New Profile Posts

  1. Hiijustpassinthrough
    I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing but I’m trying to be cool with that.
  2. 1n33dt0chang3
    Day 3. Mostly the same as yesterday. Did have a few thoughts but didn't act on them. Another Step.
  3. Brendo
  4. javascript
    Bro evryone is telling me to stop but idk how this is horrible on my mental health all I can really do is tell other teens don't watch it!!!
  5. Empty Red Cloud
    Empty Red Cloud
    Day 75: Nofap forever.
  6. Khufu
    Today I stand strong an alive because they cannot destroy what they did not create
  7. Lancelotprime
    I'm starting a 90-day NoFap challenge... again!
  8. HealingBodyandMind
    Don’t PMO, MO, watch P, or M today
  9. Dr. Abhijeet Katiyar
  10. f3ej
  11. Rainbow Warrior
    Rainbow Warrior
    Nofap 190. Getting panic attacks, anxiety from SSRI injections. Scared to go out or talk to people. All I do is nofap, eat, sleep and repeat
  12. Khufu
    I spend lots of time alone,I do most my interactions at work ,
    1. Khufu
      It's hard to be social for me , it's fun but I guess not fun enough to make it a habit
      May 31, 2024 at 1:32 PM
  13. +TenPercent
    Day 32 without masturbation. Day 2 without edging. So grateful to friends who have helped me see edging as a win over MO, but not harmless.
  14. LetsBeLovely87
    15 days without P, 12 days without P-subs and 12 days without MO
  15. cyberDude
    Saying "NO" to Shaytaan at all costs!
  16. f3ej
  17. Bingles
    Went for an evening walk, wasn't going to make any excuses. Woke up a bit late but I did it anyway. Legs are sore but I feel good.
    1. Spenglerian likes this.
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    3. Bingles
      Mongolian history is underrated, if you get a chance you should watch Marco Polo on Netflix. Batzorig Vaanchig and The Hu does some of the background music. Genuinely breathtaking. It's like a Hanfu Chinese drama combined with medieval Western action. Best part is, that shit actually happened. (albeit somewhat exaggerated)
      May 31, 2024 at 4:55 PM
      Spenglerian likes this.
    4. Spenglerian
      I watched both seasons last year. I was hooked immediately by the intro (throat singing) and the screen play
      May 31, 2024 at 5:01 PM
      Bingles likes this.
    5. Bingles
      The casting was genuinely perfect too, like they got everything down to the most minute details.
      May 31, 2024 at 5:24 PM
      Spenglerian likes this.
  18. Zeso
    May 31, relapsed today. But i made a promise to myself that this June will porn free.
    1. silex_jedi likes this.
  19. Rainbow Warrior
    Rainbow Warrior
    Nofap day 190/365. Hardmode Day 128/365. Almost 7 months in. Under all this medication, I don’t notice any real changes. Really gutted.
    1. silex_jedi likes this.
  20. Bingles
    Woke up 9 in the morning, sibling was screaming the entire night. Despise that little shit.
    1. Don80 and Spenglerian like this.
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    3. Spenglerian
      What makes you one of the luckier ones?
      May 31, 2024 at 4:42 PM
      Bingles likes this.
    4. Spenglerian
      Btw my comment referring to my father was deleted, reason: transphobic adjacent content. Gender dysphoria is real!? Having second thoughts about a 50 yo’s sudden decision to transition is transphobic? That sounds kafkaesque to me!
      May 31, 2024 at 4:46 PM
      Bingles likes this.
    5. Bingles
      Don't bother trying to argue, it's an inevitability on the forum nowadays.
      May 31, 2024 at 4:59 PM
      Spenglerian likes this.