How fap destroyed my life even before i ever touched porn..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ray Breslin, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Okay, i feel it necessary to share my experience here.

    I was 13 when i started masturbating. I did not get into porn until i was 17 and after i was done with school . Maybe once every few months i'd watch a movie sex scene or see a partially clothed actress' photo. I masturbated because everyone was doing it, it felt good and there was this myth among guys that it helped you grow taller. I did it once everyday to 2-3 times a day from the time i was 13 till i was 16 years and 3 months old, when something changed. During all this time, i had started applying myself and was academically edging towards the top of my class. Then one day, in November everything just changed.

    I just wasn't as smart as i used to be. I was unable to concentrate or focus at all, my impressive memory started failing me repeatedly and i felt tired all the time.
    I thought it was perhaps lack of motivation so i tried to motivate myself. I realized that wasn't the case so i started working harder but now 3 hours of study gave me an output of half an hour of studying. I tried some multivitamins, they too did not work. I tried exercising to little effect. It took me a long time to realize that this was a consequence of me masturbating too much. I thought it too, to be silly but when i looked up on the internet i found many others suffering with the same stuff as me. I first got to where i found support and realized i must clean up my act. There too a couple of people, often newbies were sceptical. By this time i had fallen in the academically below average in my class and an year later, i lost my opportunity of getting into my dream college.

    If masturbation has no physical side effects.So tell me why did a 16 year old guy, at the prime of his youth as many would say, who had never smoked, consumed alcohol/weed/drugs, did not watch porn , woke up one day and had lost his vitality and spark?

    Science is an ever evolving domain. Just sometime ago what Einstein said was creepy and impossible was proved to be entirely possible (How particles effected each other regardless of distance).

    If you have seen the movie "The Kings speech" when King George V went to a new speech therapist for his stammer and was having a smoke, the therapist asks him to snuff out the cigarette. The king replies that his present therapist has said that "Smoking would help relax his throat muscles" to which his new therapist replies "I have a belief that sucking smoke into your lungs can do you no good". This implies that at that time the side effects of smoking were unknown and it was considered acceptable, who knows, even encouraged? We all know what it does now.

    This could apply to masturbation too. Just because science hasn't got to its negatives yet, doesn't mean it isn't going to one day, especially with thousands of guys surfacing who are suffering from overdoing it.

    Think of this logically. Everything in life has a cost. Why wouldn't semen have a cost too? Its stupid to think that you can just fap,fap,fap without any limits or consequence .Masturbation has an upper limit. There is a limit to how many times you can fap without all hell breaking loose. Yes, the brain wiring thing is pretty real but so are the physical effects.

    I mostly don't try to convince any one that fapping is harmful, even without and before porn. This thread focused exclusively on the topic so i decided to share my experience.
  2. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    Man i feel every word you wrote.
  3. BuddyLee

    BuddyLee Fapstronaut

    That was a good read.

  4. Did you experience any tromatic event around that age?
    How was your stress? did you have a normal fun childhood?
    Did you experience any pressure from familly to perform in school?
    Any illness around that time? (aggressive cold, or anything like that?

    any other source of stress you can think of? physical/mental stresses