Masturbation has no "benefits"!.

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Infinite spirit, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    There is no benefits to masturbation whatsoever ..ok..maybe it is not that much bad to fap every once in a while..but it has no "benefits". You are not doing anything where the fuck could the benefits come from?!! are not eating something are not working are not working on your business are just draining your energy and your testosterone..maybe that's a great benefit !!
  2. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    You're making sure your balls produce fresh sperm and stay active. Any system inside your body that you don't use for a prolonged period of time deteriorates, means it becomes prone to disease. Whether it's your muscles, your brain or you genitalia. It's proven that men who don't ejaculate at least twice per week have a higher chance of prostate cancer.
  3. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Wet dreams. ​
  4. Eh, it can be fun?A lot of fun, if you are doing it well and not hasty? I mean, it can be really really good, much better for example than mediocre sex with a douchebag or a double cheesburger with a chocolate milkshake.

    I have news for you. There are indeed men in the world, who regularly masturbate and are vegans, fit and ripped as fuck and running a successfull business. All of it the same time. Can you imagine that? And they often have a great taste in fashion, are cultural and polictial informed and sometimes more handsome as typical moviestars. All of it the same time! They are called gay men. Ever met one? Or try a bisexual, if you are curious.
    IR254 likes this.
  5. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    I think when masturbation is done in moderation without porn it can be very beneficial. I don't think people who are addicted to porn should masturbate. It can reduce stress/tension, help you sleep and put you in a good mood. So when it is done this way it benefits your mental and physical health. When this is done in moderation there isn't any bad consequences. When your masturbating more than twice a week or so it can become a problem as we all know
  6. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    I mean health benefit. Because as you stated ..junk food is not beneficial even though it makes you feel good(the flavores and the tastes). This is not what we mean when we say "benefit"..if we follow this logic then shooting heroin is the most "beneficial " activity ever!.
    I didn't say if you masturbate in moderation then you can't be healthy or successful.. that's just ridiculous . But what I'm saying is" the act of masturbation itself is not beneficial ..which means it doesn't improve YOUR health or vitality In any way other than temporarily putting you in a chilled out state of mind only to put you in even worse state of mind after few hours..if this can be called a benefit at all!."
    I don't get what being gay or bisexual have to to do with masturbation and being successful . Sorry I don't get th as last part.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  7. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Can't you think of something else that helps you reduce stress and fall asleep other than draining your fucking life force energy?!.
    Maybe prayer. warm shower. Time in nature. Cuddling with family member.
    NO .NO .NO.we should fap our libido out..we should castrate ourself also so we can fall asleep...its ridicouls !
  8. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Yes all of those things are options as well. You said it has no benefits.(except for cuddling with a family member?? I'm not into that, but whatever floats your boat) I listed some benefits. I didn't say we should "fap our libido out" I said in moderation it can be beneficial to some people.
    IR254 likes this.
  9. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Yes but my options got zero side effects. Whereas masturbation does decrease :your libido..your testosterone.. your energy.
    And this is precisely why it helps you fall asleep.
    ultrafabber likes this.
  10. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Whats the point of having libido if you aren't going to use it?
  11. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    The point is to have sex with a real person and to procreate ..not to have sex with your hand and deteriorate .
    ultrafabber likes this.
  12. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    I agree one hundred percent. But to say it has 0 benefits is wrong.
  13. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Because sex and masturbation are very similar so that argument is invalid
  14. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Just because you passionately hate masturbation doesn't mean it doesn't have benefits when done in moderation
    IR254 likes this.
  15. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

    Do you get any benefit when you go to the beach on summer time?
    No, all you do is putting yourself at risk to have cancer because of the sun
    Let's forbide that too.
    Lenard Fosterman and IR254 like this.
  16. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Wrong. First of all..masturbation and sex are totally different in many ways. Sex release oxytocin which makes you feel confeidnce and love..masturbation Does NOT. Because your conscious mind knows the difference..masturbation is cheating on it doesn't fullfil you completly. Your subconscious mind however can't tell the difference. And that's why you can get aroused from watching porn at all.
    Secondly ..who said that there is any benefits to having Sex?!. Ofcourse you have amazing experience feel may become a father (all of these are not in masturbation anyway) but this is Not what I mean by "benefits " .I mean one thing "IMPROVING YOUR HEALTH "
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  17. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Im not here to forbide anything not here to judge anyone. I'm speaking from my personal experience ..if you want to become the weakest version of yourself ..the lowest version of anxiety..low energy..low self-esteem ....then fap off all you want.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  18. ConMan

    ConMan Fapstronaut

    Well you judged me yesterday when you called me a weirdo lol
    IR254 likes this.
  19. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Then explain to me why apes and monkeys masturbate. Are they cheating nature too?

    I've never had a wet dream in my life.
    IR254 likes this.
  20. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    That was a reaction to you calling me a"clown " " a troll" "unintelligent ". If you apologize ..i will.