I can cum up to 7 times watching porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by bananafarm.monkey, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. bananafarm.monkey

    bananafarm.monkey Fapstronaut

    Is it normal to be able do what i can as a guy??
    Like when I started porn i only did it till I came, then I wanted more and more. Now I do it till there's no semen left.
  2. Gar Funkle

    Gar Funkle Fapstronaut

    Sounds like good ol dopamine addiction. Had the same phase of addiction to porn. For me barely anything had come out and it was just the hit after hit. Real destructive stuff since it used to inspire me to nut every morning or after school since you would regenerate overnight leading to you wanting to keep doing it over and over.
    Definitely limit your amounts a day that shit really fucked my head up for a long time doing it like that.
    ShotDunyun, BrSweat and AdrienK like this.
  3. As always, turn off internet is the best choice. If you fap 7 time probably it mean you waste a lot of time of your day. Maybe is better try a complete digital detox.
    AdrienK likes this.
  4. bananafarm.monkey

    bananafarm.monkey Fapstronaut

  5. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    I saw on your profile that you're 21. And that's the reason. You're young and full of energy, that's why you can cum 7 times in a row.
    My advice is to find something else where to spend this awesome energy you carrying.

    Have you seen old people? Some barely got energy. Do you think they would cum 7 times in a row in 1 hour?
    Or do you think they would love to have, the same energy you have, back again into their lives to spend it doing things they like?

    Re-think it.
    AsangDam likes this.
  6. @bananafarm.monkey
    I think you don't get enough dopamine when you get the orgasm (maybe because you get the orgasm fast).
    Your first time you didn't get the necessary amount of dopamine and your brain "pretend" to have more.
  7. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    7 times in a day is a lot. Kind of a waste of energy, but then again, the strong sex desire you are feeling is very strong. It’s a tough thing, this PMO thing.
    bananafarm.monkey likes this.
  8. Devilinme2

    Devilinme2 Fapstronaut

    I disagree at least on the age part, I’m in my early 50s and when my addictions hit me at my worst I cum several times in a session…(sometimes I can slow the process down through edging but that need to orgasam and quiet the mind isn’t reserved for the young
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  9. From my perspective, you come from a Muslim household, which is amazing since all of the Muslims I've ever known in my life were the kindest, most touching individuals I've ever met; they're also incredibly loyal and spiritual in any case. Seven times? Seven TIMES? no, that's above average man, that's like purchasing a ticket to death lmao this proves that you're not taking nofap seriously. Why did you decide to start nofap in the first place? Because your friend challenged you, if that's the case, you'll never win nofap, therefore come up with a decent reason. Also, it's not something to show off that you can orgasm seven times or tell others that's just odd LMFAO. The reason why most individuals can have more orgasms is because they are hooked, their brain is already rewired to fap 7 times the average. When you did it the first time, your brain thought, oh, this buddy is fapping 7 times, that's cool, I didn't know he could do that, and so it stores it in your habit cycle and you start to think it's normal to fap 7 times anyways you're 21 years old, you're basically an adult, a fully grown adult, and you shouldn't be worrying about how many times you can fap, worry about your future.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    come now, orgasming 7 times is impressive however you put it, that is not something most ppl can do and his partner will be grateful for that no doubt. OP there is nothing wrong with being able to do it 7 times, and it is impressive never doubt it. Whatever nutriments you lose can easily be recovered by a quick meal anyways. Keep in mind that it can take a while for your body to balance itself after an ejaculation here check this study : https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononth...oital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/.
  11. He can believe what's best for him. Him stating that he can ORGASM 7 times to porn sounds like a problem...
  12. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Yes, that's normal. When I was your age I once had sex with my girlfriend 7 times in a day, I think that was my record. We basically had sex literally all day.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2022
  13. AlexFightsAlex

    AlexFightsAlex Fapstronaut

    I am able to do a multiple relapse like the one you are saying but it is highly destructive for my mood and the following 2-3 days after that one will be very cr**py. It's difficult but in case of relapse the ideal thing is to relapse once. The best thing to do is to do something disruptive, such as intense exercise, a cold shower, go for a run, boxing or whatever thing able to break the cursed cycle.
  14. Devilinme2

    Devilinme2 Fapstronaut


    Let me clarify in that I think a person cumming 7 times a day via a sexual relationship is indeed impressive- I maxed out at 9 in one night with a sexual partner when I was younger, but in my example this is 7 orgasams while watching porn or masterbating in general for no good reason. This may still be impressive, but there is no logical reason to wiggling a lump or is just for the sake of orgasam. It is truely pathetic in my part
  15. So you honestly encourage him to fap 7 times to porn? Even having sex seven times in a row is considered an addiction. A sex addiction is significantly worse than a masturbation addiction. If you want to say that stuff, go someplace else like allkpop, it's not about the nutriment, it's about the life force you're squandering, it's about the seed you're tossing down the sink for what? the sake of amusement? Can you picture the world's most renowned innovators focusing their attention on inventions/passions or sex? You already know that 87 percent of relationships are only about sex and not for true love. Your sperm has the ability to create LIFE and does not deserve to be squandered; simply keep it inside your testicles and you'll see how the sperms you've been wasting and the sexual energy you've been flinging will really return to you and you'll experience the finest of the best.
  16. You can believe whatever you want, I'm only saying what I believe to be true.
  17. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    7 times a day ?
    You can get a job at Pornhub mate, have you considered changing careers ?
  18. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    It's probably not so much about the number of times per se, but how long it takes you to empty, which is the urge of the addict - to empty out completely. It seems you need more repeats to achieve this, as you don't completely release after a few times. After coming off a long abstinence into a relapse, I've always tended to notice it takes about three Os to completely empty. I've sometimes wondered whether this was considered 1 full relapse, rather than 3 partially fulfilling relapses. But, the activity of M seems to suggest 3 times, etc.

  19. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    When I used to binge, I could hit 4-5 orgasms per session watching porn.

    I could take a small break and orgasm even more.

    But this was never a good thing. It was painful, hard on my back, difficult to walk afterward, my dick would look black and blue, I would be dehydrated. By orgasm 3 onward, nothing was coming out and it really felt like nothing.

    I would practically be impotent, if an opportunity for real sex came up for days following.

    With an escort I could reach two orgasms and masturbate a third. After the end of the session, I would then masturbate more orgasms with recall of the escort session combined with pornography. Always the same sickly result.

    That was before I started my current sobriety.

    Now I am happy with the feeling of real sex with a real loving woman. My one orgasm (inside her) is the climax of a hot session of kissing, foreplay, touching, eye contact, feeling, connecting, heated and passionate love making. Not to mention the exuberance of bringing her to orgasm.