
List of all social groups at NoFap®.

Most Members

  1. Students in Recovery
    5739 members, 54.1K views.
  2. Muslim Fapstronauts
    4494 members, 77K views.
  3. Indian Fapstronauts
    2930 members, 34.4K views.
  4. The Everest Challenge
    2703 members, 44.7K views.
  5. Gay Men
    1905 members, 41.8K views.
  6. Catholic Fapstronauts
    1534 members, 49.5K views.
  7. Awaken Your Life
    1351 members, 15K views.
  8. NoFap en Español
    1283 members, 55.8K views.
  9. Bodybuilding Fapstronauts
    1135 members, 12.5K views.
  10. SOS: Significant Others Support
    997 members, 37K views.

Recent Threads

  1. galaxim NoFap en español
    galaxim replied, Jun 1, 2024 at 12:42 AM
  2. Faithe Faithe's Journal
    Faithe replied, Jun 1, 2024 at 12:32 AM
  3. timcia Purpose
    timcia replied, May 31, 2024 at 4:30 PM
  4. timcia Purpose
    timcia replied, May 31, 2024 at 4:16 PM
  5. Hazard_zone Cómo dejar el P
    Hazard_zone replied, May 31, 2024 at 11:10 AM

Trending Threads

  1. galaxim NoFap en español
    galaxim replied, Views: 2,727,648
  2. RagazzoDellaPizza FORUM ITALIANO
    RagazzoDellaPizza replied, Views: 248,129
    purplebat14 replied, Views: 132,727
  4. Deleted Account NoFap on Arabic - نوفاب...
    Deleted Account replied, Views: 104,606
  5. hollyman NoFap INDONESIA / +62 /...
    hollyman replied, Views: 103,706
A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion
An inclusive, safe space for LGBTQ folks on NoFap to gather to discuss recovery and life
Para usuarios Hispanoparlantes que deseen comunicarse en español.
हिंदी में अश्लील और अश्लील लत के बारे में चर्चा के लिए| ہندی میں فحش اور فحش لت کے بارے میں بحث کے ل
Brasileiros e falantes da língua portuguesa.
For Fapstronauts from the Indian sub-continent and the Indian diaspora.

public 中文NoFap

A place for rebooters to meet and discuss 12-Step programs in conjunction with their reboot
A group of agnostic and atheist fapstronauts to get come together chat about recovery.
A community dedicated to nutrition, fitness, and overall health on a reboot.