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Dec 10, 2013
Jul 22, 2013
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New Fapstronaut

dannynofap was last seen:
Dec 10, 2013
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  • About

    I am a really strongly independent 25 year old male. Easy going and quick to make light of a situation. I tend to be very emotionally stable, realistic and strong willed. All in all someone you'd think has it well put together and I do except for the obvious. Highly social and confident around others. I find myself getting along with everyone. Reading this post you wouldn't know it, but modest too. I am really trying to dive deep into my character which isn't something I usually do around people. For as much emotion as I give off, it is controlled, not that I'm not being genuine.

    So with all the above mentioned. It makes it hard for me to admit/believe I need someone to hold me accountable. I feel like I can work it out on my own. (although I can recognize my own ignorance.)

    So on to the fun part shall we? Why would I come here if I think I can work it out on my own? Fact's don't lie. Clearly my porn tastes have escalated to an unhealthy and almost illegal level. Is it because those illegal things would turn me on? Nope! In fact I find it quiet repulsing, without exception. But escalating addiction blah blah blah... if you are on my level I need not go on.

    So as much as me and porn have been friends for 14 years now. It's time to go our separate ways. Hoping I can find someone to drag on this journey with me.

    I am hoping for someone as similar to me as possible. As in character and situation. Your interests can be all over the place. I need someone I can relate to more than just talk too.

    PM if you think we can help each other out.

    P.s. I noticed a lot of the sites associated with no porn are religiously oriented. Makes sense why, but that's not my cup of tea. So I'd prefer to stay away from all that.

    Travel (Im abroad right now), food, partying, staying active, movies, shows love trying new things