What will you do after you fully rebooted?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Golgo 13, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I am going to have sex with so many girls ;)

    What-a-bout you guys?
    Star Lord likes this.
  2. I will...

    Enjoy better intimacy with my husband.
    Help others with recovery in any way I can.
    Continue to spread the word about the dangers of porn.
    Teach my potential future children to be men and women who value and have respect for sex and the human body. Teach them not to objectify others.
    Be more comfortable telling people about my past struggles with porn, in order to show that anyone can fall into the last trap and they are not alone.
    Do better things with my time than sitting around my house staring at a screen and playing with myself.
    Continue learning and growing and improving.
    Make a difference in the world in some way.
  3. I can tell you want I'm NOT gonna do. I'm not gonna ever again watch porn. Maybe an occasional p-sub, like erotic audio or erotic literature. Depends if I can keep it in control and healthy amounts. If I won't then I will get rid of that too. Will see. I'm also not gonna masturbate as often. Maybe once a month or once every other month. And that even if I won't have a woman. If I will have a woman then I will not masturbate at all. That's the plan anyways for now. So that's what I'm gonna do.

    Sex with girls? That's of course great, but it's not my focus. I'm not in this for girls, but to get my own brain in order. PMO was negatively impacting many other areas of my life other than my sex life. But I am interested more in females now than I used to be. I lost the interest in females at all. Now it starts returning slowly. So I imagine that in future it would be bigger part of my life. Not really concerned about that much for now tho.
    TakingTheSteps and GSarosi like this.
  4. Drew5252

    Drew5252 Fapstronaut

    Of course a normal sex life with my fiance has to be at the top of the list, but you know what I'm look forward to almost as much? Time. I spend so much time on porn viewing or chatting now. I can't wait to be able to pour that time into excelling at work without being so stressed over my deadlines, going to the gym more often, reading books, playing video games. There's so much I want to do, I just need the time.
    JonathanDoe and TakingTheSteps like this.
  5. Be the awesome person iv'e always wanted to be and now i can be and live a kick ass life. :cool::)
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  6. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Maybe same as yoursss. :D
    Ack Ack Ack likes this.
  7. JonathanDoe

    JonathanDoe Fapstronaut

    With you on this one Drew. PMO takes up so much of your time and not in a good way. For me, it's isolating rather than connecting. Someone wrote on another post somewhere that the opposite of addiction is connection and I like that philosophy.
  8. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    ^ this.

    And just live, bruh. Live.