Comments on Profile Post by JohnPaulGeorgeRingo

  1. Icyweb
    Keep this in mind:
    If I can ignore temptation for just 10 more seconds, I can ignore it for a minute.
    If I can ignore it for a minute, then an hour won't be so hard.
    If I can stay true to myself for an hour, then a day will easily follow
    If I can make it a day, why not a week?
    If I can be strong for a week, then why not a month?
    Apr 18, 2017
    JohnPaulGeorgeRingo likes this.
  2. Icyweb
    And if a month is possible, then so is a year.
    If I can make it for a year, why would I ever stop?
    If I can hold out for just 10 more seconds, then I can be free forever.
    Apr 18, 2017
    JohnPaulGeorgeRingo likes this.
  3. Shin Iu
    Shin Iu
    keep busy in a way of elimination of tho thought, learn a skill like mindfullness or yoga through either internets or courses. This purpose is to keep you observing your thoughts.
    Apr 18, 2017
    JohnPaulGeorgeRingo likes this.
  4. JohnPaulGeorgeRingo
    @Icyweb I really love this mentality. The presence is key!
    Apr 22, 2017
    Rising Sun !! and Shin Iu like this.
  5. JohnPaulGeorgeRingo
    @Shin Iu Completely agree. Mindfulness and the present is all we have. That is the key to unlock the truth.
    Apr 22, 2017
    Rising Sun !! and Shin Iu like this.