New comer...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 25doit, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. 25doit

    25doit Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I am new to here I just created the account. I am a 19 year old bloke from Sri Lanka.Yup you heard it right bro. So what makes me to join this community and to take actions to remove this damn f**ing habit from my life is that it has taken control over my life. I can not let that happen to my life.

    I think I am addicted to this damn fapping and pmo habit for 3 years and those three years are the worst in my life when I look back at 19 years span of my life. I failed classes guys and literally I ruined myself by my own sword. Now that life is over because now I am taking action to rise through a new bright horizon.

    And hey could someone tell me how to set a day counter?
  2. mintjelly

    mintjelly Fapstronaut

    Good for you man. I wish I saw the errors of my ways after 3 years! I've been doing it for 15! What is your plan now?

    If you have questions ask away, I can help the best I can.
    25doit likes this.
  3. 25doit

    25doit Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for replying. So my plan is not to fap and watch porn and thereby complelty remove this life sucking habits from my entire life. So how about you?

    And hey dont worry bro it is great you have found it. Better late than never.
  4. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You can set up a counter by going to this link:
    You will need to have a Google Account to set up your counter.

    Once you are signed in, follow the instructions to customize your counter. Once you are done, select the code you are given in the box near the bottom of the page. Follow this link to your signature: Paste the code into your signature, click “Save Changes,” and you should see it under your forum posts.
  5. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hi 25doit,

    Who knew that Sri Lanka could have a porn problem, I thought it was just us Americans. Anyway, welcome to the fight. There are a lot of supportive people here. Review your plan before your go to bed, rehearse it again when you wake up, keep talking to the voice in your head that you are doing something valuable. You can do it.
  6. ranisanka

    ranisanka New Fapstronaut

    Hay bro . I'm from srilankan too . I'm doing this from 2017 . My life has changed already. Don't stop this nofap never. It's really worth doing. I'm on day 160 . God bless you bro for a great srilanka