femdom can be excited by some random TV show where camera show girls feet, or youtube where you can find anything (as i said, i used also a youtube as a "porn site", because there you can find femdom pov/joi/foot fetish videos...), Thanks to heavens i blocked porn on my net, so at least real porn sites are not threat.. But still, urges can attack from aynwhere, when you're femdom addict.
    srn, anewhope and (deleted member) like this.
  12. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    I was never relaxed with any girl like with her, her company is amazing, we can both be what we really are... She gave me handjob several times, i enjoyed like never in my life... But my penis glans is unsensitive, and mostly dry (although some liquid often comes out from him, because i'm really hard when she have me handjob).

    In my head i imagine femdom scenes, although i really enjoy her touch, it's fucked up... I mean, she got that i like femdom, she bind me, she did facesitting to me, foot fetish things, i was in state to cum 5 times in a row, how much i was hard up. But only because of those light-variant-femdom things. When she gave me a blowjob, i'm not that much hard up because of unsensitive glans. And the idea of penetration don't excite me at all...

    I beat my porn addiction, i didn't watch stupid porn 264 days, but femdom still part of me (not hardcore like before, but still), what i should do? It will be better after operation? I'm going soon to solve my phimosis, and i hope that sensitiveness of glans will be back. It should be?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Grifo Caveira

    Grifo Caveira Fapstronaut

    I'm Brazilian, 20 years old.

    Now I'll tell you how it all began.

    Around 13,14 years I would masturbate with normal pornography, after a long time, I began to see videos of women tied (I stayed in a little time in that), and for one case I saw a video of a guy licking the sole of the boot of a woman and it gave me extreme pleasure. After that I went to research what it was and I discovered that it was Foot fetish, I watched videos like this for a while and I ended up at Femdom, where I watched videos of women humiliating men (Oh it started to get heavier) Kicking the balls, Licking jumps , being verbally humiliated, spitting, those things ... The fact of seeing the guy humbling himself to her, gave me enormous pleasure. In this I went to find out if someone was doing that with me, I ended up discovering BDSM, I created a Facebook fake, I joined BDSM groups from my region and there I met a Dominator (Which came to be my girlfriend and we are together to this day).

    And that's where the problem starts, I try to go without the Femdom fantasies in my head, but when I meet her at the end of the week, my girlfriend does everything I can to be submissive to her, with so much provocation giving in. So stopping pornography is even harder. She already made me believe that I was born to be submissive, but today I know that this is a lie, I wanted to be submissive because of pornography.

    We love each other very much, our relationship is '' perfect, '' so the idea of ending is out of the question. I tell her that I do not want to, but she insists ... I have to be very strong to handle the taunts.

    I want to get out of this because it is affecting all areas of my life, be it socially and even the courage to study and run behind my goals ..

    Femdom sucks, she destroys you in every possible way, you feel submissive shit and you only think about it all the time, you start to feel inferior to others. When you pass a luxury car with a beautiful woman inside, the only thing I think about is that I wanted to be her slave. This sucks!

    I've always dreamed of being a policeman, I've been wondering for some time if I want to, because of the femdom, as someone who wants to be humiliated, being a women's doormat, will it be a police officer? This was even taking away my dream that I have always had since I was a child.

    To be a police officer, you have to pass the competition, and how does it go? If the only thing you think and want to be is to be a slave?

    One of the biggest reasons for stopping this addiction was the fact that I started to excite myself only with fantasies or with pornography itself, I was starting to have D. I had sex with my girlfriend 2 times because of Pornography / masturbation. It was just me giving it time, that the other weekend, everything was normal again.

    That was one of the main reasons for me to give it a go. I WAS ENDING MY LIFE IN ALL SENSES

    This text was written 25 days ago, the day I started to stop watching pornography.

    I am firm in the fight
    srn, Zed94 and balkanic_falcon like this.
  14. Grifo Caveira

    Grifo Caveira Fapstronaut

    Now that I have told my short story, it is not complete after I go into detail about my childhood.

    Lets go to what matters...

    After the surgery you will improve your sensitivity for sure, but while it does not work, I suggest investing in better, more sensitive, slightly more expensive condoms.

    I suggest you stop fantasizing because we do not see Femdom anymore, but if we fantasize about it, it will always be there. I know from experience, I'm doing a reboot, and some time ago I was fantasizing, getting excited about these things, and the femdom never left my head.

    Now I have another thought in my head, that I am an Alpha Man! Femdom is past, and with each passing day I feel less excitement in the provocations of my girlfriend, since she knew me as domme, and does not accept the fact that I do not want to be your submissive anymore.

    Before I tried not to be submissive and fall, I tried not to be submissive and fall, I failed several times, but now I am strong and strong, 25 days without pmo and without yielding their temptations.

    The main thing to get rid of this fantasy is to forget it.

    It's good to stay out of pornography, but if you keep imagining yourself, fantasizing about sex, she'll always be with you.

    With each passing day, I feel myself becoming more man, more masculine and I have more energy.

    I date a domineering, so it's being harder for me, since she lives calling me a dog (a nickname to prove that I'm her submissive), but I can hold on.

    Let's beat this together !!!

    If you have any questions or want to ask me something, I am open to questions

    WE WILL WIN!!!!

    WE ARE MEN !!!!
    balkanic_falcon likes this.
  15. What is the name of the website or blog which is now helping femdom addicts

    I'm a femdom addicts
    srn likes this.
  16. lm851

    lm851 New Fapstronaut

    i'm also seasoned in this, and studied it for some time. my advice is to distinguish between addiction to femdom sites or femdom addictions (habbits) and your nature. you can, and probably should, quit things like online addictions in general, this one is just one of them. it's only a bit different (not as much as you described) because it does include a bit more spending, or potential harm than - say - a video game addiction. so sitting down getting orders from someone who doesn't know you, and doesn't care about you (sounds familiar with what everyone is doing everywhere in the world? well that's because it is, just without the sexual attraction part). this sounds silly, but the shame you're feeling isn't right for many reasons, i'll say the 1 most important: simply a huge rate of people (maybe more than 90%) do the same, being slaves to a boss, a job, a system. and you actually have 2 main advantages here: 1. you realize it while most people don't, and they think they are free 2. at least if you actually become a slave, it's mostly to a beautiful lady rather than some unknown behind the seen fat guys who control much of the system, right? feeling shame is usually about you feeling "less" than others, while you shouldn't feel this way, because you are not. at least not because of your tendency or addiction. most people are addicted to something, most people are slaves to something, or someone.
    well, that said, i of course encourage you big time to quit watching them, or follow their orders, or give them your money, or more importantly your time. but i strongly disagree with the guy who attacked the notion of "being yourself" he called that bullshit, and that you can easily change, he clearly wanted the good for you, but he also clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. you can quit the online addiction, but quitting (submissiveness)toward women is way way deeper, and most psychologists don't even recommend trying, but instead accepting.
    you should also realize that almost all people have sadistic and masochistic desires in different levels.
    now it doesn't mean it's ok to enhance them, or make them stronger (they tend to be like that, you keep wanting more violent, stonger.. etc). but you shouldn't look at them as a sickness, but rather a tendency. the reason is that by quitting online femdom you're simply doing well, but by denying your tendency you try to cover it (not eliminate it, it doesn't work that way, and you can never succeed that way) and by covering it, you're simply making it worse, because it starts working in the shadows, causing problems that you won't realize. plus, you'll notice by time that the covering is not even working. by the day you get stable with your girlfriend it might move, and mess with your head, it can also happen on a day when you and your girlfriend are off.
    i might go back to you with a few tips on how to turn your tendency into something beautiful and useful, instead of forcing yourself to be a macho man, which will end up being frustrated and not satisfied in any relationship, if you felt what i said was connected to you.
    zaba99 likes this.
  17. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    What do you think about this guys ?
    @Roady @JustinX @NZT 48 @ilovemyhand
  18. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    He said «after 250 days without porn and fapping?! Why this happened? I was so upset! Fantasies how i could be a foot slave or even 24/7 slave still excite me! WHY?! I»
  19. ilovemyhand

    ilovemyhand Fapstronaut

    I'm not surprised. In fact, I haven't heard from anybody who would watch their favorite P genre after X amount of days and not be excited. Not saying as a fact that it can't happen, but I would guess that it's unrealistic to think you can change you sexual preferences in a couple of years - you would have to change as a person quite significantly to do that (and changing yourself is a slow process as you might have noticed).

    But then again, erasing my original sexual preferences wasn't even the point for me. I had severe ED and wanted to primarily fix that. And in that regard NoFap worked - it allowed my to get excited by normal girls/women.

    My second reason for doing NoFap initialy was also to stay away from watching P that I find to extreme. And being on NoFap effectively accomplishes that as well.

    My record has been longer than 250 days and have had many long streaks in 5+ years since I'm doing this, but I still would get very much excited by my "favorite" P genres. The main difference from all those years ago when i started being, that back then I couldn't have gone excited by my favorite P acctress doing a striptease for me IRL, but now I can get excited by normal women wearing seductive clothing.

    Sorry if this is bad news for you.. And again, maybe you CAN erase a certein sexual preference, I just haven't seen proof for that.
    zaba99 likes this.
  20. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    You already know my answer as it is same I wrote here (https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/sexual-preference.158776/).
    Porn is only a symptom of underlying issues and Nofap itself cannot remedy it on its own but can provide great opportunity for you to deal with it.

    Take this analogy: you sneezing a lot (thinking that that is a whole problem and not just symptom) and start to take anti-sneezing pills (nofap). It works, it remedies the symptom (sneezing) but do not treat the real issue that is an allergy to something. It just stops sneezing as long as you take pills but do not really cure allergy. But if you start treating your allergy, sneezing will disappear automatically on its own without any pills as it was not a problem but just symptom of a real problem.
    btwiseman, zaba99 and Roady like this.