This time its serious business!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by neverquit, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. neverquit

    neverquit New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone

    brief intro about myself, I am a male I've been addicted to this curse since the age of 14 after being exposed to pornography by a group of friends in the school library, since then I am currently 29 years of Age, its been 15 years of this hell, I'm trying to overcome it its just been too damn hard, because it's been extremely difficult for me to stick to my plans.. example if I stay up usually unplanned I'll end up relapsing.. I've been reading and doing research about this from time to time, and your will power is absolutely drained by this thing, I've been PMO'ing every alternate day.. so finally I decided to take the forum seriously and start journaling my days... so here we go!
  2. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey, I like your username. It's true, there are some things in life where you only lose if you quit. Keep at it!
  3. mintjelly

    mintjelly Fapstronaut

    Some first steps would be delete all your porn and invest in a good porn blocker. Try to stay away from websites that have triggers where you might relapse.

    Next would be set up a goal of 30 days or more for NOFAP. Once you achieve that, you can move to long goals from there.

    And remember you have this forum whenever you have urges. Come and chat instead of sitting alone and fap.
  4. neverquit

    neverquit New Fapstronaut

    thanks for your reply guys, I do not really keep any porn saved, nor have I ever had I usually go online get my fix and call it a day, and feel like absolute crap afterwards.. for the porn blocker I've tried to use K9 for my macbook, but it seems to have a lot of issues where it ends up blocking the entire browser, it seems like it has a lot of bugs that need to be dealt with, also i notice a common trend, when I get that urge (itch in the chest) and the constant whispers in the head... its almost like I go on zombie mode, I can barley resist opening the browser and googling images since initially the country I am at blocks adult websites anyways... I've tried to look at ways to block google images but to no avail.. if anyone might know a solution to that that would be great.
  5. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Check out Covenant Eyes if you haven't already, it's a great piece of software that works for most people. I think you can get a month free if you mention this website? I forgot where I saw that info though..

    I had a good experience with them, even though their software couldn't meet my particular needs they gave me a refund when I told them I needed to cancel.