Addicted boyfriends please help me

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Sosneedhelp, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. Sosneedhelp

    Sosneedhelp New Fapstronaut

    I am a SO of a guy who has a porn addiction. He is so good to me and we have a very strong friendship and relationship. We have been seeing eachother for a long time and I recently found out about his addiction because he was chatting people online asking for pictures etc. he is willing to make an effort for me to change but I’m not sure how to react when he slips up and watches something. How can I help
    Him, is it okay if he masterbatez to pics of me?? Or should he stop all together. Please help
  2. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Masturbation in any form is not going to help. The brain chemistry basically makes this very problematic. Treat him well when he slips, but set expectations that he quit. My wife knew about my problem before we married, but I didn't want to talk about it and that didn't help.
  3. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    He needs to want to quit for himself, if he is only doing it because of you he is likely to fail. He needs to do the work to get clean and stay that way. As for how you react? There is no one answer. Set your boundaries and stick to them, make them clear.
    Masturbation is a slippery slope and will only lead back to PMO. It will do him no good to get off to your or any pictures, his brain needs to heal and relearn what real sex and intimacy is.
  4. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    A good resource to start with is . Masturbation will not curb the addiction to porn, in fact, it will more than likely create more desire for it. The same goes for "edging," which is masturbating almost to the point of ejaculation but stopping just before that. It all goes back to the chemical reaction that happens in the brain when he does these actions. He needs to reset his brain from those chemical hits.

    Set boundaries with consequences and be willing to follow through. They may feel like punishments to him, but they are not. They are protections for you.
    hope4healing likes this.
  5. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Exactly what was already said. It’s awesome to me that your willing to help him so much you would send him pictures of you to touch himself to. That would probably be okay if he didn’t have a porn issue to begin with and he would solely just look at you or your pictures. But those will lead to him wanting more and more.

    So he cannot masteurbate at all. He cannot touch himself. Only form of pleasure he can get is from you. It’s very, very hard though. So if he fails don’t be too hard on him, however don’t let him keep failing as a excuse either. If he is serious about quitting he can get better, but it will take time.
    Nugget9 and Sosneedhelp like this.
  6. GoodFeeling

    GoodFeeling Fapstronaut

    I have been a PA for about 10 years. I PMO'd once a day but never moved into hardcore porn. I don't have PIED but I am unable to orgasm during sex. I have never had to think about porn scenes or anything else when I'm intimate with my girlfriend but DE (delayed ejaculation) started to get frustrating and I realised it is probably due to years of deathgrip and desensitization. Even though I am addicted to porn I truly only enjoy sex with my girlfriend and I want to heal so our sex life can improve so much more. I do not know how severe your boyfriend's addiction is but try to find new ways of being intimate together and that could help the healing process. At least that is what keeps me going.
    Sosneedhelp likes this.