Addictive Patterns

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by JackMillered, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. JackMillered

    JackMillered New Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody! :)

    I'm a newbie Fapstronaut and I already tried to overcome my "fapddiction"^^ in last year and relapsed and then I sort of gave up to do so. Now I'm giving it a new chance because I'm thinking that fapping might be a reason for my low motivation etc..
    The first time I tried the main problem consisted in the addictive patterns of fapping and that I had a lot of free time which sure could be filled with fapping. Additionally I didn't really stopped looking at nude pictures etc. which act like triggers and can be seen as the main reason I relapsed.
    I'm now on a 11 days streak and I'm more confident to not relapse within a short time.
    Due to the fact that I didn't set a goal, my first question is whether it's better to set a goal or not?

    Besides I'm having some bad habits that are having an impact on my productivity and motivation. Since I'm on my latest streak I can say that I feel better in general especially my anxiety level dropped and my feeling of depersonalisation decreased (I feel livelier).
    But still I'm thinking that I might just exchange my bad habits (fapping) with other bad habits like spending more time on the internet and eating unhealthy food.
    Did you made similar experiences or could you give me tipps that could help me in my situation?

    skdjhfglksjhie likes this.
  2. mintjelly

    mintjelly Fapstronaut

    Hi Jack,

    Goals are good to set because it gives you a number to achieve. It's something to strive for. Start with something small, like 30 days. If you hit that, then move on to 60 and so forth.

    Why do you feel you will exchange for other bad habits? Try looking into exercise, cooking, or finding a fun hobby (one where you can socialize?) What do you like to do? I would do whatever you enjoy with others.
    JackMillered likes this.
  3. You're in the right place Jack. I know you're going to take the steps to find daily victory. Find better things to do, like a hobby or exercise like mintjelly suggested. Life is short. Use it to your full advantage!
  4. JackMillered

    JackMillered New Fapstronaut

    Thank you all! You are great. Without you all it would be much harder for me! :)
    skdjhfglksjhie likes this.
  5. JackMillered

    JackMillered New Fapstronaut

    This makes sense. I thought it might be easier to not have a goal. But as someone who regulary does sports I understand the power of goals^^

    Yeah I'll try. I already noticed that I'm much more socially active. This helps me to fight the boredom I had.
    DocZhivago and mintjelly like this.
  6. mintjelly

    mintjelly Fapstronaut

    Sounds like a plan! Have you set a number for yourself?

    Once you get a plan in place, its a lot easier. Make sure you're counting the days, and whenever you get tempted come to the forums instead :)