Am I too extreme with this?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Golgo 13, Apr 9, 2016.

Am I too extreme?

  1. Yes, calm down

    9 vote(s)
  2. No, keep going

    6 vote(s)
  1. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I’ll be honest with you guys, for the last 114 days I have not intentionally watched any porn or porn-subs. I have not gone on any porn websites at all. I avoid even seeing normal women in normal videos (TV), even kids.

    I want to know if you guy think I am going overboard/too extreme with this. Yes, rebooting is the most important thing in my life now (tired of living like a drained drone) so I get paranoid about seeing ANY thing that might be interpreted as possible pornographic material.

    If I think of women in any way I usually try to block it out and think of something else. The thought of relapsing makes me go crazy because I CANNOT go back to porn EVER. So I know that I have quit porn forever, but what scares me now is unintentionally viewing glimpses of porn subs (THEY’RE EVERYWHERE IN THUMBNAILS ON THE INTERNET).

    Also I am quitting masturbation. I will consider my reboot from porn complete at 275 days around my birthday.

    You think I need to calm down, or am I on the right track? Thanks
    G.Baltar likes this.
  2. Is is there an actual danger that seeing those things might lead to relapse? Or is it just fear of the idea alone? Knowing yourself, do you think you don't have enough self control and will power to stop? If so then it's probably best to be paranoid about it until you develop enough willpower. Be actively working on strengthening it. But eventually you will have to learn how to deal with P-subs cos they are everywhere on internet and everywhere offline, if you live in a city - billboards, ads in mall, etc. Getting it all out of the eyes is probably beneficial while you brake the habit, but you can't do that forever.
  3. You are not being too extreme. When I was first quitting I taught myself to hate porn, to avoid it completely, to be repelled by it, because, for me, that is what I had to do to quit it. I put filters on my computer because I thought, like you, that porn was everywhere. In truth, while porn is very easy to access, and is sometimes stumbled across, and sex sells, meaning p subs are everywhere, once I got clean, once rebooted, I have found that if I don't out looking for it, I very rarely just stumble across it. There sites I avoid, topics I do not search, but, none of my FB friends post porn, for instance, meaning if I go looking for it on FB I can find it, but just visiting the site, does not result in me seeing it. 114 days is outstanding. 275 will also be outstanding. For me, I did not put on a counter until I was over a year clean, because I never was about counting how long I could go, it was about quitting forever. I put the counter on so that newbies could know it can be done, but I honestly do not know, as I write this, how many days I have been clean. It will be three years in July.

    Keep going. Porn is not an option.

    Much Love.

    Billy the Kid.
    melancholy king and Golgo 13 like this.
  4. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Yes just the fear of potentially seeing material that causes a relapse.
  5. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    @Golgo 13 I personally think you are not being too extreme about this. In fact, I hope I can ever reach your level of paranoia because for me porn is something I never want to get again. And that means life-long commitment to NoFap.

    Sure, eventually I will no longer write on these forums but the healing is the important part here. And I mean healing to the point one no longer has to actively reject Pornography and P-subs, but even automatically go away from mature content without having to think about it. I am aiming for that day I no longer have to count days but instead live my life without PMO.
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You are on the track. The more strict you are the quicker and more effective your reboot really is. Cutting out masturbation is another essential piece of the jigsaw.
  7. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    You are a badass, that resolve is crazy. Could you give some kind of tips on that? Like is there a certain thought or belief that compels you?
    Leanne likes this.
  8. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    How do you consider your reboot complete at 275 days? Are you the authority on reboot now? Where did you come up with such a figure? You have figured this all out, yet you still seek our opinions on this. I've seen your type: young, dumb, and full of cum. You will still be having this same conversation when you're 35 or older. You're like that child that just refuses to give up that toy. I'm reaching for it, but you keep angrily snatchin' it back. You're scared of giving up "pretend world." You will never understand what a "reboot" is until you can say, "I don't know shit. Can ya'll help me? Please help me." You need to reset, brah.
  9. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    It is a valid concern. You have to be careful about constructing an identity that is just contra. Don't become obsessive. You need to focus on the pros of life in order to break the addictive personality. Consider the sad case of someone who has a few hundred days clocked up on their counter, and feels compelled to spend a few hundred minutes posting and reading here every day. This is not the model of a healthy mind.
  10. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    The 275 days is symbolic, in the sense that it'll be the start of a year without porn, at least that's what I would assume anyway.

    Regardless you are going way overboard, that tone doesn't help anybody.
  11. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    What is it symbolic of...that one year means you are automatically rebooted? Your tone promotes the same ignorance present in those with only 8 days pmo free. But you got it figured out.. genius. Lol
  12. G.Baltar

    G.Baltar Fapstronaut

    @Golgo 13

    No I don't think you're being to extreme. Take a look at my rules if you want.

    They are probably more extreme than yours. No I don't think you need to reset. I think you already rebooted (275 days what for?). Don't go do experiments with your rules. You are on the right track. The only way to beat any addiction or compulsion is to abstain. I'm talking about P/Psubs.

    I just violated my commitment to not login in here for a a couple of weeks. Now I'm thinking seriously leaving this site. Too much stone throwing. Shit it's sad that people in 2016 years still have not learned their lesson…

    Phibz did you actually wrote
    "I've seen your type: young, dumb, and full of cum"

    I personally found that extremely offensive. WTF is wrong with you man? Did writing that shit boosted your self-esteem? Did it make you feel righteous?

    It's just sad… :(
    Golgo 13 likes this.
  13. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Just stating a fact, friend. It's sad. But that is the reality. I too, was young, dumb, and full of cum. I usually dont respond to entries by guys in their 20s. But those guys are usually full of shit. Just like I was. But you can feed 'em all the bullshit you want. I'm gonna try and feed 'em something wholesome.
  14. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    First of all congratulations of your gains of over 100 days.

    There is nothing wrong with having something to focus on in life, many people don't even have a focus. So don't worry about being too extreme.

    I Think this is a willpower issue also.

    You've quitted porn, but not masturbation, so you're still objectifying woman. Thus when you see them on billboards, even kids and normal TV videos (which is pretty much soft porn) you feel as if you ARE going to objectifying them in your brain, therefore hitting off all the ques to go into masturbation mode.


    Well done on having a growth mindset and quitting porn. Need to move onto the next step and quit masturbation
  15. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    You're not ready for this.
  16. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I have absolutely no idea in the slightest about what you are talking about. Reset for what? 275 days is when I turn 21, its just a goal, after that I'll still continue to not look at porn/avoid masturbation. You once told me that young people have this addiction the hardest because we grew up with it. All I wanna do is reboot so I can have a normal, healthy sex drive.

    Edit: I believe in straightforward speaking
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
    G.Baltar likes this.
  17. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Think about it.
  18. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    I had it real fuckin' hard too, brah. My talk about the birds and the bees was my step-mom turning me on to hardcore porn. You think I might be a little fucked up? Huh? Fuck yeah, brah! You think "reboot" is about having your penis back? It is so much deeper than that. When you "reboot," you realize that sex is a means of reproduction. Nothing more. It is designed to be pleasurable to stimulate us to reproduce. You are like a peice of play-do that has been beaten with society's hammer. You have this idea of what sex is. But your mind has convinced you of what is important to you. You are a slave. You haven't learned that you can unlearn. And sex is a great thing. But know what is real.
  19. loool, I know your reaching a year without PMO but damn calm down. We're all on the same team.

    First, I'd like to say congrats on reaching 100 days without watching porn. That's huge. And I agree with pikachu, Like he said, eventually you need to learn how to deal with psubs b/c they are everywhere.You don't want to be obsessive. You already went 100+ days without seeing any psubs.
  20. MikeSolo

    MikeSolo Guest

    I understand it's very important to you but the statement "it's all I care about right now" is a little extreme. I would start shifting your focus onto something else to care about because if you do relapse your going to feel like the world is ending. Perspective is a good thing in life and while porn is shitty and can destroy you, keep it in perspective. I guess what I'm trying to say is you seem to be putting yourself through a lot punishment. If so forgiving yourself is a very real thing and often can lead to a happiness.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.