Comments on Profile Post by Owari

  1. Sleeping_Beauty
    Congratulations for you, it's great that you've started this.

    You're only 13, really? That's a really responsible decision at your age!
    Jun 24, 2016
  2. Owari
    Thank you!

    I actually am 13! It isn't neccesarily as responsible as it seems. I've already known that it's bad, so I want to stop, but it's been pretty hard Σ(・□・;)
    Jun 26, 2016
  3. Sleeping_Beauty
    That's okay, I think you're off to a great start doing this at 13. They say it's easier to change habits when you're younger, so you're really doing yourself a service by tackling this now.
    Jun 27, 2016
  4. Owari
    Well definitely. I feel the need to stop this now because I absolutely do not want to have this or any other kind of addiction as an adult. Imagining me as an adult, heavily addicted to PMO, is scary to me. My goal is to make sure it never carries on to adulthood, so like you said for myself I'm stopping this now.
    Jun 27, 2016