Kind of a newbie, don't know where to start...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by yoshi747, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. yoshi747

    yoshi747 Fapstronaut

    So this is going to be day one for me, new to Nofap website but not to the challenge. The longest i have ever made it was 22 days and ironically that was when i met my girlfriend of a year and half ( she doesn't know :( ). Though now i find myself struggling and can feel it putting a strain on my relationship. I have been watching porn since i was 12 and i am tired of its death grip it holds on my life. I want to be a more fuller person and i know that porn is holding me back. i want this for the sake of my relationship and for myself. Just need help with the starting point, any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
    Rav70 likes this.
  2. mintjelly

    mintjelly Fapstronaut

    Take it one week at a time man. Set yourself up with a goal, some people do 30, 60, or 90 days to start. Whatever you feel you can achieve. Then from there, try to achieve an even bigger number.

    By coming here you've already proven you're ready, now all it takes is you!
    yoshi747 likes this.
  3. Hello friend and welcome to NoFap, to start get the infos you need, you will find useful links in my signature. After that consider taking on a challenge, goodluck!
    yoshi747 likes this.
  4. yoshi747

    yoshi747 Fapstronaut

  5. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Read up and educate yourself. Very important. This is because you are going to have your fair share of ups and downs. It is how you handle the downs is what is going to define your success at this. is a great place to start. This is very very help for me because it gave me a quick run down of what needs to be done. I say definitely read things on FLATLINE because going through this period is very scary.

    Good luck!
    yoshi747 likes this.