Made it to 90 days hard mode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Fran1981, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    Brahmachari, I posted your post on my wall. I am going to meditate on it daily until it becomes ingrained.

    Well done.
    Fran1981 likes this.
  2. Ibrahim Anwar

    Ibrahim Anwar Fapstronaut

    cool man! One thing i want to say to anyone who is struggling with this. You can relapse anytime and there is never a guarantee, that you are done with it forever. You don't know what kind of circumstances come up and you might do it out of desparation, loneliness or just to take out stress. One thing i can say is no matter how many times you relapse, there is a way out, whenever you relapse, do not beat yourself up by thinking that you are becoming weaker now, etc. etc. just say to yourself, in that moment you could do nothing else and now you have to do things a bit differently. Thats all !!!
    Fran1981 likes this.
  3. immanuel.iitd

    immanuel.iitd Fapstronaut

  4. Ibrahim Anwar

    Ibrahim Anwar Fapstronaut

  5. Hi Fran,

    I hope you are doing well, man.

    Please do come back and update us soon.
  6. Fran1981

    Fran1981 Fapstronaut

    Hey man. I did another stretch of 97 days then PMO for 4 hrs. Then I did it again twice today. I feel so miserable inside and so despondent that I can do such a long stretch hard mode and then fall back into the exact same behaviour as before. I don't know where to turn. My accountability partner has not spoke to me for a week. I fucking hate my weakness. I think I need to work on willpower.......
    Please help me