Reading Challenge [2023]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FallingPetals, Jun 26, 2023.

  1. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Eh... Is this girl starting another thread? Hehehe my God, I don't know why I feel so embarrassed whenever I make a new thread lol.

    But... I came across my previous reading thread which was 3 years ago and feel like it's time to push myself a little more. I haven't made any significant progress since then. I am in that phase of life when I can make time for reading easily but just need a little push. Okay, maybe it's not so much about making time, it's more about prioritising and I am getting carried away with the flow of life so I need some accountability.

    I hope this works, inshallah! And if anyone would like to join in, you are welcome. Only two rules: One, no cussing on my thread, thanks. Two, don't make this thread about something else. :)

    Anyway, bismillah!
  2. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    1- ST /[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]/(Start: 3rd July 2023)
    2- RTD (Start: 10th July 2023, End: 23rd July) :emoji_white_check_mark:
    3- The New Confessions of an Economic HitMan
    (Start: 25th July 2023, End: 27th Aug) :emoji_white_check_mark:
    4- Born a Crime /
    (Start: 27th Aug, End: 19th Sept) :emoji_white_check_mark:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  3. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Please do share your list if you make one im always interested in what other people are reading
  4. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Never Finished by David Goggins. Starting tonight. I don't know how many pages I'll be reading per day because I guess I'll fall asleep with a kindle on my face very often. But I'll report the progress here every once in a while.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  5. Very nice. I'm trying to fit more reading into my daily schedule. I'm currently reading Patriot Games by Tom Clancy, and I've set myself a minimum of 20 pages per day.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  6. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    I dont really set a minium or anything I tend to read alot anyway im currently reading Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles book Ikigai ive read it before a long time ago and felt it might be time to revisit it
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  7. I set a goal of reading 30 books this year and just today finished my 19th. A mixture of new books and old ones I wanted to reread.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  8. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Umm, first of all, wasn't expecting any humans to reply to this but hey guys! Hope you all are doing good! Really inspiring to read your updates and progress! :)

    Also, it would have been great to post here again to report some solid progress but unfortunately, I have failed. Haven't even started it. Which is bad and sad, and definitely not a good start.

    So, well, this is embarrassing. But we don't quit, we try again, Zee.
    One Eyed Owl, Musta and Ūruz like this.
  9. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    July Challenge

    Start: 2-07-23

    1. 15 days of reading in the month of July.
    2. Minimum 10 minutes of reading per day.
    • Check in here daily.
    • Try to read first thing in the morning.
    [This means that I should aim to read 5 days this week as next week will be too busy so I can't expect myself to do much in the next week]
  10. I'll join in the challenge. Try to be productive on the site rather than waste time arguing with people.

    My current goal is still to get 30 books read a year. Currently on my 20th so making great progress. Aiming for 30 pages or so a day on average. I'm very busy in the week and much less so on the weekend so I'll try to get more done on weekend to make up for less at other times.
  11. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I will take you up on that invite!

    I got whole bunch of fiction books I want to read; I got The Witcher series for starters, but I also got an almost a whole personal library for free, that was given by a neighbor who was gonna throw all those books out in the garbage if nobody took them, so I took them, cause I hate seeing good books thrown into thrash. Now I have like two years worth of reading, but it's been sitting here in a pile, in my room, for a while, and I wanna finally start getting through them all.

    I've been spending way too much of my free time playing video games and watching TV shows these days, and spending too much time on Youtube and internet in general; I want to get back into reading again. I love reading, it's just that I'm also addicted to the internet, and I rather be addicted to reading, so let's do this!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2023
    One Eyed Owl and FallingPetals like this.
  12. Been reading Offspring by Jack Ketchum. Read 50 pages today.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  13. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Day 1 (2/7)
    (what a great beginning)

    Day 2 (3/7)
    Reading book ST
    :emoji_white_check_mark:10 min
    One Eyed Owl and Ūruz like this.
  14. Got 30 pages done today but I might read more later if I'm not too busy.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  15. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Day 3 (4/7)

    Day 4 (5/7)
    Reading book ST
    :emoji_white_check_mark:10 min
    One Eyed Owl and Ūruz like this.
  16. I'm back. Current book is nearly done, 30-40 pages a day.
    One Eyed Owl, Ūruz and FallingPetals like this.
  17. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Inspiringggggg! keep at it!
    One Eyed Owl and Ūruz like this.
  18. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    I dropped the book I was reading and started a new one (i do that alot so this likely wont be the only time I make a post like this lol ive been told I have the attention span of a goldfish ) but im still trying to read every morning
  19. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Day 5 (6/7)
    Reading book ST
    :emoji_white_check_mark:10 min

    Really happy to have picked up my book again. Forgot how much I enjoyed it
    I would like to read more but have limited time for now so just trying to focus on 10 minutes

    I crave a morning when I wake up early and stay in bed to read with a cuppa, without having to worry about any other responsibility and inshallah I will have it soon
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Today I read for around 40 minutes; I'm reading The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski.